Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1078: Digital life

At the same time, China's Sichuan underground city is still busy, one by one numb, the man in blue overalls is like a worker ant, working silently in a bright and neat base, they have no communication before, and there is no laziness Leisure, like a group of robots with human skins, are all busy with the work in their hands.

Sichuan is not the focus of Zhang Xiaoqiang's development. Yue Yang and Lu Junyi, as well as Hua Rong and others, are not the only generals. They are still quite good at maintaining Zhang Xiaoqiang's development policy. The new era is based on the backbone of the two legions in Sichuan. After not suffering too much damage and cleaning up some of the high-ranking officers, this elite force has become a complete Chinese local force. The name of the Sichuan local army is the third reed of the Huaxia Renaissance, only after the ranking of Yinmeng, by the editor It was reorganized with the local PLA and the armed police force in Sichuan. The military strength reached more than 15,000 people. Nearly half of the armed equipment was equipped with G36 rifles, and several 5.56 mm bullet production lines were transformed. In terms of combat effectiveness, in China The ranking of the revival belongs to the top three and is also the most elite trump card in Sichuan.

To say that Zhang Xiaoqiang’s life and death are unknown, Sichuan does not have the basis of military and political decentralization like Yinmeng, and it is left alone. As long as the Yangtze River is controlled, even if the Second Fleet can’t break the Sichuan defense line, it can easily be cracked. Even if the survivors of Sichuan do not agree with Zhang Xiaoqiang, it is difficult to achieve this level. Yue Yang and Lu Junyi do not have a urine in the pot. The two divisions of the Third Army hate each other, and Sichuan is the most important. The underground city has always been in the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Whether he is absent or not, Song Kunhai was originally an insignificant logistics officer with sufficient qualifications, but he could not be recognized by the Sichuan officers and men, and he also mastered the operation and maintenance of the entire underground city. It is just the same as mastering the lifeline of Sichuan.

Eighty percent of the ammunition supplements and supplies are allocated by the dungeons, and the complete military system and power base of the dungeons are far from the broken industrial ratios of other places. Mastering the logistics lifeline is equivalent to sudden death. The throat of the army, the piece of chess that Zhang Xiaoqiang laid down finally came to fruition. It is not that no one is opposed to putting the military and logistics of the entire base in the hands of Song Kunhai. Many people also see this. If you want to go to the top, you must master the lifeblood. In the hands of oneself, it is a pity that Song Kunhai is not alone.

More than 3,000 people who have been handed over to Song Kunhai by Yu Mingyue only listen to Song Kunhai. These people do not have their own thinking, but they are the best mechanics. They can master mechanical processing and equipment maintenance, as long as they give them four hours of rest every day. With enough food, they can work hard to do monotonous and boring work until they die. There is no better worker and labor than them. Three thousand work-oriented laborers are almost equivalent to two thousand industrial robots. Industrial robots are not easy to use. At least industrial robots will only perform some assembly work in a monotonous manner according to the set procedures. However, these technicians with various professional knowledge can spontaneously optimize and transform, and the efficiency is different. Miles.

With this group of people not saying, Song Kunhai has the biggest reliance, the son-in-law system, the son-in-law system controls the operation of the entire base, and anyone who is not authorized can not even control the light switch, but reached an agreement with Zhang Xiaoqiang. After the agreement, the area other than the engine room was actually controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Song Kunhai is also the agent of Zhang Xiaoqiang. It also means that he can also control it. It can't be done by anyone else, unless the ghost Guribo can be resurrected.

In this way, a strange balance system was formed in the forces of Sichuan. The new era of the uprising troops, the local troops of the Sichuan base, the survivors rescued from various military units, and the survivors who migrated from Hubei formed the Sichuan Fuxing. At the base, when no party can enjoy the decision, Song Kunhai, who is nothing but Zhang Xiaoqiang, becomes the actual power. Of course, this power is hidden, hidden behind the scenes, so that those have The guy who is unwilling to be lonely has no chance to intervene in the final right.

As the links between Hubei and Sichuan become more frequent, the Sichuan base has deepened its integration with the Hubei base, and the terrain and division of Sichuan's mountainous terrain have enabled Sichuan survivors to stabilize and enjoy a stable life. Under this circumstance, Sichuan also began to resume various civil affairs work, and formed a functional department. Under the reference of the Hubei way, it began to develop and grow slowly.

Sichuan is at the peak of its development. Tens of millions of zombies have been isolated in isolated areas by rugged and damaged roads. Apart from the Chengdu Plain, zombies in other places have not formed a climate, and they have no ability to threaten The fast-growing Sichuan survivors, and the core underground city developed in Sichuan, are not as energetic as the outside world. Except for the necessary guards, all the troops have launched zombie counterattacks outside, and the villages are in the villages. They returned to the hands of human beings without fear and fear, and a small gathering place like a paradise was also established. These small gathering places returned to a quiet and peaceful way of life, except for occasional patrols of troops along the gathering place. In addition, the people here enjoy the freedom of life quietly. They are happy and happy. Under this peaceful happiness, there are thousands of soldiers who fought bravely on the front line.

Sichuan has different lifestyles from other parts of the country because of the existence of underground bases. There are countless materials and raw materials in the underground base, and well-preserved vehicles and tens of thousands of tons of oil, so there is no such thing. The survivors who suffered from the end of the world were in a centralized control. At this time, in the core computer room of the base, the son-in-law of the military uniform was staring at the intruders who suddenly appeared in her system. Elson.

Elson is no longer the old-fashioned figure. In the world of digital construction, anything can be visualized, just like his image at this time, the image of him two years ago, an ordinary appearance, with Italian descendants. Characteristics of the young boy, the black eyes are pure and translucent, the tall nose is dotted with freckles on both sides, the thin lips are hung with a slight smile, and a serious stare at the pretty unparalleled son-in-law.

"I always know that your existence, my existence may cause trouble for you, I am very sorry about this, please do not look at me so guarded, you know, we are not an enemy ~ www.readwn.com ~ female I don't believe this guy who seems to be coming out of the data. Although she already has wisdom and has her own way of thinking, but for this guy, she still has great alertness, just like the most vicious alert. The same as the program virus.

"Your purpose, your background, and your requirements..." The son-in-law has no nonsense, the core program is quickly calculated, the high-frequency calculations overload the host, and the entire computer room is hot with the warming of the hardware devices. The continuous warming has already caused the temperature meter in the engine room to start to alarm. If neither of them is a virtual image, I am afraid that it will be sweating.

"Hey brother..., I am a cooperative relationship with my brother. You can call me a omniscient. I will not hurt you. In my eyes, you can only be a primary digital life, like a little girl with a snot. Baby, can't be called a threat, a human threat..."

Elson’s sly look made the son-in-law’s eyebrows look up. When he said that the three characters did not make the son-in-law have any movement, although she did not wake up for a long time, she already had enough pride and every time. When Zhang Xiaoqiang touched, she consciously and unconsciously put herself on the heights and looked at the person who revived China in a down-to-earth view. In order to prove her high value, she set various tests and restrictions on Zhang Xiaoqiang again and again. In this, she made her more proud, so Elson said that Zhang Xiaoqiang did not reduce her alert.

"Zhang Xiaoqiang is just an ordinary person. There is only some primary authority in me. What do you think of having a relationship with him?" The son-in-law said bluntly, if Zhang Xiaoqiang was mad at here, he did not Thinking of the son-in-law, this artificial intelligence actually looked down on him, and Elson smiled, and the freckles became more vivid with his smile.

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