Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 883: Complaint 1/3

"If you can't go back, you have to overhaul it. There are some problems with balancing the rudder..."

Paul, who is going to kill the monster, plays with him in front of him. There are countless sweats on his face. It seems to be steaming through the sauna. He turns his head with a local accent. The yellow man is very loud and screams. Huang Tingwei also feels under his body. The helicopters are getting more and more unstable. There is always a feeling of being awkward. I am also anxious in my heart. I rushed to Paul and said, "How long can I fly..."

"Can't fly..."

After Huang Tingwei’s roar, Baoer quickly fell down. The direction of the fall was a seemingly spacious platform on the defensive line. This refusal of the horse defense line was originally built with a building block blocked before and after. At the top of the building is the platform for the construction of anti-aircraft guns and heavy machine guns. Under the full operation of Paul, the helicopter is like a hen that has been smashed to the ground, and dangerously and dangerously landed on a platform on the top of the building. Unfamiliar environment allowed Huang Tingwei to take out the pistol alert for the first time. Paul did not care. The thousands of people who were surrounded by black pressure, the only thing he could do with a pistol was suicide.

When the two men came down from the plane, Huang Tingwei’s throat only suffered. The 14.5mm double-mounted high-altitude machine gun was aimed at himself. Not only did the black rifle aim at himself, but also hundreds of them. The evolutionist jumped to himself for a moment, and he even had a dead heart. Suddenly, when he hesitated to shoot his gun, a cold and seductive young man suddenly appeared beside him, as if from The ghost of the possession suddenly peeled off from him.

"This plane is mine, do you have any opinions..."

When the swordsman and the beauty contest winners meet, they will be ashamed and die. The beautiful ones will make all the women squat, but the voice of his speech has always been the general purpose of breaking the iron pot. How difficult it is to hear how difficult it is to hear in the ears, Huang Tingwei The swords that appeared in the strangeness around him scared a big jump, and jumped to one side, while the blond Paul had already raised his hands...

"Master, master, you have to be the master of me. Every group of evolutionists puts me in the eye. If you don't put me in the eye, you won't put you in your eyes. You see me in order to execute you. The order has been hurt like this, you must..."

The dark and damp basement is like a gloomy grave. The light of the shackles can't make this basement have too many bright halls. In the dark basement, the **** phoenix is ​​covered with blood and squatting on the ground to cry in the darkest corner. Like a child who has been beaten, he sues to the adults, and a snot of tears tells his grievances. At this moment, the blood phoenix has no arrogance and arrogance at night, and disdain for all the clothes. Clear color style, tattered broken pieces of cloth hanging on the body, numerous bruises and bruises all over the body.

The blood phoenix’s crying has not stopped, and the direction of his crying has not been moving. There is nothing in the quiet basement. Only the dark mossy bricks on the corner of the wall are covered with moss, if not blood. Feng Yikou, a master, I am afraid that the death of Shan Qing Dynasty and Dao Ming do not believe, let them cry like the blood phoenix of the ants, and the owner of his crying is moldy in this dark and humid underground like an ascetic.

"Giggle..., do you still have a face crying in front of me? You used to be a rogue who was starved to death. I gave you strength, gave you the ability to suppress other evolutionaries, and gave you the imagination. Status, I didn't expect..., I didn't expect it..."

Finally, from the dark and dark corner, there was a cold and old voice. The voice's master spoke in addition to the cold and the chilly, without extra emotions, just like the electronic sound of the program synthesis, the blood phoenix heard this voice. Suddenly, there were countless grievances, and I said with tears:

"Master, I am your dog, but you have to look at your face. The three heads of Qinghong Road don't take me seriously, say one set, and this time, I used the missile directly to kill me almost. Although the master is a god, I am still a flesh and blood, how can I compare it with my master..."

There is no substance in the middle of a call. The first half is saying that the three heads of Qinghong Road are not. The latter half is taking the flattering of his master. It is obvious that the blood phoenix is ​​not the other, but a mouth of his mouth. This opening can't stop, waiting for his master to speak, and the blood phoenix continues to say it. The battle can be like the Yellow River of the embankment, and it is out of control.

"The master gave me the ability, I remember it all in my heart. The master asked me to collect the Qinghong Road and merge it into one. I did everything I could. In my heart, the master is everything, the master is my relative, oh... ..., the son was almost killed, you have to avenge me, the **** brother is not the soft-footed shrimp of Qinghong Road, very powerful..."

The blood phoenix dance floor has reached a realm, and the most disgusting words are said with sincerity. A face has long since become invisible. It is said that he is talking about what he calls, and if he changes to a normal person, if he hears it, This goose bump must be shaken at least, and when he speaks, he will sway and sigh, and express his grievances completely and completely, and let people stop moving for it~www.readwn.com~ Oh? A little meaning, hey? Is it the golden flower in the city? If the evolution of the urban area is definitely not your opponent, as long as you still have the gas, no one dares to do it to you. Tell me about it, what is this elder brother? ”

Blood Phoenix listened to a joy in his heart. Since his master asked this question, he must have begun to help him out, and he did not get up and squatted on the ground. He looked up at the dark corner that could never be seen clearly:

"Master, although I am not a weapon, the person you gave me is really no one is an opponent, but this brother can not be as afraid of my pressure as other people, not just him, all his men are not afraid, I once thought that I had a problem. They had no need to worry about anything. The missiles and the rocket launchers had nothing to do with it. They just collapsed a building. Later, when they played against each other, they didn’t even say that the swords, swords, axes, hooks and forks all greeted me. I have two fists and four opponents, or the last moment broke out for the biggest **** world, killing all their evolutionists before they escape, but they are still okay with the people I play against...."

For the blood phoenix, it is not a shame to win or not. Even if he is defeated by the squadron who is low in level, his blood phoenix is ​​not easy to turn over, and there is a lot of enjoyment and beauty waiting for him. I want to take over his master and get rid of the evolutionary who made him suffer a lot.

"and many more……."

Suddenly, the words interrupted the statement of the blood phoenix. Although this voice is not very different from the one just now, the blood phoenix who is good at observing the words is happy. Obviously, his master is finally hooked. For his master, there are many things for him. I know a lot, the master is the most painful to the original evolutionary, and the evolutionary who is behind the automatic awakening is still generous, and he also knows that the master is the most hated of the original evolutionary, I am afraid that the owner’s attention is also not missed. may.

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