Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 187: vent

A yellow plastic duck appeared in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes. It was a toy that could be held in the hands of a child. The plastic duck became dim in the wind and sun for half a year, and the dark yellow coating had become pale yellow. The fine hemp rope hanging on the toy has some rotten marks on the ground. The toy is placed in the middle of the cement step in front of his left side. A platform can be seen along the steps. He slowly goes down the steps to the platform. Two old trees that can be held together by a few people are surrounded by old-fashioned cement stands. The mottled bark tells them their history and age, telling them that they have witnessed the rise of the town, development, and destruction until...····

On the platform is an old-fashioned building, the door is still the old-fashioned wooden frame door with small glass and yellow paint on it. As the years go by, the yellow paint on the door is not much left. The naughty child in the past carved a piece of nick with a knife, and a wooden plaque hung on the right side of the door, which was written in black ink and wrote "XX Town Medical Office". The light inside the door was low and the space inside appeared. It is particularly dark, and it can only be seen faintly on the wall where the chest is brushed with green paint. The paint on the ground line begins to sag due to moisture.

The flash of light flashed around the medical office like a ghost field. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked in this quiet little building, with a flashlight in one hand and a silver pistol in one hand. The whole small building was silent, only his footsteps echoed. In this quiet space, the old and the distant, and brought back a burst of echo, he looked at a messy room, broken glass, turned to the file cabinet, scattered medical records, and he was stepped on at the moment At the foot of the white coat, he looked around and he was ready to go out. At the moment of turning around, a red little puppet jumped into his eyes again. The red little puppet was thrown at a corner with dust on it. ·······

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the scene in front of him with surprise. His heart has long been ruined in this crazy end of the world. His former weakness, timidity, hesitation, and fear are no longer present, but the scene before him is His heart is twitching violently. This is a child's ward, a small chair, a small table, and a large building block piled up in the corner. The white ceiling is hung with a lot of colorful flags, and the walls are covered with various kinds of stickers. Cartoon stickers, some glass bottles with glucose injection on the iron frame painted with red paint.

He carefully walked into the ward, a messy white bone scattered everywhere, the skeleton of these white bones is small and very slender, unlike the adult skeleton, these bones are strongly broken, watching these scattered The small skeleton on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly sat on the dirty floor. In the distance, there were a few little hoes without a little flesh. The black hole above him stared at him silently, and he has been depressed since entering the town. The heart broke out at this moment.

"嗷~~~~~~~~~~" He screamed like a beast in his mouth, tears streaming from his eyes to the ground full of dust, he was crying, he cried heartbreaking, Looking at these young victims, I remembered the town that was just like a ghost, and his struggle in the last days. He used his hoarse voice to vent his sorrow. He is not a superman. He is not a hero. He is just a humble person. The little man, he will hurt, he will also be sad, he also needs someone to comfort, but he can't, he can't show the weakest side of his heart, the end is a **** world, it won't be put down because of your weakness Through you, it is a lone wolf swimming in the darkness, it is always staring at your neck, as long as you show a little weakness, it will not hesitate to pounce on it, use it to cold your teeth will take you The throat is pierced.

Its avatars are everywhere. It is the zombies who walk in the wilderness and the city. It is a mutant beast hidden in the darkness. Even, it will be a human being with the same flesh and blood. Zhang Xiaoqiang has always shown strength and coldness. The mask he used to disguise, his heart has never changed, he is the man who rushed out of the house for a few cabbages, the man who was desperately surrounded by hundreds of zombies on the high-rise, his heart has always been very Fear, but he can't be afraid. He wants to regard himself as a strong person. Even if he is a fake strong person, he doesn't know what the real strong man is. He knows he needs to cry, needs to vent, and waits for him to leave the medical office. He Still the man who is fearless in the face of D2, the man who can face the face of his compatriots with no expression, the man who is cold and chilling in front of his hand.

The men rushed into the private house and ran into their homes. The women carried their bags and took care of the gadgets they were interested in. Yang Keer took the little girl and plunged into the snack pile. Shangguan Qiaoyun carried her M1 plus. The Rand rifle silently looked at the lonely Zhang Xiaoqiang and looked at his lonely look. I don’t know why her nose was always sour and her eyes were dry. A thing called tears echoed in her eyes. She looked at that. A man with a sorrowful look, his heart is faint and painful.

The man walked in front, she followed him far behind, she was very careful, the man stopped, she stopped, the man stood in the center of the street, she was hiding behind the wall and watching the man in a daze, the man looked Looking at the man, she looked at the man's back, the man looked at the viaduct in the distance, she looked at the man's back, the man looked up at the low, cloudy sky, she still looked at the man's back, the man walked forward, she looked His back is silently kept up.

She carefully followed the man and watched the man's more prominent depression. She suddenly felt that her heart was so close to him. She didn't look at what the man saw. She only looked at the man and looked at him. That is not a generous shoulder, she understood him, suddenly understood this, did not listen to him whispered, did not look at his lonely eyes, so understand, very strange, she always thought that she knows men very well, She has been exposed to a variety of men, polite, proud, cold and dangerous, wretched and lascivious, impetuous, calm, handsome, ugly, crazy, timid, and can She went to die, but she couldn't see Zhang Xiaoqiang. From Zhang Xiaoqiang, she found out how shallow she understood her man because she never really understood a man's heart.

But at this moment, she knew it inexplicably. She saw loneliness from his back, saw loneliness, and saw the depression hidden in his heart. Zhang Xiaoqiang has always shown the strength in front of people, on the back of the man. The disappearance disappeared without a trace, and his back was only the Shangguan Qiaoyun staring silently. What was the man attracted to? He slowly climbed up the platform on the side of the steps. He looked at the old tree and looked at the dilapidated gate until he walked in.········

The inside of the house is very dark, some corners are darker because of the light, and the dark corners are so gloomy in this dark space, as if there is a ghost in the inside lurking out, Shangguan Qiaoyun walks in this quiet In the small building ~www.readwn.com~ she is not afraid, not even fear, she is holding some shelled walls slowly walking inside, her voice is very light, barely can not hear, she does not want I was disturbed by myself and walked along the wall. A beam of light shone through the window into the small building, and the darkness hidden in the room was slightly dissipated. She kept walking until she saw the dark red. Puppet········

She leaned against the door and looked at the man who was sitting on the floor and crying, the man who was indifferent in front of the man, the man who stood on the forklift, the man who was hanging on the monster and shooting, in the crowd In front of him is so powerful, cold, cruel, now the man is so sad in this dark and closed space, why is he crying?

The flashlight shone in the corner of the wall, the orange beam hit a white skeleton, and looked at the tiny skeletons. The tears in Shangguan Qiaoyun’s eyes also slipped down...·········

She walked into the room with tears, slowly squatting behind the man, sticking out his delicate arms and holding him into his arms...···········

(Many people say that the end of the world will have the style of the end of the world, cruel, cruel, killing, and destructive. To be honest, I like to read the end-time novels. I can see so many blood and cruelty that I can't see any humanity. I Depressed, is it only with cold eyes that the compatriots will slash their heads with a big knife to have a thrill? I don't recognize that I am a dead house, but I can't guarantee that I will become a monk in the last days. I don't want to be killed by the **** like killing ants, so my text is human, um, I think I will continue to maintain this style, the protagonist will not be weak because of human nature, he will be like a The cockroach survives in the cracks until it can't fit him.)

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