Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 828: Forced to ask 1/3

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s footsteps Weng Li’s early 20s, no young boys should have the tenderness and timidity, saying that there is a little fear, but from his blinking eyes, he can see that his brain is highly rotated and his tone is very stable. Not too nervous, the words are clear and the rhythm is light, not like the current ones. Instead, they have already rehearsed well. It seems that they are not coming over to find trouble. You must know that Zhang Xiaoqiang was killing people at the Taihu Lake. Countless, there are big water snakes as a deterrent force, in addition to Qinghong Road, others are really not qualified to come to trouble.

"Besides this kid, everyone else is an ordinary person. I can't see the way. It shouldn't be the person of Qinghong Road. They are not so chilly..."

The sword is actually telling the truth. Zhang Xiaoqiang also saw that most of the people present were wearing worn military uniforms. Under the layers of patches, they could not see the original touch. The guns were also worn in the eyes. Many places even worn away the paint. However, the maintenance is not bad, at least on the surface did not see any rust, but this group of people let Zhang Xiaoqiang always have some familiarity, as if he should know the identity of this group of people.

The loosened right foot, Zhang Xiaoqiang, regardless of Weng Li, who was lying on the ground and rushing to gasp, turned to look at the armed men who were stunned by the sword, and suddenly remembered the wrong place in the brain. The armed men in the hands of the evolutionists were not like this. Even the most elite armed men have never been a soldier. If they are allowed to stick to it, they may still be decent. Today these people are lurking in the dense grass without the same kind of armed men who are half-way. In the dense grass, the action did not cause too much movement, but it gave people the feeling of being integrated with these grasses. Even if the movement is silent, if you change to an ordinary person, even if you touch the eyelids, you may not find it.

There are also weapons of these people, although they are old, but the system is a rare unity, unlike the armed forces of other forces, such as pistols, rifles, shotguns, and even small-caliber rifles for the game, the ninety-five in all eyes. The rifle should be dedicated to the military. From the traces of careful maintenance on the rifle, unless it is used for many years, it will not be so cherished, and the temperament of this group of people makes Zhang Xiaoqiang very familiar. And the temperament of Zhao Deyi’s subordinates today is very imaginative. Zhao Deyi’s subordinates are the essence of the entire Hubei army. Three thousand people have the strength to annihilate 300,000 zombies alone. If the bullets are sufficient, the body is strong, and the logistics and maneuver can keep up with it, I am afraid. Even a million zombies may not be able to overcome.

I also remembered what justice was said in Weng’s nonsense, and what was guarded. Zhang Xiaoqiang had 80% confidence in determining the identity of this group of people. In Weng’s dodgy eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang went to the group of armed personnel, first Then he opened the hair on his forehead and saw that there was a deep color on his head. Even if the face was not clean, it was easy to see the mark as wrinkles. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at them one by one. I found that everyone has such a mark on their heads and immediately understand the true identity of this group of people.

"Where is your little power, who is the boss, how many survivors are there..."

The problem returned to Weng Li's body. Weng Li didn't have the slick before this time. A black face that was not too ugly was serious. He did not answer Zhang Xiaoqiang's question in the first time. He didn't know how much Zhang Xiaoqiang knew, at least. Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang's appearance, it seems that he has a well-intentioned look. He does not know whether he really knows it or whether he knows it.

"This, the small forces are not worth mentioning, we have no fame..."

"How many people are left in the army?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly interrupted Weng Li’s evasiveness and let Weng’s mouth twitch. Zhang Xiaoqiang was smarter than he had imagined. He did not accept the account. A sharp narrow-edged knife holder went to Weng’s neck, and the sharp blade gave off the cold. His goose bumps instantly pop up like a layer of acne, and his heart flashed again with horror. This is the second time. Without warning, he is in the shadow of death. It used to be a time when there was no life and death, but every time. He can rely on dangerous foresight and his own sinister dangers. He didn't think that the dangers of unfavorable dangers were completely dying today. He felt that there was no privacy all over the body, and even the last fig leaf was taken away.

"I don't understand what you are saying. The army has been dead for a long time. The rest are all deserters. The few on the ground are very unseen in the navy. These deserters cannot be accommodated by the big forces. Can only rely on small forces..."

Weng Li said this is a stern look of dodging, Zhang Xiaoqiang squinted at the steel knife on the neck of Weng Li, I saw a knife move, Weng Li is a little thick. The black skin was suddenly cut by the front blade, a 蜿The **** ditch of the cockroach left behind his neck, feeling the blood flowing in the neck, Weng Li’s face changed greatly, and brought out the crying sound and shouted to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Yes, I am a soldier. I am really a soldier. I am a soldier of the Eight Classics."

Just shouting these words, the steel knife on the neck disappeared. When Weng Li was busy using things to stop bleeding, he said:

"I used to read the military academy. It was a soldier, but now even the country is gone. I can only count as a former soldier..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked carefully at the young guy in front of him. From the slickness shown by Weng Li, it can be seen that this person belongs to the mind and the mind is full of people who are worried about the death. The boy who thought that this is in his early twenties is in himself. Under the threat of the sword, it is easy to tell the bottom of the army. I did not expect him to have such a persistent side?

"Do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Ling Xiao’s killing is like a huge wave crashing on Weng Li’s body~www.readwn.com~ Weng Li’s body is stiff, and the upper and lower gums creak in this murderous body. The danger of the previous lockout is not expected at all. It appeared, just like the pointer on the pressure gauge, from the lowest to the highest, even beyond the limit, the kind of intense danger is like a mountain, the bang is pressed in his heart, shocked The bones of his whole body are ringing. He doesn't need Zhang Xiaoqiang to move a finger. Weng Li, who is seriously warned and warned by a strong danger, can't wait to die immediately. He doesn't have to endure the pressure that can destroy his soul.

"Very good..." Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled slightly, and all the pressures disappeared instantly, so that the sword standing on one side finally had the strength to wipe off the sweat on the forehead, and the taste of the fish was not good. The murderousness accumulated by Zhang Xiaoqiang was not only In the rest of the battle, the number of zombies who died under the command of Zhang Xiaoqiang was millions, and the number of survivors who died in his hands was tens of thousands. The golden wolf flag and other wolf flags were tens of thousands of deaths. In his hands, he holds the power of killing and killing. When he is angry, it is the head of the man. Over time, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s murderousness has formed a kind of smoldering gas field, even if he kills 100 people without blinking.

Weng Li knows that things will not be so simple. Since Zhang Xiaoqiang has doubts, he will not let him go so easily. He is determined to say nothing and can’t say their details. I didn’t expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to ignore him and go to him. The soldier brought the Rat King's blade to look at Weng Li on one of the necks of the person, and the smile of the corner of his mouth turned into a glimpse.

"I suspect that you are the undercover sent by Qing Hongdao. I thought I wouldn't recognize it when I dressed up as a soldier. I tell you, in my block, I still have dozens of Qinghong Road people, I want to lie to me. It’s not that easy. Kill these little soldiers first, then take you back to torture and confess, you can’t believe you can’t open your mouth...”

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