Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 874: Danger 1/3

The evolutionary forces led by Fortune are indeed much better than the offensive positions of armed men. Six of the nearly 1,000 evolutionists are power and agile evolvers. These evolutionists are divided into two batches, used by hundreds of agile evolvers. The chaotic squadrons swept through a shadow and surrounded the defensive positions from all sides. These evolutionists were not fixed in one place, and they were flexible in shifting positions with various obstacles, which made many officers who watched them look dazzled. Hundreds of evolutionists have not gathered together. The route of agile evolvers has also been the way forward. These evolutionary people are all shielded and armed with strong weapons to cover the spiritual evolutionists around them.

According to the spirit, the evolutionary is the main force in the evolutionary team. Their abilities are different, strong and weak, strong ones can compete against one hundred evolutionists, and weak ones are stronger than ordinary people, but spiritual evolutionists If it is continuously improved, the ability to play is stronger than the strength or agile evolution. The idea of ​​Hongyun is to make a comprehensive breakthrough. If it is arranged in a dense formation, it will definitely be a heavy casualty under the intensive firepower network. Effectively, at least the steel shield of the power evolver and the dodge speed of more than ordinary people will minimize casualties.

Hundreds of agile evolvers obviously want to infiltrate the defensive positions and smash them together. Their speed is very fast. Once they are close to the melee, even the elite warriors can't stop them. The numerous nets woven into the squad will almost defend the whole defense. The front line is wrapped up, and the ghost-like evolutionary people walk through the fire net, but the evolutionary people have dangerous predictions. The area of ​​the circular defensive position needs to be too broad, even if countless bullets are in front of those evolvers. They can't cause too much damage to them. You must know that the evolutionary people are coming from all directions. If you count down, the average one-meter cross-section will not be able to spread a bullet. If the distance is far away, I am afraid that it will be three or five meters. The distance can be spread on a bullet, even if the bullets are dense, few evolvers are shot.

Then the evolutionary people at the Fortune began to fight back. There are more than a dozen evolutionary gunmen around the evolutionary. They are the kings of the fate. The rifles in their hands almost make the most dangerous machine guns dumb, long-range shooters. The evolutionary is the embodiment of the **** of death in the battlefield between the two armies. Zhang Xiaoqiang's machine gunners suffered heavy casualties under the long-range shooting of these people. Many machine guns have changed two shooters.

Every tiny change in the battlefield will cause unexpected changes in the battlefield. The killing of these shooter-type evolutionists has made Zhang Xiaoqiang’s defenses vulnerable. The original Zhang Xiaoqiang’s troops and guns are not low, and there are armed personnel. As a supplement to dozens of heavy machine guns, the composition of the firepower network makes the agile evolvers very jealous, at least the closer they are to the position, the greater the risk probability, once the agile evolutionary attack is somewhat delayed, to know that they originally I plan to attack the position at the same time, so as to be the biggest chaos. In the intensive heavy fire, they are afraid to rush into the position. It is afraid that after the sporadic rush, they will be surrounded by people, and the heavy machine gun shooter is remote. The evolutionary's smothering gave the machine gun a short pause, giving them the opportunity. The evolutionary who moved within a hundred meters seemed to get a silent command and accelerated to the position.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has been waiting for him. There are no other evolutionists around him. Seeing two interacting evolvers rushing to the front, shooting two consecutive shots to let the evolutionist jump in the fear, one left and one right to the two sides. Even so, they are still rushing forward. Zhang Xiaoqiang had the experience of killing agile evolvers when he was in Yinmeng. In the flight of bullets, a single clip was shot, but two evolutions were seen. The limbs connected and violently caused the blood to make their movements stiff, and then the bullet was broken by the bullet.

The two evolutionists were just appetizers. After Zhang Xiaoqiang shot, he was ready to transfer his muzzle and find another target. The machine gunners around him were suddenly shot by a stray bullet. A scream called awakened Zhang Xiaoqiang in combat and turned to see two positive and negative machine gunners. They were all shot on the ground, and suddenly they burst into cold sweat. They only noticed that the heavy machine gun group was solved by the people. Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately knew that he had made a huge mistake. He should not appear in the first line. Even if his abilities are already very strong, shooting two evolutionists will cause loopholes in the battlefield. At first glance, at least a hundred agile evolutionists will soon rush into the position and scream.

In Zhang Xiaoqiang's unwilling roar, more than a dozen agile evolvers rushed into the position. These agile evolvers are almost dressed, wearing black tights, clean from head to toe, and holding sharp short weapons. The eyes are as fierce as the beasts, and countless stray bullets escaped between their flexible flashes. They quickly jumped to the battlefield and jumped to the trenches to start **** slaughter, even if the elite soldiers were slightly flustered in their unpredictable figure...

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s angry look at more than a dozen rushing into the front line and the remaining hundreds of evolutionary players who are about to hit the position, his heart is anxious, his original tactics have turned out to be loopholes because of their mistakes, if let these evolvers The consequences of rushing into the position may be unimaginable. At that time, the best ending is also a result of two or two defeats. Suddenly, more than a dozen equally sensitive figures greeted them from the trenches at a faster speed. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes suddenly became bright and his ghosts force.

These ghost shadows are all evolved in the spirit of silver tea, and have improved in ability. Because the army is an agile evolutionary person, his Guards are all agile agile evolvers, and the whole The sharp-knives of the special combat battalion have improved the speed of agility. The power displayed by the evolutionists is not the proportion of the ordinary agile evolvers who rushed over. See the evolutionists of both sides collided in the first battle, more than ten The squirting bodies stopped their flexible steps and fell to the ground, cheering the soldiers in the trenches ready to meet the evolutionary killings...

"Don't wait, let the mortars fire for me, the firepower is maximized, how much energy can be made to make it..."

The dangerous war situation was stabilized in an instant, and the evolutionist who first attacked the position was smothered in front of the front, letting the evolutionists behind pause slightly, and the agile evolvers who did not see these killings in other directions were also throwing in. At the moment of the position, the ghost troops who were ambushed in the position intercepted and achieved a good start to the battle with the evolutionists.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is also lucky. Although the number of ghost troops is not large, their defensive positions are relatively high. They can react first before the enemy approaches the position. These ghost troops have always used to clear the difficult targets, but they can resist The bullet and the sword's leather armor will be killed by the same agile evolver~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Xiaoqiang's order has been strictly enforced, and the entire battlefield instantly burst into a shocking wave. All the previously unexposed heavy firepower is fully launched, two At the same time, the mortar on the top of the building throws twelve 82mm steel ball grenade into the sky at the same time. There are no recoil guns, 35mm grenade launchers, and individual rocket launchers all fire, and instantly let the front position The ground blasted countless bombing points. Not to mention the fireball that was connected to the explosion, it was said that the smoke and the splashing dust would cover most of the battlefield.

Then there was a whistling whistling sound in the sky. More than a hundred rockets pulled out the fan-shaped flue in the sky. They blew up the fireball isolation belt that was almost formed into a line before the position, so that both sides’ sights were blown up by these various firepower. The smoke and dust are all blocked, and the next moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang screams:

"Throw me out, throw them all out, don't stop the fire..."

When the voice just fell, his orders were quickly conveyed, and hundreds of green and shining glass bottles were thrown from the trenches. These bottles fell to the outer positions of more than 30 meters, most of them were broken, and the small parts were still intact. Lying in the soil without damage, and then being shot by the bullets that were randomly shot, did not use Zhang Xiaoqiang to continue to order, it was the harsh whistle that rang out, and then the soldiers carried their equipment and rushed out of the trench. The second line of defense went back.

It didn't take long for it to happen. It didn't last more than three minutes. Just after the stormy firepower attack, the agile evolutionists gathered around had some gimmicks. Although the homeopathic situation was not big, there were countless explosions of fireballs and flying shrapnel. Let them eat enough, hang a lot of color, more gray face, those who are blinded by smoked fire are still afraid of this damage, scared the five bodies to the ground to hug their heads, only hope Zhang Xiaoqiang's shells not much.

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