Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 954: Hunting 1/3

Once the gambling contract was established, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the sword scorpion launched a killing, both of them are almost dressed up, closed helmets, gold oak leaf military uniforms, and personal wrist-type portable terminals that can play virtual displays on the wrist, if not Zhang Xiaoqiang Carrying a firebird scimitar, the sword is holding a short blade in the hand, I am afraid no one can recognize them. The personal terminal is connected to the host of the investigation. The map on the virtual display will be the location of the surrounding mutants. Clearly marked out.

The super-powered endurance of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft shows its powerful ability at this moment. As long as the solar bamboo can supply power, they can always fly in the sky, and the detection system feeds the information back to the host of the investigation company, and Zhang Xiaoqiang and others. Clearness forms an interaction. Opening a map is equivalent to opening a golden finger. Under the leadership of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jian Yan, the tens of eight **** and edgy evolutionary followers, effectively clearing all the mutant beasts they encounter.

While they cleaned up the mutant beast, the 800,000 zombies of Blood Phoenix finally collided with the mutant beasts in the city.

The boundless corpse sea rushed into the city like a torrent. Under the planned crushing of the blood phoenix, the mutant beast could not lose more than 30,000 in an instant, and the bodies of countless mutant beasts were swallowed by zombies, and countless zombies were also hungry. The mutated beasts are eaten, and the two sides devour each other like two cockroaches. The scene is extremely **** and tragic.

At the forefront of the Zombie Sea, eight giant zombies and twelve white S4 zombies are like the meat grinders that will be smashed by the meat grinder. The blood of the rogue spreads on the ground, and the spread of blood has not penetrated into the ground. Slowly volatilized to form a blood mist slowly rising into the air, a large piece of blood fog twisted in the air, re-condensed into a red blood band flew to the middle of the corpse in the hidden place of the corpse.

Under the guardianship of two giant zombies, a pale-faced man is concentrating on manipulating a blood band and condensing into a new **** sea.

"It's still not good. The average human body is too poor to provide me with too much help. I need the evolutionary as a carrier..."

Each time, the blood phoenix can only attract a blood band around it. Every time it condenses, the face will be white. The **** sea surrounding it is far thinner than the **** sea that he condensed on the day. There is no comparability at all. Compared with the small pond, even if the blood of the mutant beast is more beneficial to him than the blood of human beings, it can only be seen as a ton of blood because the coagulation is not wasted, and the **** phoenix who is born in the zombie feels a strange The distressed, self-speaking for the first time is very dissatisfied with the body that is now occupied.

The deity's avatar seems to have a memory effect after occupying the **** phoenix body. After Zhang Xiaoqiang ruined his body and fled to the corpse sea, the blood phoenix could no longer occupy the body of the zombie, and he could only find human beings to take the house. The human being is also divided into three or six. Wait, the better the physical quality, the more powerful the blood phoenix plays, just like the blood phoenix of the day, although the character is garbage, but it is a real top-level evolutionist, and the ability is the best in Shanghai. Even the special battalion camps were almost completely destroyed by the blood phoenixes who were afraid of death. Therefore, it was possible to explode eight thousand evolvers between the fingers, and drain their blood into a bloodless sea. The human beings who survived in the wild are hungry every day. Unprepared, the body has long since collapsed, even if it is occupied by blood phoenix, one means can not play the two hundred and three when the peak of the day.

The killing of zombies and mutant beasts continues. For the progress, the blood phoenix is ​​still quite satisfied. Compared with his hundreds of thousands of hands, the mutant beast is stronger than the zombies in both quantity and quality. The command is different. The giant zombie and the S4 zombie are born with a low-variation beast on the order. The type 4 zombie is barely equivalent to the third-order mutant beast. If it is one-on-one, it is not necessarily a three-level mutant beast. The level mutant beasts are already high-order combat forces in the herd, and generally do not get together. The blood phoenix condenses all the high-level zombies together into a pistol's gun head and squats on the mutant herd, let the herd The loss in the local area is heavy, and the dead mutant beast is eaten by the zombies. As long as some time is given, the blood phoenix can continuously increase the position of the zombies and the stronger the battle.

He doesn't care if the zombies can raise the blood phoenix. What he really cares about is himself. He is attached to human beings. He also has the selfish nature of human beings. The following zombies die and there is no more important for him. The person who is possessed by himself is not an evolutionary person. When he thinks about the ability he had before, the blood phoenix knows that unless he finds an evolutionary person himself, he can restore his previous skills. When he thinks of it, the blood phoenix turns to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Eyes, a pair of turbidity is like a bitter bitterness in the eyes of the dusty dust...

Blood phoenix in the urban area and the head of the mutant animal costume broke blood, hundreds of thousands of zombies are rapidly decreasing, Zhang Xiaoqiang is amazed here, saying that most evolvers do not have the fighting power of type 4 zombies, even if it is Zhang Xiaoqiang can only barely compete against the previous one, but the greatest dependence of mankind is not personal force, but the combination of teamwork and wisdom. More than a thousand evolutionists are led by Zhang Xiaoqiang and TD, according to their abilities. Can complement each other and clear all the mutant beasts they can see.

There are a large number of mutant beasts, but the number of mutants that can reach more than one level is not much. Just like the big water snake, it kills thousands of fins and fins in one breath, and can dig out the colloid and the nucleus. First, less than one-thousandth of the second-level colloids can be dug, the third-level ones are not at all, and the mutant beasts do not get together after landing, they also need to forage, and the scattered mutants are better packed. Let the evolutionists who easily solve them feel like they are hunting.

It’s really hunting. The former evolutionist surrounded a mutant beast and used various abilities to kill it. After killing, he contacted the rear armed personnel to drive the body of the mutant beast, each evolver. There are bird's short blade that can break the scales, and the animal's tail whip that can entangle the mutant beast, as well as the power evolver's hand, a tall tower shield made of giant beast skin, basically two Shield Power Evolutionor~www.readwn.com~ Two agile evolutionaries with hand-held short blades, plus two teams of other evolutionary abilities, can easily pack one or several mutant beasts. The more mutant beasts are falling, the arrogance of the evolutionary people is getting higher and higher, and in the end, the gas field of the huge waves is formed, and the mutant beasts that have swept away in the wild have been rushed to make the mutations that dare to take the initiative before. The beast had to retreat.

The following evolutionists have erupted with unprecedented horrific combat power after having their weapons and armor. Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jian Wei are the sharpest sharp knives. The speed of the sword is even more unpredictable. A variation that only wanders in the wild. The beast is cut until his neck is cut, his head is cut down, and he doesn't know why. The sword can travel in the middle of the shadow, the dead hand at the most relaxed moment of the mutant beast, and the dangerous predictive ability of the closed-frequency mutant beast. Killing small mutant animals is really unfavorable.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is another model. He seems to be afraid that the mutant beast does not know that he is there. He always rushes to the center of the herd. Several dozen or even dozens of mutant beasts are rushing to gather around Zhang Xiaoqiang. Once the 50-meter boundary is crossed, these mutant beasts are either removed from the limbs, rolled on the ground, painfully mourned, or split into two uniforms, flowing out of the viscera and blood pool, waiting for someone to treat them as food. Transfer to the kitchen.

Behind Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jian Jian are two small teams with distinct paths. One is the leader of the evolution of the swordsman in the seaside defense line. The rough and wild man who led the sword also grabbed the sword and killed it. The mutant beast, after relying on the sword, was followed by the sword from the head and the face, and Chen Yu, who had been forgotten by Zhang Xiaoqiang, was left by him. Chen Yu did not leave with the nephew, and stayed with the sword. Younger brothers, they are not harmonious with each other, but the **** team that follows Zhang Xiaoqiang is slightly hostile.

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