Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 928: Rebellion 2/3

Looking at the black hole, the rushing and smashing countless falling raindrops slowly aimed at his head. At this moment, Chen Youshan never felt that time would be so slow, everything was like slow motion, and the eyes with blurred eyes were here. It became extremely sharp at the moment, the water marks on the black pistol, the shape of the drops of rain falling from the sky, and the texture of the skin on the slender fingers that hooked the trigger.

"I have a way to cross the river..."

The muzzle stopped at Chen Youshan's head and did not spurt out the flames. Chen Youshan's beastly desperate eyes stared at the finger, and the heart beat vigorously, so that he could not help but open his mouth and drink the rain to the mouth to moisten and dry. The throat, his eyes are almost hedged by rain, but he never dared to blink, but he earned his eyes to the maximum.

"I do not believe……."

The final verdict made Chen Youshan's world suddenly turn black, muzzle, rain, and all the officers with sneer and smile in front of his mouth disappeared, and then he heard a gunshot...

"Plop" Chen Youshan fell in the water, the water that had reached the calf's stomach drowned his nose and mouth, let him roll in the suffocation, and then a big foot on his belly Let Chen Youshan hold his stomach and scream, but his eyes swept to the pistol that was aimed at him and was held high by one hand.

"But there may be a line that you can't let go. If he has a way, he can't spare him if he is a brother. If there is no way, we will cut him into pieces of meat..."

The other person did not have any kindness. Chen Youshan's method is not necessarily useful. He has to wait for Zhang Xiaoqiang to make a decision. If it is useless, waiting for him will be a thousand.

“Containers, there are many containers in the Shanghai Riverside Wharf. In addition, there are many warehouses with containers. Thousands of containers can be filled with sand to sink into the river. When you can build a bridge, you can take the truck. Bridge..."

Chen Youshan didn't take it. He didn't want to talk about the conditions. In the face of two mad addicted madmen, only the fools talked about the conditions. At this moment, he only wants to get a chance to see Zhang Xiaoqiang. If he can see Zhang Xiaoqiang, he will have the opportunity to show his value. .

"What do you think..." The raised pistols slowly let go, the officers had some temptation to Chen Youshan's approach, Chen Youshan did not dare to breathe, and clung to his lips and pleaded to look at another person, the gun in the man's hand. The mouth also pointed to the last hapless, seemingly interested in Chen Youshan’s proposal, and even shots were taken care of.

"Leave it, let him be lucky... What about the rest of the guy? Do you kill or kill me?"

Chen Youshan was put aside, the thirteenth man was pushed to the center, he was terrified, his eyes were staring at Chen Youshan, all praying, no longer want to kill Chen Youshan, Chen Youshan He recognized him as a big man who surrendered with himself. The two men also had some friendships and surrendered to the Qinghong Road from the four kings. Because the relationship with the fellow villagers was not sent to the front line to be cannon fodder, now he can live for a while, and this The big man in the same town is really not far from death.

"I remember watching a movie before. The name is called a name. This kid's eyes are full of life. At first glance, I know that it is not honest. Let him do it."

During the conversation, Chen Youshan was lifted up by a chicken, a pistol was put in his hand, and another pistol was aimed at his head.

"Kill him, I will believe you..."

The typical film villain line, Chen Youshan's guns are as heavy as a thousand, but he is not aiming at the muzzle of his head. Chen Youshan's thoughts flashed rapidly. Now it is a test of life and death. Killing a companion will be regarded as betrayal. The comrade-in-arms villain, the traitor is dead, but he will die if he does not shoot. This is a matter of chance and the chance of choosing one.

"You two can only live one..."

The final declaration came to the ears of the big man and Chen Youshan. Chen Youshan listened to the intolerance in his words and made his heart sway...

"Hey, there are ten ship poisons behind, these things can poison half of the Yangtze River fish and shrimp..."

It is still the river embankment. The water snake is swallowing the beak-winged mutant beast that has been dug out of the colloid. The tent is erected around the lookout whistle of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The ground is also covered with wooden boards that have been salvaged from the Yangtze River, although it is still wet. The cold is much stronger than it was just now. The whole person is standing in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang in a spirited manner. At his feet, there are hundreds of colloids and countless red beaks, fins and long whip snake tails. In the rain curtain behind him, five large ships were piled with a bucket of material jars with yellow warning signs and hoes. As long as they were pushed into the Yangtze River, the entire downstream to the estuary would be contaminated by these poisons.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and glanced at the vessel. He lifted the telescope and looked at the downstream river. The effect of snake poisoning into the river made the bodies of many mutant beasts float on the Yangtze River. Countless raindrops hit the river and let these bodies rise and fall. At this point, Zhang Xiaoqiang took a long breath and begged that these poisons should not spread to the upstream, or else...

"Hey, there are people in the rear who are spreading rumors, provoke the emotions of many survivors, and there are already signs of rebellion. Some unscrupulous men are beginning to chaos, robbing women and children of food, and even the viciousness of **** and murder. Event..."

At this time, a young officer rushed in from the outside to report bad news to Zhang Xiaoqiang. The peak of listening and Zhang Xiaoqiang were gloomy, and the peak could no longer control the emotions. He shouted:

"Kill, kill them, my brethren are killed in the front, and they are dragging their backs. This is a betrayal. It is best to use a human head to deter them before they are fully violent. www.readwn.com~ Otherwise..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang also wants to kill people, but the coldness of the whole body makes his mind calm, and the killing intention in his heart has not risen yet, and he shook his head and said:

"There are no ways for those survivors. You don't know their environment. If you forget, let the ship drag the elder's body back to give them a meal. If you eat the meat, you won't make trouble. As for the area where the rebellion occurred, it is completely isolated. Kill a few according to the standard of ten draws...."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s first half of the discourse made the officer amazed, thinking that Zhang Xiaoqiang had a rare kindness, and waited until the latter half of the words came out suddenly, and the elder brother was still the deaf and decisive brother.

The peak heard Zhang Xiaoqiang’s orders also disappeared. According to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s practice, the smothering of the law will allow those who secretly pick things up to eat their own fruits, and the corpses of the mutated eDonkey will be deterred, even if they want to rebel, they will be scared. Do not dare to move.

"That's it, let the crew send the poisonous raw materials to the river embankment, the empty ship to salvage the mutant beast body, the morale of the rear is low, so that each of them may have a better meat, and it can be controlled temporarily. Waiting for us to do it again..."

Since the poison has arrived, there is no difference between the early step and the late step. The peak quickly goes out and orders. Zhang Xiaoqiang squats and picks up a red fire bird's mouth. He looks at the heart of the mutant animal material and feels uncomfortable. Under the circumstances, I have harvested so many high-quality materials, but unfortunately I can't turn into combat power. I have to wait until Shanghai has come to an end. There are also some colloids in front of me. Thousands of beak fins and mutant beasts can collect at least one thousand. The colloidal body means that Zhang Xiaoqiang’s reserves have been initially completed, the reserve system has been constructed, and these colloids have been officially transformed into combat power. The evolutionary forces in his forces can leap. The only thing to consider is how to make These evolutionists are obedient.

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