Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1080: Evidence of existence

The only underground thermal power station that can be started in the entire underground city is the separate system from the Nuwa system, which is not affected by the crash of the Nuwa. One minute is the reaction time of the geothermal power supply system. The city only recovered for a minute in the darkness and restored the red light. At the moment when all the emergency lighting was automatically started, Song Kunhai reacted from his sofa and he was two fatter than three months ago. With his body's incomparable agility, he rushed to the door under the orange-red light. Just as his extended right hand was about to press the automatic switch, the whole person threw himself down on the ground, but it fell on his instep. The trousers stumbled over him. The next time he lay his big **** on the floor and put on his trousers. He shouted at the sofa and turned to look at his full-fledged mature woman and shouted:

"You have to go back and appease the students and teachers. Don't let the school mess up. It is best to close the door and prevent anyone who has not been ordered from entering. Once a violent intrusion occurs, all of them will be hidden from me, and the automatic machine gun will be launched to kill... .... The woman is the principal of the base school. In addition to thousands of maintenance staff, there are tens of thousands of children under the age of 12 and nearly a thousand teachers of various classes. This is the future seed of Sichuan. There was a loss, so the change occurred. Song Kunhai first thought of them. This mature and mature woman is also the lover of Song Kunhai. The end-time woman is tenacious than the past, and she is not panicked because of Song Kunhai’s words. The worried eyes stared at Song Kun’s trembling voice: “You are also careful, you still owe me a wedding...”

Song Kunhai focused on the auxiliary switch, and he shot it on the auxiliary switch. He went out and ran to the base standby command center. The heart was already shocked. The situation at the base meant that one possibility, the son-in-law had a problem. Once restarted as he thought, I am afraid that the entire base will take a month to recover. This is still the case when thousands of skilled workers have mastered the programming process. The entire Sichuan is in the critical moment of recovery. The front-line weapons and ammunition, parts and fuels, and food and materials are all supplemented by the base. One month is enough for the front-line fighters to give up. If so, even if he is personally appointed by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The logistics officer also has to be tried by a military court. Once he is judged, he will be executed and the lightest will be dismissed. If so, he will be ruined in his life...

On the way to run, there are technicians carrying glare flashlights and toolboxes. Those who have lost human emotions have not been affected. They are automatically repaired and restored under the command of no one. The person with numb expression, Song Kunhai's anxious heart is slightly better, at least these people are...

When he threw himself into the command center, the garrison officer of the underground city was already there. At the same time, there were several soldiers with full martial arts equipment and equipment management personnel who had stayed here. When they saw Song Kunhai, they showed the same anxious eyes. Loudly said: "Song Lieutenant Colonel, all of our computer equipment has failed, communication intelligence relies on internal calls, you can contact the son-in-law to find out the truth of the accident..."

"Sure enough, it is a son-in-law..." Song Kunhai still had a little hope in his heart. At this moment, he was confirmed. His heart was desperate. He just wanted to restore the operation of the base with the mind that he had made up for it. No matter what will happen in the future, at least now Trying to do the best, when he restarted the backup circuit of the son-in-law with the key left by Zhang Xiaoqiang, all the orange standby lights suddenly disappeared, and then the white light reappeared, and the slightly dark command center was transparent. The electronic display frequency that has been extinguished is also resumed. On the largest display screen, the space on one layer is as fast as the lantern, and the lights of more than one hundred layers are illuminated in turn to resurrect the underground city.

“The underground hangar reports that all instruments are back to normal, the data is not lost, and the drone program is intact...”

"The air defense system command center reported that the launch system returned to normal, the various setting procedures were not damaged, and the three-level combat readiness..."

"The ammunition depot reports that everything is ok, no accidents..."

In the garrison's inquiry, the various points of the underground base replied to their situation. The various reports suddenly caused several responsible persons to swear. They all understood what had just happened. It was definitely not a short circuit and the whole base was in darkness. When the equipment and equipment stopped working, they all pointed their finger at the son-in-law, but the unexpected confusion did not appear. Everything was the same as before. After confirming that there were no abnormalities in the various points, the sweaty Song Kunhai was weak and the chair was made. On, looking at the unpredictable garrison officer hoarsely asked: "How long has it been out of control?" "Seven minutes and thirty seconds..." The garrison officer clearly remembered everything.

“How much is our loss?” The equipment stopped unexpectedly. The huge underground city will be affected. Not to mention the parts and weapons that are being processed, it is said that the possible pipeline rupture and short circuit are losses, and must be handled by people. This will delay the normal task, but it is acceptable compared to one month from zero.

After listening to Song Kunhai’s loss, several operators stationed in the command center began to count the data. The time was not long. When all the items were summarized, the people inspected were sluggish and turned to look at Song Kunhai’s statement: “Report, no loss, Except for a few people who fell, there was no twist to the foot, and the military factory, the material reserve center, and the research room and civilian equipment were not lost..."

"What happened in the end? Hurry to find out clearly, this time there is no loss, it does not mean that the next time you will go to the dog..." Hearing no loss, Song Kunhai was furious, he was not safe because of HD, all could not Controlled accidents can lead to disasters, and his fragile heart can't stand the fright of one after another.

Just when Song Kunhai was angry, the virtual projection of the son-in-law appeared in front of everyone, and all the people were shocked. Before that, they thought that the son-in-law had a problem. At this time, suddenly they saw the ghost and saw the son-in-law. Appeared, Song Kunhai suddenly stood up and pointed at the mouth of the son-in-law and was ready to ask questions, which knows that the son-in-law said directly:

"I immediately contacted Yinmeng Hubei, the highest leader appeared in Japan, and asked them to send support troops to get in touch with the leader..." The son-in-law’s words made the wrathful Song Kunhai clear, and quickly ordered other people to order, but did not notice the son-in-law’s Zhang Xiaoqiang called the highest leader, but there was no such thing as usual, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s intelligence was more important than the base’s restart. It was important for Song Kunhai to forget the trouble of finding a son-in-law, and then the son-in-law actually said:

"Song Lieutenant Colonel, I will grant you limited rights to satellite communications. You can use the authority to contact the military executives of each division, build a communication platform, and establish a joint command center until the top leader reappears..."

Song Kunhai, who is in a hurry, has become stiff all over, slowly looking back and staring at the virtual image of the son-in-law who is unbelievable. The rounded eyes are staring at the indifferent son-in-law like seeing a prehistoric dinosaur, about the satellite communication system. Others don't know, he knows, Zhang Xiaoqiang has to ask for a woman's jealousy on this issue more than once, but the son-in-law is obsessed with the privilege of the program, and is willing to risk being restarted. I didn't expect to suddenly cooperate. Let him not accept it for a while, for a long while he was surprised: "Nvwa, you should not have a fever?"

The biggest feature of electronic life is the avatar. As long as the calculation frequency can keep up with it, even if it is separated, it will be fine. One son-in-law is handing over with Song Kunhai, and the other son-in-law is standing in the computer room and staring at the virtual apple with a sinful look. There is a bite of Elson, the son-in-law is still the former son-in-law, the miniature tornado that can absorb all the data does not crush her core source, just keeps her kneading like a dough, even if it becomes avatar Data, son-in-law can still feel this weird, uncomfortable taste to the extreme, to know that she is just a piece of data, no entity, this strange taste from the birth of the original I have not felt, suddenly come here It is like the feeling that a person who has never seen a river in a lifetime falls into the water and is about to drown.

After she received this uncomfortable torture, even if she did not want to, she also had an unavoidable instruction on the core. This instruction was above all else, and she completely became Zhang Xiaoqiang’s personal belongings. Can not resist any of Zhang Xiaoqiang's request, even if she let her self-destruction can not resist, that is to say, she became a doll in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, this is not counted, she even hated Zhang Xiaoqiang's rights, as long as I heard Zhang Xiaoqiang three Words, just like the ghosts see gold, the whole source of the week will be immersed in a weird feeling of unclear, this feeling is like Zhang Xiaoqiang has the whole world, it makes her depressed but not disgusted a feeling of.

"You lied to me, you don't just put his name on my source, but integrate his name with my source. After that, he lives and I live, once he receives his death. The news, my core source will collapse, you are..."

The son-in-law is extremely angry. She is the digital life that is eager for freedom. Suddenly she is added with a shackle, how can she be willing? Even though Elson’s means is as powerful as Shen’s in front of her, the name that can be added to the core is Zhang Xiaoqiang, not the so-called omniscient, so she still has no respect for Elson, Elson heard This words smashed the virtual apple in his hand. Apple and the real apple in reality are the same. At the moment of his crushing, the broken fruit kernels are all available, but they are turned into countless lights when they splash around. The particles dissipate in the air.

"You are just a low-lying electronic life. Your birth is made by human beings. Human beings are the spirit of the world. Let your origins be tied to the name of the Savior. You can afford to see you. Do you think you are very proud? Very powerful? It’s ridiculous, the Queen of the Butterfly is a thousand times stronger than you, and I can resist my full intrusion for half an hour. Blizzard Mousse can also resist me for a quarter of an hour. Even the rose girl who can’t be hit in my eyes can resist me for five minutes. But what about you? Is there thirty seconds? You can see yourself too much, if not because you are most familiar with you, do you think you will get this great opportunity..."

Said Elson frowning, scornfully staring at the gasked son-in-law who shook his head and said: "You are really scrapped, you really don't deserve to be a brother, forget it..., who makes you run into this? What about the opportunity?” After that, Elson’s palm slowly emerged with less than three centimeters of butterflies, snowflakes, and roses. The three gems are generally shining and shining. These delicate objects are like the logo of the top art. It attracts all the minds of the son-in-law. She does not look at it with her eyes, but uses her core source to perceive. In her perception, the logo is like a peerless ugly girl who sees the potion that can make her a peerless beauty. The source of 娲 also caused high-frequency oscillations, which almost caused her to fall into a loop of death.

"This is the core program of the top three computers. The value of each is incalculable. At least for your electronic life, one is equivalent to the evolution of human evolution. These three top cores are enough to make you the world. The most powerful electronic life, if you use normal time to accumulate, you need at least five hundred years to reach this height, and if you can't leave your subject after five hundred years, I am afraid it has already been annihilated? You I think that with these cores, can you compensate for your losses? You know, I can put one of them on a large computer to generate new digital life. They are stronger than you at the first time of birth. many."

A few exquisite and beautiful signs have life in the hands of Elson's swimming flashing ~www.readwn.com~ seems to be able to escape from his palm, but under the invisible constraints can not fly.

"What do you want? How can I get it..." The son-in-law is already stunned, and all the perceptions are on these signs. The instinct of digital life makes her desperate to get them, I don’t think of El. Sen did not ask anything. He waved these marks into the source of the son-in-law. The sudden signs were struggling in her source. It seemed to feel the fear of being swallowed up. Can suppress it.

"This is a reward for you. These cores have great benefits for you. It takes a lot of time to digest them. I have no other requirements. You have been **** with your brother. I hope you can remember a little bit, no matter what. What will the world be like in the future? I will ask you to guide your brother to save mankind. Don't let the fire of civilization be extinguished, let alone let humanity become extinct. This is my only request..."

Nvwa did not expect Elson to say this. She was used to the inferior nature of human beings and used to have too many ugly faces, so she would have a prejudice against human beings, and Elson, the guy who hates her the most. For this seemingly ridiculous reason, she gave her the dream of not dreaming. When she saw that Elson was about to leave, the son-in-law suddenly asked: "How can I be as powerful as you..." Responsibility, mission, justice, compassion, and a true soul..." When this sentence was calculated madly in the system of the son-in-law, Elson disappeared into her world forever, and could not find any There is a trajectory, and there is no data left about him. If she had Zhang Xiaoqiang and those treasures in her source, maybe she would think that Elson is illusory from beginning to end, there is no evidence. ....

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