Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 947: Not involved 3/3

No one knows how the swordsman came out. Before Zhang Xiaoqiang stood alone, and later a Venus, suddenly one more person appeared in the middle of the blood warrior, so that they all changed color, Franklin saw the blonde strong Han’s right hand in the trouser pocket almost cried out, slamming his right hand and shouting at the watch on his wrist:

"Do you want to rebel? Give me a slap, or I will start a bomb..."

The sword stared at the brawny, and the bird's hand in the hand could pull the man's head off with a slight pull. The scene was very dignified. The sound of the rain became background music, and Zhang Xiaoqiang walked heavily in the rain. Venus stood in the same place with fear and shrinkage. Franklin was standing there. The remaining blood-stained soldiers saw Zhang Xiaoqiang move. They also moved their bodies, but they hesitated in the warning of Franklin, until Zhang Xiaoqiang stood. Go to this person.

"I am saying hello to my brother on behalf of Genesis..."

Giant Han spoke up, standard Mandarin, and pointed out Zhang Xiaoqiang's nickname. Although Venus had told him before, the appearance of the giant man was obviously not the first time he heard about Zhang Xiaoqiang, then he slowly took out his right hand, but it was a The delicate satellite phone, only the phone light flashes, in the call time, as long as the button is pressed, Zhang Xiaoqiang can talk to the unknown party.

"Genesis is a terrorist organization. They are ruined within the new era. They are aimed at anti-humanity. Their claims are to cleanse all evils. The coming of the last days is the final judgment. They are a group of madmen, the locusts that are parasitic on the earth... ""

Franklin screamed in hysterical screaming, and when he said nothing, he detonated the detonator's detonation switch. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked awkward, disappeared from the strong man, and flashed in the shadow of Franklin. The flamingo quickly flew to Franklin's right hand. Fallen, even if it is too late to stop, the detonator has been pressed heavily, flashing green light.


Zhang Xiaoqiang screamed and let the swordsman's weapon stay in Franklin's trembling arm. Then Franklin discovered that the detonator did not cause any reaction, no explosion, no poison, and no nerves. Running around, only the blond man’s mouth smirked.

"Wrong, Genesis is the real new era. You and the so-called big speaker are the real locusts. You implement the dictatorship in the name of saving humanity, and treat all survivors as slaves for your own sake, in order to satisfy you. The desire to live forever, sent countless evolvers into the laboratory to solve the plan, and the voice of the evolutionary body as the main body to establish a new order, and privately engaged in blood soldiers, our first batch of blood soldiers 48 people are in 5,000 On the basis of tragic death, for your so-called goals, there are more survivors who will be killed by you..."

The blond strong man replied Franklin with a slap in the face, then ridiculed:

"The so-called detonator can emit signal waves that are not blocked. I want to control our life and death. I didn't expect us to secretly move your detonator. Your hands are no longer detonators. It’s a toy that can’t be used...”

Franklin’s face has been ugly to the extreme, and the **** warrior’s rebellion has caused him to lose another bargain. Whether they are Genesis or not, he has nothing to do with him now. He cares that the blood-blooded warrior is out of his control and makes him in the heart of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The value was once again reduced. Zhang Xiaoqiang began to have some interest in Genesis, but when he heard the word of the new era, he suddenly became boring. Yang Keer was wounded by the New Era. Erlang was killed by the New Era, and when he was fighting in Sichuan. Hundreds of people were killed by the laser of the new era. These are blood debts. He will not smile and enmity.

"I don't care if you have any unclear relationship with the new era. Now you are my captives. Captives must have the consciousness of captives. As for others, I am sorry, I am not involved..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang waved the blood-blooded warrior and turned to Venus. He was still thinking about how to arrange these troublesome guys.

"Send all the drones, expand the scope of investigation as much as possible... and collect as much as possible the new era of ship technology, it is best to repair the spacecraft..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at the airship, especially the power system of the spacecraft. He had better materials and concentrated the productivity of the entire Yinmeng area. At least three sets of air frigate shells could be made within one year, but only That's all, there is nothing he can do inside, Franklin heard, and took the initiative to say:

"Geng Ge, this is a transport ship, capable of carrying 350 tons of materials and 120 elite soldiers and full equipment. As a prototype ship of the new era, it is flawed in design. It is difficult to change to a combat vessel, but It is not difficult to repair. The bomber that was blown up before is the balancer of the hull. It takes only three days for these crew members to fix it themselves. Unfortunately, the captain was killed just now, or the repair progress can at least increase by 5%. thirty……."

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard it, he was very interested. He was very happy to say to Falaklin:

"If I can repair this ship, I can make you a consultant for us. As long as you are honest, no one will be embarrassing you. If you can continue to provide useful information, the future treatment will be higher... What kind of supplies are there in the transport ship?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s topic turned and turned to the materials of the New Era. Franklin glanced at the blood-stricken warrior who was strictly guarded. He whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"It is a supply to the Indonesian Six Army Corps, including 120 tons of ammunition, 10 tons of firearms and maintenance parts, and 15 tons of medical supplies. In addition, there are more than 100 tons of materials for life supplies and military officers. The spacecraft itself needs the materials, right, because the marine life migrated to the land, the ordinary army can not resist, we brought three cracking rifles, this gun has a miraculous effect on the creatures, even the general evolution is blocked Unbearable, unfortunately, only small mutants can be shot. The oversized mutants can neutralize the power of the lysis rays, and the creatures with too thick cortex can't shoot..."

Upon hearing the cracking ray gun, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately thought of sending it to the Materials Research Institute rifle. This rifle was also the experimental prototype gun given to him by Ming Mingyue. It is a good killer as a single soldier, but as a weapon of Zhang Xiaoqiang, there are some ribs. This kind of rifle is a high-precision firearm. It will be damaged if it is not noticed. Zhang Xiaoqiang hopes to make this kind of firearm himself and hand it to Xu Jing of the Materials Research Institute to see if this military doctor can imitate it.

"In addition to investigating the Beidou satellite system, we also planned to go to the Tenth Army Corps station in Hunan to see if we had to take the antidote for three years, we should count it. Of course, there are no ammunition and materials. After all, the New Era has been tight all the time, and the ammunition factory has reached its limit. The stock of ammunition that has been accumulated since the end of the world has bottomed out and can only be verbally encouraged...."

Upon hearing the Tenth Army, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately thought of Hunan. According to the habit of the new era, there must be a legion-level supply center behind the main battle group. On the one hand, it guarantees the military needs, on the other hand, it suppresses the single-door single-headed family. If this is the case, The 10th Army of Hunan is still intact. A complete army has at least four or five thousand professional soldiers, a squad of eucalyptus, at least 10,000 people, and a considerable number of evolvers. Zhang Xiaoqiang will also The Tenth Army Corps acted as an opponent. Now, with the force that can easily eat them, it is no longer something he can afford to use them to solve them easily by using more than two thousand evolutionaries compiled by Shanghai Jianjian.

"Our big speaker is different from Miss Xingchen. Miss Xingchen takes over the foundation of her father. More than half of the gods support her, so she can become a nominal leader. Her philosophy is in conflict with her brother. Miss Star wants to be full. The world's manpower, material resources and science and technology are combined to create a new era of humanity, which will inevitably harm the interests of my brother. Our big speaker is different. What he wants is to form strategic alliances with other forces on the earth as much as possible~ Www.readwn.com~ In the premise of non-aggression, mutual non-interference, mutual development, self-rescue action, the motto of the speaker is that human enemies are always variants, losing one human, they will lose hope of victory. I think this is also agreed by my brother."

At this moment, Falklin changed his identity. From Zhang Xiaoqiang’s prisoner to the big speaker’s lobbyist, he said desperately about the great speaker’s good words, but let the blood-blood warriors not far away to hate him, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows. What is the big speaker? Marlene has already told Zhang Xiaoqiang about the anecdote of the big speaker. In her heart, she turned to Falaklin and said:

"What else have you said to me? Think about it..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s petition made Franklin’s legs tremble, nervously swallowing a spit and said loudly:

"Please give me a hint, I know everything..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes twitched like a smile and looked at Falaklin’s four words: “Armed?”

"Day!" Faraklin's heart was like a high-voltage electric shock that paused for three seconds, and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with horror. Is this elder brother good at reading minds?

"Forehead, the armed squad is part of the spaceship. As the last bastion of the **** transport ship, it has always been guarded in the power cabin. If it is invaded, it will open the self-destruction system of the power cabin. I am going to explain it in detail when I am repairing the spacecraft. ...."

Franklin explained again and again that Zhang Xiaoqiang silently walked in the narrow path of the spacecraft. The closed doors were marked with various nameplates on foreign languages ​​that he could not understand. After a cursory observation, Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered that these were German. According to the new era, the source should be the West, but the most contacted is the Germans. Obviously, the new era is not a piece of iron, but the Germans occupy the dominant position.


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