Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 918: Evacuation 1/3 more

In order to resist the zombie sea, Xiaoshan has tried his best. The tens of thousands of soldiers waved the shovel and smashed countless fields, dug out a large pit several meters deep, and piled up a hill more than ten meters high. The truncation, the explosion of the explosion will blow up a puff of dirt in the air, under the splash of mud, the riverbanks will explode, and the raging river water will be injected into the large pits through the simple ditches to form a piece of pond, further away. In the new ditch, black pungent crude oil is being injected, and the black oil is viscous and flowing in these ditches, forming a black blockade line of spider webs. At the forefront of the excavated construction site, the dense guns are like beans. Innumerable, countless transporters carrying a box of bullets along the roads left behind, like ants moving to transport supplies for the front line, sent ammunition and supplies, and the ones that were withdrawn were lying on a stretcher, forehead A body with a gunshot.

Hundreds of thousands of corpses piled up at the back to form a corpse of corpses, each of which had traces of being bitten. These corpses piled up together and poured gasoline. Once stacked, they were put on flames. The rising black smoke and the front position complement each other, the burning body exudes a pungent smell, just not far from the body, a mouthful of cauldron is cooking rice porridge and dishes, hundreds of cauldrons arranged In a neat square, the hot white air is still filled with black ashes from the body burning. These things fall into the cauldron and nobody cares. The armed men without guns stir in the pot with a large spoon, and the porridge and ashes Stir them together in a gray color.

In the open-air kitchen, countless materials piled up like mountains. The supplies were all sent by more than 10,000 people. Thousands of armed men carried rifles and escorted the transportation brigade close to 10,000 people. Under the command of the armed men, they were exhausted. The men used their last strength to carry the numbness of the materials on their shoulders. Once someone fell down and refused to get up, there were armed men who rushed to the side of the road like a wolf. After repeated warnings, they were right. The head came up with a shot, and the head of the head was placed on the side of the road to alert others. The materials that fell on the ground were evenly distributed to other people. If they didn't want to die, they could only continue to suffer.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the helicopter and looked at the long line of transportation that stretched for dozens of kilometers. With his eyesight, he could see all the details of the long ants. The countless men were driven to transport the goods forward. The roadside was almost every ten or twenty. Rice fell down on a corpse, but more corpses did not fall on the side of the road, but in the wilderness not far from the road. These corpses were shot and killed by men who could not stand, in order to complete the task, temporarily The armed men who came here were extremely wicked, and all the obstacles that might cause delay were all cleared by them. They would not listen to the excuses and pleadings of some people. They would only speak with rifles, because if they could not complete the task, no one could survive. Zhang Xiaoqiang is With this cruel to tragic means to ensure the supply of goods in front.

“Command the logistics department, stop the forward transportation of materials, transfer all the logistics personnel to the dock area, let them carry the tools, and give me the excavation when they arrive at the destination...”

Once the order of the large evacuation is issued, that is, when the strike line is officially abandoned, Zhang Xiaoqiang excludes all kinds of messy thoughts in his mind. One heart thinks about the transfer of more than 100,000 survivors. At present, all the methods have become a bubble, but instead It is Huang Tingwei's idea that is most feasible. However, there are too many people who die in this way. If this order is issued, more than 100,000 survivors will be sent to the road. Just thinking about Zhang Xiaoqiang feels fear.

"Oh, I received the latest report, the zombies have stopped attacking and gradually withdrew, and Xiaoshan asked for the next move..."

There was new information sent to Zhang Xiaoqiang here. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the black smoke rising in the distance from the helicopter. The heart was tight. The action of the zombies was contrary to his expectations. In his anticipation, the zombies should be more crazy and attack the blood. It is only when the zombie stops the attack. It is only possible that the blood phoenix has reached the middle of the zombies. If so, the purpose of killing before the blood phoenix returns to the zombie group has failed. He has only the last chance to kill the blood phoenix.

"Command Xiaoshan to prepare to evacuate the work, bring all the heavy weapons back to me, and let him concentrate all the sources of erosion, the helicopter accelerates."

In the past, the front line that has never calmed down suddenly dissipated all the guns, just like the zombies that broke through the river and disappeared at the time. If it was not the corpse falling from the opposite side, the river was rotatable. The corpse, I am afraid that the soldiers on the front line will think that everything that happened before is only a long nightmare. The smoke has not dissipated. The flames of the gas on the other side of the corpse are slamming. The soldiers are holding rifles and sitting in the muddy water. Looking at the gloomy sky above his head, all the gunshots, the sound of guns, the screams and the snoring of the zombies disappeared. No one bothered their precious rest time. Most of the soldiers were at least in a row. Twenty-four hours have not been closed.

The logistics staff behind him took the opportunity to send the late lunch to the front of the battlefield. There was a mixture of mud and water everywhere in front of the position. It was covered with dirty bullet casings and various empty ammunition boxes, just behind the trenches, yellow and white. There is no smell of smoked people on the battlefield. There is no toilet for the soldiers to use. The only thing that can be solved is the back of the trench. At least here they can pull and shoot at the same time, and these days the soldiers are soaked in muddy water for a long time. In combat, the temperature difference between day and night and the emotional changes during combat make most soldiers have gastrointestinal disorders, and there is almost no diarrhea. The whole battle area is full of smoke and urinary smell. Every soldier who fights here experiences An unimaginable suffering of ordinary people.

Waiting for the late rice porridge and all kinds of pickled bacon to be sent to the front of the battlefield, as if the soldiers who died halfway had the strength to stand up from the muddy water, one by one, the monkeys climbed up to the edge of the trenches, only here. Let their chilling mud wait for a box of rice porridge mixed with ashes in their hands. All the armed men are sitting on the edge of the toilet and gorging them. Maybe they have the former white-collar gold collar, the second generation of the rich second generation, and After the ordinary migrant workers and decadent emptiness, they are all sitting on the edge of the toilet, stepping on the urine that they pulled out, holding the muddy rice porridge, and eating while they are happy, they lived to eat again, just in time. Next to them, a corpse of Chen Zhanji, a zombie corpse before the treacherous battle, was also sandwiched between the bodies of soldiers who had been shot and arrested.

Suddenly, a soldier cheered loudly~www.readwn.com~ The cheering voice of the cognac was hoarse and weak, but with an indescribable penetrating power, then someone started to respond, they are cheering for themselves. In the eyes, I just stared at the lunch box in my hand. Others put down the lunch box and stood up. The helicopters that were slowly flying at the back were full of excitement. Suddenly, the river where the zombies floated was full of waves and the whole river was more than 100 meters. The lot was boiling in the big waves, and there were countless bodies sinking in the bottom of the water. The huge black body suddenly floated into the water in the body. Before it was forgotten by Zhang Xiaoqiang, the big water snake seemed to feel something, showing that it was thicker than usual. A huge body in a circle...

The helicopter group was slightly rehabilitated in the logistics camp. The prepared source bombs were added to the front line. The soldiers did not know the reason for the zombies to withdraw. They saw their helicopters suddenly feel proud, even if they Most of the people were armed men in Shanghai a few days ago, but they fought down in the battle. They also had a sense of belonging to Zhang Xiaoqiang. When they saw these planes, they felt that they had a little more control and they cheered. They also hoped that the pilot would look at it. Kill a few more zombies on the face they admire.

The helicopter did not stop. The crowd cheered across the river. The helicopter just crossed the river. A tens of meters high snake tail stood in the river. The slight swing seemed to be greeting, then slammed and stunned. The odd waves of more than ten meters high were carried on the banks of the river with countless zombie bodies. The lunch boxes in the hands of countless soldiers were poured through. The river water mixed with the zombie corpse could not be eaten. When the soldiers yelled at the mutant water snake, The sharp whistles sounded around the trenches, and the soldiers quickly threw away the lunch boxes and found out that their muddy rifles started the whole team. Then the bigger cheers shook the earth, and the desperate battles of the past few days finally stopped at this moment, the soldiers. Received great news of the retreat...

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