Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 779: Start 2/3

At this time, Xiao Xiaomei secretly found her nephew, sneaking her to the remote corner, and the two stood under the hidden wall. When the nephew was inexplicable, the red girl was not worried about it. A moment, quietly said:

"My sister, I heard a message that the four kings and the man reached a settlement. It was the guy who told the four kings a secret. This secret is related to the ability of the evolutionary...."

The little girl said that she was surprised, but she didn’t have much interest. She didn’t care how big her strength was, but whether her classmates and women and children could eat enough. After listening to the little girl, she finished her head and looked at her head. After thinking for a long time, I finally shook my head and said:

"We don't participate in this matter. Even what you can hear is equal to everyone knowing, don't say whether this is true or not. Even if it is true, there will be no share for us. There are too many people. What can we do with a few people? If you hurt one or two, regret it is too late, or stay here and be honest, I heard that the person is ready to farm, since he can do this I must have found a way to grow food. You should talk to the two little guys and let them give me ventilation and teach us..."

The little red girl thinks of the treasure, and the child wants to farm, and suddenly she is disappointed, and she grinds and says:

"But they are saying that as long as the top evolutionary gets that thing, you can become the king of Shanghai. You are the top evolutionary, you get it, you can become a king, and whoever dares to bully us... ...."

The nephew looked helplessly at Red Xiaomei, patiently explained:

"I am now a top evolutionary, but I can't even fill the children's stomachs. What if I become a king? Only I become those selfish evolutionists, and they can get them together. What you have, otherwise, even if you become a king, you will be surrounded by everyone. I don't want that kind of life. For me, only food is the real treasure..."

The nephew and the little red girl hid in a remote corner and said this. They didn’t know, just across the wall from them, Chen Yu was secretly eating the rice dumplings he had hidden here, while eating cold rice dumplings. Listening carefully to the faint voice on the wall, the words of the child made him disdain. The words of Xiaomeimei made his eyes sparkle with ambition. He can also be regarded as a half-top evolutionary. If he got it?

The entire city is staring at the four kings, looking for any clues to confirm the news, the four kings also know that they are being stared, the action is even more strange, and Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Cheng have begun to plan **** the mutant beast This mutant beast was first discovered by the four kings. It is very bitter. The mutant beast may be only one-third the size of the big water snake, but the combat power may not be worse than the big water snake. More than a hundred people, more than a dozen evolutionists did not fight, so that the four kings in the fear of the same as the mutant beasts.

This mutant beast is not in the urban area, but the original site of the four kings. The waterway is miscellaneous, and there are not many zombies around. This allows them to stand on the end of the world. With the foundation, this whole body scale has a huge head. The mutant beasts shaped like flying fish are hidden in the water. They are good at jumping and gliding. They can easily jump from one river to another, so their original residence has become the exclusive territory of the mutant beast. The zombies along the river are almost Exiled by this mutant beast, if they did not run early, only a small number of people stayed in the premises to guard the foundation, or the whole force might collapse.

If this is the case, don't use the four kings too much to worry about. After all, things that can't get on the shore can only be in the water, but this is not the same. If the zombies on the side of the river are eaten clean, once they land, they can use Four stout limbs, dexterously running on the land, as long as the food is found, it will return to the water again, it is a weird amphibious creature.

In this way, once you master this mutant beast, the four kings are equivalent to mastering a big killer far beyond the top evolutionary. At that time, it is not necessary to unify the entire urban area. Now this mutant beast is broken by gold. It took out as a bait and became a bargaining chip for the entire city. They have already suffered a big loss in this mutant beast. They know that this mutant beast is very difficult to clean up. If they want to kill independently, I am afraid that the evolutionary losers will Far beyond their imagination.

Zhang Xiaoqiang got the first-hand information of this mutant beast. Every time he saw it, his heart trembled. He said that he also saw a lot of mutant beasts. Many mutant beasts died in his hands or under the influence. However, he began to have a headache after seeing this mutant beast. His superb ability to bounce and gliding let him know that this mutant beast will not be easily confined to one place, and will accidentally escape from trouble, first in The first step of siege has encountered difficulties.

Secondly, this mutant beast has outstanding defense power. So far, there is no known means to break the scales of the mutant beast. Compared with other mutant beasts, the scales of the mutant beasts are quite powerful, just like big Like the water snake, it can already guard against rifle bullets at the second level. At the third level, the machine gun bullets can also be prepared. Now I am afraid that even the anti-aircraft guns can defend, and the big water snake seems to be a very weak mutant in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s view. At least, I don’t know what special ability it has.

And the mutant beast is not only superior in defense, but also an eccentric ability to prevent it. If it angers this monster, it can secrete a transparent mucus in the gap between the scales. Once this mucus appears, it will weather and air. The middle will be filled with the taste of bitter almonds. When this taste appears, people around hundreds of meters, whether they are evolutionary or not, will be paralyzed in the shortest time, life and death can not.

A wide range of chemical killing weapons is just one of its talents. The most terrifying thing is the monster's tongue. No one can know where the farthest distance of the tongue is. This tongue is like a bundle of fairy tales in a biochemical story. Shadow, any person or thing that is stuck by this snake head will be dragged into the monster's mouth and no sound. The most important thing is that this tongue is not straight and straight, so that the survivors around the monster have no hiding place at all. No matter how tightly they are hidden and how complicated the terrain is, they will be pulled out by the tongue and eaten.

These information are also the surface information given by the four kings, but this information makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel very tricky ~www.readwn.com~ This thing looks very weird, the use of the tongue has the shadow of a frog, can make people paralyzed The scent and the mutated plant are very similar. There is also the ability to jump and gliding and the flying squirrel. It makes him unable to figure out which category the animal belongs to.

"Hey brother, this time they are afraid that they are not well-behaved, or we will take a long-term plan..."

Mo Shaoyun is not at ease Zhang Xiaoqiang is dealing with the four kings. Now he is sincerely planning for Zhang Xiaoqiang. In three or five days, he has already seen that Zhang Xiaoqiang does not regard ordinary people as untouchables. This is not on the face, but on the face. Actually, there have been more than 3,000 survivors, five hundred armed men, and two small evolvers in their small forces, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not draw three or six in the treatment, two The small evolvers also don't have the special service. The arrangement on the food guarantees the most balanced nutrition. No luxury materials will be supplied. Besides, they have to exercise their fighting ability under Zhang Xiaoqiang every day. They also have to go to class with a group of children to learn various postures. There are no snacks, no toys, and no items to enjoy.

The supply of these two evolutionists is bigger and worse than that of pregnant women. Pregnant women and babies are the most valued by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The hope of human beings is children and reproduction. Human beings can become masters of the earth, relying on quantity and technology. Nowadays, human beings on the earth are at an absolute disadvantage. Once they lose their quantitative advantages, they will gradually lose all their advantages and eventually annihilate the long river of history, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s approach is also the most popular.

In this regard, Mo Shaoyun and all the survivors have died on Zhang Xiaoqiang. After they have lost something, they will feel that these things are worthwhile. Compared with Hubei and Yinmeng, these three thousand survivors have started against Zhang Xiaoqiang. The heart of death, as long as Zhang Xiaoqiang has what he needs, they will not hesitate to go through the fire.

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