Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 835: Decision 2/3

The roar of the captain of the captain made thousands of people look at the scene at the same time. Everyone looked at him quietly for three seconds. Then he shouted, and the whole dock resumed chaos again. The speed of those survivors rushing to the ship accelerated again. Those who were already full. The vessel was first detached, and one vacancy suddenly appeared in the space where the vessel was parked.

These ships did not think of going to rescue the people who fell into the water. They just fainted and scattered around. They didn’t have a leader at the same time. Just like the birds in the woods, they all flew and saw each other, and they saw the hair here. They are all erected. He has been insisting on his heart. He has kept a clear and clear life in the last days of this sewage. The survivors here are also the most dignified group of ordinary people in Shanghai. They do not have to suffer from personality trampling. For the sake of a little food, pleading in front of others, even without giving up their wife and daughter to live in order to live, but this is a group of people guarded by the army, in order to escape first, even ignore the death and life of others, see the water The floating corpse has a floating body that floats out of the water. The commander who maintains order has not ordered the shooting. It is just a futile scream and as much as possible.

"Everyone prepares weapons..."

Weng Li’s comrades were watching the scattered boats on the boat. The people on the boat just buried their heads and rowed them all the way. Some people went downstream, some were going upstream, others were going to enter other waterways, and they were messed up. The escape is for suicide, no food, no settlement, and no soldiers to guard them. These people will definitely die because they are timid for a while, even if Weng Li wants to stop, they can’t stop it. They only have one. The ship, the boat that sailed on the water, was everywhere, and it was impossible to stop it. Weng Li shouted and let the comrades around him surprise.

"Shooting warnings, if you don't listen to all the shots..."

Weng Li gritted his teeth and squeezed out the murderous command from the teeth. He suddenly let the soldiers who were preparing for the firearms sluggish, and the stern of the stern first questioned:

"They are all themselves, and they are all civilians. We are soldiers, but we are not the executioners..."

If there are fewer ensigns, let all others stop. They are soldiers. The soldiers are obedient to obey orders. On top of this, they have a greater responsibility to protect the peace of the people and provide security for the people instead of killing them. The people, Weng Li’s gloomy face became even more ugly, and a gun that pulled the soldiers around him shouted:

"You show me big eyes, no organization, no direction, no goals, even if they run out, how long can they live, the comrades in the rear are using their lives to win time for them, but they are wasting this precious time, order We have to restore order, otherwise the men will rob the boats, what about your wife and children?"

After Weng Li finished, everyone else was silent. The first men on board were strong men. They left here without any scruples to find a way to live. The upper level didn't know what was going on. The dock area was in chaos. Seven or eight thousand people were there. There are no more than 1,500 people who can compete for less than 100 ships. The rest of the people will not be able to leave even if the army gives them more time. I am afraid It will become a disaster, no matter whether it is the blocking army or the survivors stranded on the dock.

"Where you want to escape, you are afraid, let them follow our orders, and the comrades are desperate. They are breaking the way out of the soldiers. Is it time for our comrades to exchange their lives?" We have done too much, and they take it for granted. In the future, they have to let them know that the world has changed. No one owes them..."

Weng Li’s words said that the soldiers had shaken their hearts. They have always taken care of these survivors under the orders of the top officials. Even if they encounter some unfair treatment, they will grieve themselves in the name of taking care of the overall situation. Over time, they also I am used to this unconditional effort. Just like now, even if the company commander said something, he still did not dare to actually shoot. Even so, the survivors below are still ignoring their own selfishness. At the end, regardless of the safety of other people's lives, the survivors who are protected only want to save themselves. It is not worth it for this group of people to forget their lives. .

"It's time for them to understand..."

The soldier sitting next to Weng Li suddenly yelled and fired a gun to a small boat that fled in the distance. Eight people who could have seated fifteen people sat in eight people. The eight strong men looked at the chaos. The dock, while struggling to paddle, let the boat travel in the direction of Taihu Lake, the gunshots shook, the meteor bombs tossed the air, hitting a small spray on the water beside them. Clear water, they can even see a bullet bombing a white trail under the boat.

"Everyone calms down, in case someone kills, when the superior blames it..."

The second lieutenant is still the last slave, and Weng Li screams:

"If you change in the front, you will resist in the front. The people behind will cut off your back road. Will you blame? You will be in a foreign military order. We are the main force for rescue."

Everyone here made up their minds and raised their guns to find their own targets. The ship that was warned before was obviously not afraid. They shouted at them and slammed the oars, making the speed of the ship rise sharply. The soldiers who warned the shooting hesitated, turned to look at Weng Li, Weng Li did not speak, the gun was a bullet, but he was not good at guns, and the scattered bullets scattered in the spars to stir up more water. ~www.readwn.com~ instead let the guys on board make more effort.

"Da da da……."

Five consecutive shots, five of the eight people on the boat were smashed by bullets, and the rest of the three yelled in the cabin and no longer dared to move. The shot was a lieutenant, and the face was bloodless and less stunned. Hey, focus on Weng Li, and loudly ordered:

"You can't let this group of cowards take the boat, and the brethren are still waiting for us..."

In the discourse, other soldiers have pulled the trigger, and the intensive gunshots rang on the river, causing the escaping boats to splash countless blood flowers. The direct officers of these soldiers were ensigns. With his orders, others no longer resisted. Although shooting civilians makes them entangled in their hearts, thinking of more helpless women and children on the dock, and thinking of the comrades who are desperately fighting the enemy on the front line, they still rushed to wash a small boat.

The clear river was stained with blood, and a body that had been shot floated in the water, rolling and drifting downstream. On a small boat, the remaining men were covered with **** faces, looking at the horrified eyes. In the direction of the downstream, Weng Li, in the loud drink, these men who thought they had escaped from the robbery were shot by gunshots, and the paddles were swept with trembling hands, to the silence. The dock area has been drawn.

All the boats were in the same place, and the men who escaped under the guns were driven to the dock and waited for the ruling at the water's edge. The people of Weng Li immediately went ashore, just after they had just landed. Ten soldiers were surrounded by them, and all the muzzle pairs were aimed at them. In the suspicion of Weng Li and others, the captain of the red-faced captain came over and saluted them seriously:

"As an individual, I thank you for everything you have done, but as a soldier, I hope that you can surrender your weapons and wait for the punishment."

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