Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 880: Follow me 1/3

The seductive swordsman clenched the right hand of the Firebird's scimitar and shivered slightly. The arms were all criss-crossed. Some of the wounds were still dripping along the blade, and some of the wounds were festering, causing a stench. The trembling right hand is not because of the pain, but because he is scared by the behemoth in front of him. This behemoth is no worse than the mutant beast that was encircled on the same day. The bullet is unaffected by it, and the only thing that can cause it The damage is the anti-aircraft guns that are placed at various points.

Shanghai is China's elite city, the resident of the East China Sea Fleet and the resettlement site of the Jiangnan Shipyard. It pays most attention to air defense. Thousands of anti-aircraft guns are collected in various weapons warehouses, and more high-altitude machine guns are waiting for rust corrosion. Nowadays, it has been found by the evolutionists as a battle against the mutant beast. I saw the high-altitude guns placed on the top of the five-story building at the corner of the street suddenly squirting the swaying light column, and more than a dozen of 37 artillery shells blasted on the monster. The armor-piercing incendiary bombs that destroyed the armored vehicles blew out a crater of flesh and blood flying on the monsters. The blue blood flowing down the face-sized wounds like a sloping waterfall slammed down, suddenly making the monsters angry, making high screams, shattering The glass around the building, when countless armed men covered their ears and screamed, the monster's creeping belly seemed to bounce off the ball, and the ground jumped up like a mountain peak to the anti-aircraft gun that fired the shell. Once the huge body jumped It was very fast and quick, and it hit a five-story building in the blink of an eye. This building collapsed instantly, and numerous bricks broke out like volcanoes. Ai generally rises to the sky, and then the new layer of dust rises in the wreckage of the small building. Then the monster rushes out of the dust and continues to squirm out to the city. The previously wounded wound is white liquid in a short moment. Filling, a few breaths will make the wound recover almost, except for some depressions on the epidermis, basically can not see.

Seeing that the monster was so powerful, the sword was so tight and unable to move, he did not think that this monster was so powerful, it was beyond his imagination, and it was easy to destroy the tall building, but it was not what the evolutionist could do. Suddenly a figure appeared in his eyes, and the figure waved a huge flat-mouthed knife and slammed into a four-legged monster that rushed out of the dust. This monster is similar in size to a buggy, with a full body and a long drag. The tail is similar to the crocodile, but this monster has a rhinoceros head. From the nose to the forehead, there are eight black horns like crescent moons. Each side of the black horn has two lizards.

Seeing that figure, the sword hesitated, suddenly rushed to the side of the building and leaped high. He heard that the guy was a child in his teens. His ability was not strong or weak, and he was much bigger than him. It is better to live with him for three more days with a bit of blood. Just after he jumped high, the body fell like a falling meteor downstairs, and the next moment he fell into the shadow and disappeared into the invisible.

Chen Yu’s appearance is much worse than the sword. There is no good skin on his face. The bone knife in his hand is full of gaps. The clothes on his body have long become a rag. At this moment, he completely ignores the injury on his body. Staring at the monster in front of him, the long knife in his hand squatted down, the blade was a few meters away from the monster, and a scream, the air seemed to be torn in half, and there was a slight vibration, and the homeopathy extended to the monster. Then the monster made a deafening roar, and the huge slender tail flew up to Chen Yu, and Chen Yu slammed it out and shot backwards. I didn’t expect the tail to come too fast, and it’s already in front of him. At the most critical juncture, Chen Yu, who has been fighting for a few days, screamed a knife.

The huge bone knife came out of Chen Yu's hand, Chen Yu spit out blood and flew backwards. The tail of the monster has not been recovered. The surrounding ruins suddenly rushed out of other blunt, and the famous strong man jumped high. Powerful fists hit the monster's back of the head, let the monster's huge head slammed into the ground, and then several other evolutionists rushed up, with their swords in the hands, and cut together on the monster.


The tail that the monster recovered was not returned, and it was hugged by two evolutionary humans with **** mouths. The next moment they were thrown out by the behemoths, and the means of attacking the monsters of the monsters could not be allowed. The monster was hurt, and the monster's head was yawed, and the evolutionary who could not dodge was pierced. In the screams, other evolutionists retreated.

Just as everyone was preparing to evacuate, the monster suddenly accelerated, rushing to the face of Chen Yu, who was preparing to pick up the bone knife, puncturing the unicorn of the evolutionist and resigning to Chen Yu, letting the surrounding evolutioners exclaim, At one moment, the huge head of the monster suddenly flew up, and the blood water saved from the front of Chen Yu rushed. When the monster slowly convulsed, the sword appeared from the shadow of the monster.


In the distance, another building was collapsed by giant monsters, but the swordsman did not look at it. The evolutionary who turned around and guarded the monsters on the corner of the monster had become meat, and the remaining evolutionists The look is not good, the whole body exudes a fierce **** sigh, and his eyes keep glanced back and forth on the behemoths and swords.

"He heads to me..."

Swordsman glanced at the seven or eight evolutionists in front of him, waving the blood of the Firebird's scimitar. These evolutionary eyes gazed gazing at the scimitar's scimitar. Several of them were not good, slowly Surrounded by swords, the big man who just punched the horror of the beast suddenly said:

"You are a night assassin?"

The swordsman’s eyes suddenly tightened, and then the big man’s face was horrified, and his arms widened and shouted:

"We retire..."

In the blink of an eye, these evolutionary bodies disappeared without a trace. The sword smashed and looked at Chen Yu, who was bleeding all over the body. He slammed the knife on the head of the monster. After a few seconds, the sword was regrettable. Knife, turned to look at Chen Yu and said:

"You are Chen Yu, someone asked me to take you out, do you want to go with me?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang told the sword that if Chen Yu was still alive, he would take it out. If the life is short and dead, it is not particularly important to value this kid. Instead, he promised to be a little girl, and he did not want to be a person without trust. When he fell into Chen Yu’s ear, he was shocked. Before he was in the hands of his nephew, he didn’t know how to be tall and thick. When he arrived at the battlefield where the top evolutionaries had to tremble, they knew that they were not third-rate novels. The protagonist, here to live to be the first to be desperate, the second to be forbearing, the third is to hold the tail and never be out of the limelight. Even so, he almost lost his life several times and heard the so-called night When the assassin asked indifferently, he became alert.

"Who is it? I have two days of merit to go out~www.readwn.com~What do you have to take me out..."

The sword did not answer Chen Yu’s question. The seductive eyes stared at the place by the sea. More than a dozen horrible beasts with the previous one were slowly squirming to the side, and the eyelids twitched, very impatient to Chen. Yuxi shouted:

"Can't you go?"

Chen Yu also saw the giant beasts in the direction of the sword, and there was a bit of despair in his heart. Don’t say that he stayed for two days. I am afraid that today’s last line of defense will fall, and nodded and said:

"As long as you can save me, I will repay you..."

At this time, the swordsman simply did not speak, and turned and left. Chen Yu took advantage of the knife to cut the bones on the ground to the tip of the nose. He grabbed the eight crescent-shaped horns and followed them, thinking that this was a sword. What I want, but I don’t know if I want to see if there is a gelatinous body. It’s not long before I walked. I suddenly got up behind me. Hundreds of ragged and panicked evolutionists rushed over and behind them. Countless black multi-foot beetles form a flood of red torrents rushing over them, many beetles rushing to the front to roll up their tails, making a whistling sound like a bullet, flying around the evolutionist, from time to time The crushed concrete hits the smash...

This beetle makes all the evolutionaries chill, and further away, a giant poisonous scorpion follows, the scorpions are black, the black scorpion is not full of golden and yellow, and there are two long and three short tails. The two short tails rotate like an active radar antenna. The short tail of one giant scorpion suddenly locks in one direction, and then the scorpion quickly climbs onto the pile of concrete piled up. The long tail is piercing with lightning. Concrete, when the cracked concrete spreads out, a dying evolver is dragged out and sent to two giant stalks larger than humans to feed....

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