Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 768: Moonlight is like ice 3/3

"Come back, come back, a big car, Chen Yuge standing on the car..."

At the small village entrance, Xiaoyan saw a large truck with no power. The huge truck in the truck was full of snakeskin bags. The bag was several times higher than the body, making the big truck look like it could fall over at any time. Chen Yu, carrying a long bone knife, stood on the roof of the car, as if the warrior guarding the food, holding his hands on his chest, his face was grim, it seemed quite temperament.

Under the guidance of Otaru, the truck circumvented a trap and drove into the village. The whole village burst into a huge cheer. They were all a group of people who ate the porridge today, and there was no temperament for the ration. The women were okay and forbearing. It’s gone, but those children who need nutrition urgently, the little belly is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much food they can eat, no matter how much they eat, they can’t eat enough.


Chen Yu broke the brown hemp rope that bundled the grain bag. A bag of grain fell from the car like a collapsed block to the ground. Many of the grain bags were already corroded. When they landed, they blew up countless colors of rice, even rice. There is a strong musty smell, and in the hearts of cheering people, there is also a cherished cherish. They rushed to the edge of the grain and squatted. The rice was picked up. Many children were already hungry and hunger, and they caught it in their mouths. Hey, the women around them are dying, one by one, and they put their fingers into their little mouths and death buckles. They are afraid that they have eaten the unclean mold and food, and Chen Yu puts the bone knife down on the roof. Holding the handle in one hand, looking at the crowd cheering under the arbitrarily, as if all this is his charity, the following people can enjoy such a good gift.

The door opened, and the child came down to the car. The hair that picked up the ear showed a crystal earlobe. The eyebrows were all smiling, but there was a glimpse of a glimpse in her eyes. The children were very well-positioned in this group. Everyone dared not rely too close to be afraid of offense. Only Xiaoyan took two little girls to the front of her nephew. She did not pay attention to the food piled up in the mountains. She just looked at her nephew:

"I'm sorry, I am sorry, Jingru Xiaojing, Xiaotian and Haiya, I couldn't save it, there..."

It’s dangerous to say that, but she can’t say why, for the sake of these foods, they may not have the chance to save the Ning’s brothers. They think that these foods were exchanged with the Ning brothers, and her heart suddenly felt uncomfortable. Lifting up the sleeves and wiping the tears from the corners of the eyes, seriously and surely guarantees to several children:

"Red Girl is still watching there, and they can be rescued whenever they have a chance. I promise, as long as they are still alive..."

At this time, another door was opened, and the guards with their beards were stunned down to the car. They were surprised to see hundreds of thousands of women and children. Many of them had scars and many women’s hands and feet were deformed. It was so sad that it was seen, but when it fell into the eyes of the guards, it scared him to death, looking at the delicate and screaming voice of the child:

"No... don't kill me, I don't know if you are a night demon..., I am going to go right away, everything here will not be said, I will not go back to the city, just..."

The nephew turned and stared at the guard, and asked coldly:

"Do you know me? Have you done those things?"

With a splash, the driver fell to the ground and argued again and again:

"Your name has spread all the powers. It is said that there is a restricted area in the suburbs. Anyone who enters will be killed by the night demon. Anyone who escapes will be chased. You have killed ten in the night. Eight evolutionists, two hundred and seventy big men..."

Obviously, this guard knows not much. The understanding of the deaf children is also heard. The deaf children have slowed down their minds. These women and children have exposed her identity. People in the whole city know that only one place will accept these women and children. Only the night demon dared to carry the waste that can only be eaten, can not work, looked at the guards in front of a panic, and the children gradually extinguished the killing, pointing to the crowds who looked around here:

"You also saw that there are a group of deaf people here. I promised that you are safe. Then you have to be honest. They are already pitiful. I don't want anyone to hurt them any more. You are a man, I hope. You can protect them instead of hurting them..."

The guards who talked about the children slowly lowered their heads. In fact, what really scared him was not the name of the nightmare of the nephew, but the nephew never left alive for the man. There are only two kinds of people sheltering her, women and The child, even a slightly bigger boy, is not willing to shelter. She is afraid that her son would lie to him before, and will not let him join the power of the nephew. He only thinks that he will kill it when he finishes using it. Now he promises to let him still There are doubts, but it is a little peace of mind.

“Put the food into the warehouse first, organize the staff to handle it cleanly, and we have a full meal tonight...”

The last words of my nephew let all the children scream, and the thin smiles are not normal blushing. It is always a distant dream for them to eat. Now the dream is about to be realized, even if it is just a short meal. It is enough to let them break out of the joy of self-heartedness. This group of children has long forgotten their identity as a petite baby before the end of the world. They forgot that their grandparents were chasing after them with a rice bowl and begging them to eat a bite, but also forgot all kinds of wonderful things. Snacks and drinks, at this time, they only screamed for a moldy, but full of rice.

The night has re-enclosed the earth, the carnival of the small village is over, all the children hold the belly that is rising, and the three or five groups are sitting in the trees and sharing the feeling of eating and eating. It’s just their stomach, actually Their hearts are still hungry. If women are not strictly monitored, they are afraid that they will break their belly. I am afraid they can continue to eat. The quiet and peaceful after dinner is filled in the village. Through the moonlight, women will Tableware and kitchen utensils are cleaned by the river. The river under the moonlight is romantic and charming. The children stand on the upper reaches of the river and look at the lively river. The heart is full of love for the Ning brothers. I don’t know when, I have been monitoring. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s red little girl appeared beside her.

"We are wrong. The eight evolutionists in the urban area were all over the army. They only killed one guard and dozens of others."

The report of Hong Xiaomei made her amazed, and turned and stared at the smile of the little girl like a full moon. The trembling said:

"Impossible, they still have hundreds of infantry, and the man's men all surrendered, how could it be..."

Red little girl suddenly smiled ~www.readwn.com~ The heart of the child said:

"You and Chen Yu's luck is really good. He has been let go of his active attack. You must know that the evolutionists that people will seize are all put into the stone mill and ground into a meat sauce..., a few hundred people A monster that is too powerful to be invulnerable. His card is a dragon that is 100 meters long. The dragon is only listening to him. Heavy machine guns are useless. It is terrible..."

With the story of Hong Xiaomei, the face of her nephew became more and more ugly. She was originally stunned by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and she was very unconvinced. She always wanted to get back to the scene and beat the meal back. I didn’t expect Zhang Xiaoqiang. The bottom card is so strong, the mutant beast that is up to 100 meters long will never be killed by the evolutionary. It will calculate the army before it. If there is no main battle tank and powerful weapon, it will not be able to kill. The useless heavy machine gun means her. The bow and arrow may also be useless. If so, she really can't take Zhang Xiaoqiang.

"But he can't ask for it. The four kings are not so easy to offend. Maybe the evolutionary and thousands of soldiers will kill the door tomorrow morning, and..."

The red little girl’s topic turned, and her eyes suddenly burst into angry flames.

"Don't take care of Ning Haiya. Now they have become the followers of others. They are just like dog legs. I saw them carrying the weapons you gave them. I am next to that person. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Willing to..."

When the children heard this, their eyes flashed cold, and then they disappeared into the deep, and the moon was like a frost. The gauze was usually draped on the two people. The cool moonlight was like ice, and the two people had a faint chill. Wang Yang died. At the moment, I regained my mind on the child's mind. The desperate eyes with the expectation, the right hand that dripped the blood to her direction, and the moment she turned back, was torn off and flew in the air and died.

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