Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 762: Loot 2/3

Her nephew was pale and straight up. She was never so close to death. The huge bone knife was almost the same as her whole. Just now she almost thought she would be cut off. The short breath made her chest blew up. The cold sweat behind him instantly smashed his back, and he did not calm down the heart of the bunny. A man with dust and twisted anger came to her body less than ten centimeters away from her. The swaying bonebow wants to flatten this cheek, but a big hand first grabs the scorpion's pink neck and pushes it. The uncontrollable child is thrown out by the big hand, half-necked and flies backwards. Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to her side again, gently pushing it on her chest, and the baby suddenly became a winged bird, falling to the ground and painfully rolling.

Zhang Xiaoqiang spit out the sulking gas in his chest, lifted his hand and wiped off the sweat on his forehead. The pain on his body made him turn his head and look at the snake scales on his shoulder. Even the 12.7 mm bullet can resist the second-class mutant beast, broken in the shoulder. A crack with a burning mark is opened, and the blood is squirting from the inside of the wound. If the leather is not strong, maybe his shoulder will be blown off by the long arrow, and the huge bone arch on the ground will be left behind. Dust, the two-meter-long spur long bow surprised him. He just threw out Chen Yu’s bone knife. The bone knife has the same texture and bone arch, but it is far less than the bone arch. There are more than one hundred kilograms. The two-meter-long bone bow may be heavier. Such a heavy weapon can definitely bend the bones of the person, but the slim girl can easily lift it. Up, you can also jump seven or eight meters with a bone bow, which is not what ordinary evolutionists can do.

In the first two steps, the bone arch was lifted. The heavy bone bow made Zhang Xiaoqiang hold a little bit of difficulty. The weight of 189 kilograms was not a joke. After a slight wave, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not feel so resentful to the **** the ground. The little girl is undoubtedly a strong person. Although her messy hair covers her cheeks, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not have the heart to kill. He sees that this boy and a girl are not too young, and Ai Qingshan can’t say that But the nature is kind, compared to the indulged society, adults with all kinds of negative emotions, children can't be bad or bad, but it is selfish, but today's world, not selfish, there is no way to survive.

The dirty military shoes stood beside the nephew, Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly squatted, and opened the messy hair covering the cheeks. Although Zhang Xiaoqiang had some hands, the depression that was trapped in the room before gave him a subconscious sigh. More lessons, until now, Chen Yu lying on the ground deep coma, the broken teeth can not grow back, and the delicate face of the child is infected with sweat and dust into a cat, also see Not the original pretty appearance, only the pair of deep eyes with flashing anger and despair are not escaping from Zhang Xiaoqiang. If the burning flame in the eyes can really kill, I am afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang has already burned in her eyes. Gray fly.


Zhang Xiaoqiang’s hoarse voice has just been exported, and two young innocent rumors came from behind, obviously in the voice of the voice changer, like two screaming male ducks, with strong anger, passed to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s ear and let him I bounced for a while.

"Let your sister-in-law..."

The voice did not fall, the two small bodies were left and right, and they jumped over to Zhang Xiaoqiang. The people had not arrived yet. The two white bones and claws grabbed the fierce wind and pressed against Zhang Xiaoqiang, a hurricane. The air also became sticky. Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that he was trapped in a weird gas field. The sticky air seemed to be glued. The left and right rounds of rotation made him turn around and transform, as if he had a weird The repulsion is pulling him.

The first time I encountered this strange ability, the two white bone claws seemed to change the shape of the air, making Zhang Xiaoqiang stiff under the claws, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a normal survivor. He has not experienced countless life and death. It will be flustered because he is not used to it. Even if he is struggling in this strange atmosphere, the hurricane bursts, and the two claws are swept away from the shoulders of Zhang Xiaoqiang with a thousand heads. The claws are like sharp sharp pickaxes, and Zhang Xiaoqiang's whole body trembles, letting the bones of the whole body move at this moment. The crisp and crisp sounds are like firecrackers. The strength of the whole body drives the strength of the arms. From the difference of two milligrams, touch the two white bone claws, and hit the middle in the moment when the hair is not allowed.


The two claws hit together in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyelids. After a loud noise, they bounced in the opposite direction, causing the twins who wielded the claws to lose their balance, squatting and trying to stand still, but there was no sticky delay. Feeling Zhang Xiaoqiang had already rushed to them, grabbing a small head with one hand, as he hit the claws and gently.

The twins hit their foreheads on the forehead when they were crying out. The eyes suddenly straightened, and the huge claws of the animal were loosened and swayed in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang. After three or two laps, they fell to the ground together. Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help himself, and the two children of Ding Ding fainted in front of him in this funny way, which made this life and death fight a little cute.

"Don't hurt them, aren't you coming to me? I promised to marry you, don't hurt them..."

A scream interrupted Zhang Xiaoqiang, who wanted to grab the two twins. Zhang Xiaoqiang bent over and looked behind him, but he saw the gray-faced nephew sitting on the ground and screaming at him, holding a sharp arrow in his hand. Obviously, I wanted to resist, but Zhang Xiaoqiang took away the longbow and could only helplessly shout. Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up and looked around, and his heart was realized.

Sitting on the ground, squatting, are a group of underage children, even the biggest deaf children are almost as big as the current cockroaches when the virus broke out. Although they are all evolutionary, they are not Like the killer sent by the big forces, the heart seems to be moving, and it seems that these children have more potential than the adult evolvers, and it is worthy to gather them in their hands.

"I don't need you to marry me, but you will listen to me all the time. What do I do for you?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't have a cold on his nephew to marry himself. The dirty gimmick on his face doesn't look too ugly, but he doesn't even have interest in Man, and he is less interested in this underage girl. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s proposal made the child’s face desperate, and suddenly turned the arrow and pointed at the throat and screamed: “Don’t think about it~www.readwn.com~ I won’t let them join you, you die this heart, I am willing to die in front of you and do not agree?"

The deaf children’s decision made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel a little confused, even marry him not afraid, but did not want these teenagers to follow him, is this girl’s brain teasing? Or will she have to be dedicated to be willing? At this moment, the sinister eyes of the nephew made him involuntarily goose bumps, so that he also had a smoldering fire. From the beginning to the end, he was honestly sightseeing here, and he was not indiscriminate to kill him. Fortunately, he is afraid that these children will not die when they are young, but the nephew will treat him as a bad thing, and let Zhang Xiaoqiang, who feels good from me, feel very uncomfortable.

"Whatever you think, this time I don't care about you, but you attacked me for no reason, so I have a psychological shadow, you need compensation, these two boys will be compensated, what should you do, later The light is bright, not everyone is as good as I am...."

During the speech, Zhang Xiaoqiang threw away the long bones of the white bones, picked up two animal claws, and turned the dizzy twins under the armpit and turned away. When Zhang Xiaoqiang left, the nephew almost went crazy and climbed up. Chasing behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, still screaming in his mouth:

"Let them go, let them go, grab me and catch me, it doesn't matter to them, it's me..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not even return to this time, but his footsteps were much lighter. After three or two steps, he began to trotting. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaoqiang disappeared into the corner of the street. Twins disappeared together, and the silver teeth of the scorpion were broken. A bright red blood flowed down the broken lips. The crystal tears of the two places just appeared in the corner of the eye and she was wiped off with dusty sleeves. She turned to look at Chen Yu, who was looking at her on the ground. Said:

"No need to install it again..."

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