Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 848: 嫉妒成狂 1/3

"No... not like this. Dad gave you money every month. It was sent by the butler personally. My mother also knows... and Xiaobao, Xiaobao has always been very good at our family. We all loved him and didn't let him suffer any grievances..."

Man's argument is pale and weak. She also knows the mother of her nephew. She knows everything she does for her parents, but she is not a party after all. In the sneer of her nephew, she argues that she is silent, only the red eyes are constantly Rolling down the tears, seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart moved, he remembered the words that had been asked before, when he asked if Man had relatives, Man said only one brother, but did not say nephew, obviously Maner also Did not regard the nephew as his own sister, think of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned a few laps in his mind, and then entered the house.

"Hey brother..., no... not like this, she is a fool of her sister, not really killing Man..."

Ning Haiya saw Zhang Xiaoqiang's gloomy face, and he took a cleverness in his heart and quickly explained it. Now he is a prisoner. He doesn't want to be hurt by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Ning Tian went forward and pushed his brother away, standing in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang. In the eyes flashed perseverance and decisive, said loudly:

"We are all brought out by my sister. When we didn't eat enough, my sister would hungry and give us the ration. Now when I repay her, what punishment do you have for me? I am not allowed to move...."

The voice just fell, a big slap brought the wind and shook his head and covered him. Ning Tianxia was young, had a lot of combat experience, and subconsciously launched the ability to make this big slap in front of his face and drift into the empty space. I haven’t returned from Zhang Xiaoqiang’s slap, but a big foot has smashed his hips from below and kicked him.

"Honestly, nothing about you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t have any strength on this foot. Ning Tian was taken to the side and stood up. Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang had stood in front of the nephew, he had a heart to block, and he saw that Ning Haiya’s wretched side stood still and did not move. I was thinking about how Zhang Xiaoqiang handled the deaf children. At this moment, it was not a bad time, but I still waited after Zhang Xiaoqiang decided.

"Do you really want to kill her?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang stared at the angry eyes of his nephew and asked softly. The eyes of his nephews screamed back and forth, and the bulging cheeks were white and lovely, as if they were angry, the white cat gave a feeling of cuteness, even though she was also against Zhang Xiaoqiang. Hate, but with the presence of Man, she still held down the swearing, and nodded.

"Kill her, can your brother get it back?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked again, the child was puzzled, and he was half-smooth.

"If your brother is really gone, she is your only relative. Not everyone can leave a loved one in the last days. Even if you don't deal with her, even if you hate her family, you are still sisters, you. There is a common blood..."

"Short, you only have a common blood with her, you are a sister with her, I don't want to..."

The nephew suddenly became furious, and Zhang Xiaoqiang touched his nose and smiled. Obviously, the child did not really regard Mann as a relative, and could not help but change the angle:

"In any case, you are all a twin, even if you don't recognize him, he is still you, even if he does something that is sorry for your mother and child, it can't change..."

"what do you want to say in the end……."

The child was annoyed, and a pair of oil and salt did not enter, Zhang Xiaoqiang reluctantly admitted that his eloquence was really not enough to convince others, a cross-hearted, and the rat king's blade cut off the ropes of the deaf children, in the eyes of everyone's surprise. Take out the pistol and hand it to your nephew.

"Do you really feel comfortable killing her? It is her father who is doing the wrong thing. It is also your father. She is not sorry for your mother and child. The only place that makes you resent is that she is more happy than you, you are to her. The hatred is not the other, but the embarrassment, you know that he has something you can't have, you can easily get the father's love that you can't ask, so you resent, you are not for the younger brother, you are so hateful for your own heart. ...."

The nephew took the pistol handed to by Zhang Xiaoqiang for the first time and aimed at Man Er. When she heard Zhang Xiaoqiang’s statement, her gunman’s hand suddenly trembled, and the slightly trembled muzzle swayed in Man’s helpless pupil.

"My sister... You don't want to be impulsive. You kill her now. If you regret it later, you can't remedy it... and you don't want to regret it for a lifetime..."

"I won't regret it!!!"

The screaming of the child, the right hand of the gun was aimed at Zhang Xiaoqiang, the scarlet eyes looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and said that he was gnashing his teeth:

"It's all you, it's you, why are you saving her? Why should you take her in, why not let her die outside, why not torture her like everyone else? Why give her such a good environment, why? Let me see him..."

"This..., my sister, what about this brother?"

Ning Tianxia can't understand it. Why do you want to move to anger at Zhang Xiaoqiang? Ning Haiya is a little smarter than Ning Tianxia, ​​and quickly said:

"My sister, the women and children you sheltered are all taken care of by my brother. Whatever delicious food is given to them first. Those children are also able to eat the same, even the disabled sisters. I don’t even dismiss my brother. Many of them have been re-healed. Maybe they can be cured. You are a good person. If you don’t think about it for yourself, you have to think about it, and, oh, Brother sent troops to fight you, not to annex you, to say something is not good, no one of you will be able to see, my brother is worried that you have a bad time to receive you...."

Ning Haiya’s words did not let the deaf children put down their pistols and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang’s hate:

"I don't care about them. They are not my people now. Everything I do has nothing to do with them. Now I am not feeling well. I just want to make trouble. I just want to kill people."

"Let's shoot..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the pistol pointing to his heart and said indifferently. His words made the children angry. The crying Man also took tears and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang. The Ning brothers immediately shut up. Since Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke, they stopped. Participate in ~www.readwn.com~ The slightest hesitation of the child led Zhang Xiaoqiang’s sneer, and then said:

"I won't kill you after you shoot, but I will kill all the people you have, your subordinates, your cheap sister, and even the Ning brothers. Of course, if you can kill me, I won't have to. So worried, can you really kill me with one shot?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart was determined, and his son’s mouth was so loud that he would not kill Man’s. As he said, Man is her only relative, regardless of whether she admits or not, the survivors of the last days. The biggest enemy is not all kinds of hardships, but the loneliness of losing all friends and relatives. There is no one who can believe, and it is struggling in the ugly humanity of the intrigue. No one can even find a person to speak, so the loved one is the most end-time person. Valuable wealth is their warmest soul harbor. Similarly, he is not worried that the deaf will shoot at himself. He is holding a gun at him and just wants to find a target for venting, because the nephew can’t finish her before. The oath kills Man, so she has to give herself a step, an excuse, this is the woman's logic.

The white cheeks of the child's cheeks rose red, the wrists shook and the muzzle shook a little. The ridicule in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes made her heart blow up, but Zhang Xiaoqiang's cold killing made her so scared, more than a thousand women and children In the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang, if he really angered this man, I am afraid that she is not enough to sin.

"I want to understand?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang put away the ridicule of his mouth and reached out to hold the 92-type pistol in his hand. The child refused to let go, Zhang Xiaoqiang shook a few times, the pistol did not move in the hands of the nephew, and the child did not pull the trigger, anger. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not let Zhang Xiaoqiang take it away. Zhang Xiaoqiang shrugged his shoulders and turned to Man.

"You don't need you here, go out, go find me Mo Shaoyun..."

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