Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1002: Elson's elegy

"Hey, I have failed..., the new era's supernova is not against us. They threw bombs in the mountainous area at the other end of Okinawa, and angered the mutant creatures hidden in Okinawa. You are right, Okinawa. There is something on it, these things can threaten the air, the new era wants to trap us in Okinawa, and then I will see you, my plane is about to crash, the rest of the American evolution and the plane obey your Command, please take care..."

Elson stood in the cabin and looked at the outside. There was no such thing as a unicorn-like mutant insect. In the heart, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally said goodbye. Each of the mutants had a basin size, and the whole body was wrapped in a black and shiny shell. Compound eyes, sharp knives, and thin, ice-like wings, these things are fast and fast in the air. Every time you wave your wings, it is like a shifting position. From one place, it suddenly appears in another place, every time you fly. Can flash over a distance of 100 meters or even hundreds of meters, most of the aircraft in the last days have been modified, each aircraft is equipped with more than one automatic weapon, 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, 25 mm machine gun in the air to create a huge fire network The fire net is not a fire wall. Too many mutant insects are drilled from the mesh like a surging ink to stain the sky. One aircraft after another is decomposed into a fire group under the siege of countless beetles, and more beetles pass through. The interception of the fire network rushed to the planes that fled.

The sky is like a summer storm cloud. The dark clouds slowly cover the entire sky, and a white smoke missile rocket hits the depths of the insect cloud to explode the bright red light. The flash of red light is like The black clouds rubbed the flashing current, and the faint flashing light illumined the dim sky. In the depths of the mountains, more insects skyrocketed into the sky, and the hundreds of millions of beetles will be half Okinawa in the shortest time. The sky of the island is shrouded, and all the planes are seen to be swallowed by insects.

Elson was pressing his teeth, and Flemish, who was horrified and shivering, was pushed to the ground, and the communicator in Flanders’ hands was ordered to scream: “The silver armor immediately parachuted, and all the silver armor immediately parachuted and arrived. After the ground, I listened to the Chinese commander. Only he could take you to live..." Flander lying on the ground looked at Elson in surprise, and Elson’s voice was imitating his voice. No matter the scale or tone, it is generally the same. If you don’t see it, I really don’t believe that someone can say the same voice as him. Then he hears all the evolutionists obey the command of Zhang Xiaoqiang and forgets his landline. Unwilling to keep it, raise his hand and point forward, screaming angrily at Elson’s trembling voice: “Elsen..., do you want to rebel... What benefits did the Chinese give you, let you betray me? ...."

Flander's question led Elson to sneer, coldly looking at Flander's wave of pressing the multi-function watch in his hand, violently pulling the oxygen cylinder, pulling out the pistol hidden in the stroller, the pistol muzzle The arc points to Flanders, and Flander looks at Elson with surprise. He doesn't seem to understand why his counter-measures against the evolutionary will fail. When the muzzle is aimed at his eyebrows, Flander is frightened. Called: "No...." A shot was shot, and Flander’s eyebrows suddenly appeared black spots. At the same time, a large group of blood flowers and skull fragments burst out in his back, and slowly twitched, and the red blood was punctured. The blasted back of the brain mixed with the brain and flowed out, killing Flanders, and Elson’s dead face was a little red, and Flander was the culprit in his heart that he wanted to kill. He took it away. His future enmity, thinking about shooting on Flemish's head every day, if he didn't care if he died, Susanna couldn't live, and Susanna was the central dog and mistress of Flanders. He thought long ago. Do this.

The long-cherished wish was finally reached, and the instant satisfaction made him excited. At this time, the first beetle finally hit his plane, and the sturdy casing blasted the gap of the bowl size in the loud noise, the colliding beetle The plane was worn and passed through the casing on the other side. The swirling airflow raged in the cabin, sucking all the paper in the air and pulling it out from the breach. The next moment the shell blooms like a firework, breaking out More holes, the air is lost a lot, if Elson with an oxygen mask, said not to suffocate, killing Flemish Elson throwing the pistol on the floor, turned and looked out the window, a smile hanging on his lips ....

The chaotic clusters in the sky are like a soaring group of birds. The hundreds of planes are divided into two. More than sixty planes are neatly drawn out of the arc and rushed to the insect cloud. All the firepower suddenly doubled. Innumerable bullets collided with the insects in the air. The helicopter gunships were even missiles. The missiles were fired in the blink of an eye. Then the helicopters suddenly bowed their heads, like drunkenness, cocking their tails and rushing to the swarms, huge propellers. Rotating at a rapid speed, the meat grinder likes to smash all the beetles that have collided, and the numerous beetles form a torrent that rushes over the rotating propellers and crashes like an invisible wall. Unfortunately, these shield walls are really thin and many In a few minutes, from a few tens of seconds, the spinning propeller will be broken by the hard beetle, and the falling plane will be broken into pieces by countless beetle holes before the crash. In the sky, hundreds of silver-light evolutionists are like The squirrel generally slid into the batwing of the mercury armor. This is the idea that the American Transformers got. The previous life has the technology of the finished product. The silver wing armor became a weapon for air escape.

These bat-like evolutionists have glided to the airport. Not everyone can escape. Flying insects and broken aircraft parts are deaths of human life. Fortunately, unless you are lucky, you will hit the flying insects. Most of the flying insects are aimed at helicopters in the sky, and when wave after wave of armed helicopters smashed the propeller into pieces, Elson finally won the most precious time, the last six The remaining thirty more transport aircraft were arranged in a geometric array, wrapped himself and rushed into the densest darkness of the worm cloud without hesitation. The next moment, more than 30 planes exploded together. A large number of ammunition transport aircraft, the concept of explosion at the same time no less than detonated a huge arsenal, only the glare of the fire instantly dispelled the darkness of the cloud, all people on the ground can not help but close their eyes to avoid being spurred by the light The eyes are sore, the huge shocks seem to be numerous and sizzling at the same time. The only glass left in all the buildings in the airport is blown into a myriad of broken crystal fragments in the huge sound waves. In the flash, countless refractions of brilliant brilliance are the final elegy of the air warriors, so many survivors can't help but cry silently. Many people understand that the planes that self-destructed because of the final sniper are to cover the survivors. Explosive.

Looking at the last flash, watching the survivors and armed men who rushed out of the plane and rushed to the underground hangar, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not help but feel some moisture in his eyes. He knew better than anyone, who planned this? At the end of the game, everyone will think about escape and escape when there is a chaos. There will never be more than 60 aircraft mixed with the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom. At the same time, the heart of the swearing heart and the worms will be the same, only Elson. Being able to control these planes, like the countless times of the drills, generally launched a desperate counterattack. It was this rush of action that matched the tacit cooperation and won the opportunity to land for more than 30 awkward large aircraft.

The last helicopter in the sky landed safely at the airport, and countless survivors and armed men rushed to the entrance of the underground hangar. A helicopter with a different shape was abandoned at the airport, and a lot of insect clouds in the sky were thin. Finally, the whole sky is covered ~www.readwn.com~ countless flying insects seem to be irritated in the sky, trying to find the culprit that caused great damage to them, the counterattack in the sky is over, the counterattack on the ground continues An air-to-air missile spurted white missiles into the sky. Unfortunately, the effect was not obvious. Only a few missiles were detonated after breaking countless beetles. More gaps between the beetles did not know where to fly. .

Wanqiang stood behind Zhang Xiaoqiang's chest and was indefinite, as if it was about to explode, a drop of cold sweat swept across his cheeks, and the dry scorpion wanted to swallow a mouthful of water to moisten it, but he couldn't squeeze it out because of fear, and he looked at it with lingering fear. Zhang Xiaoqiang said: "The new era is really black, almost it will be the life of Laozi, what should we do next? Is it blocked here and so on?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the sky and the black cloud of insects silently said nothing, so long after saying: "Since the new era wants to alarm these things to destroy us, we have already calculated the law of the activities of these things, I am afraid we can't wait for the day when the insects are gone? "The words just fell, the insect clouds in the sky began to rotate to the ground one after another, countless flying insects spread down the spiral route one layer at a time, seems to be ready to land, Zhang Xiaoqiang guessed, before the insect cloud was at the height of the plane Attracting, now the plane is gone, the insect cloud begins to expand to the ground, after all, no creature can fly in the sky.

There are still people on the ground who are evacuating. They are the armed men who guard the defensive missile system, and the American evolutionists who walk around. Their silver-blowing armor is dirty at this moment, and many people are embarrassed. It’s a stupid run here, and obviously they’re also expecting something behind. Looking at the wretched Americans, Wanqiang did not ridicule and complain. The aircraft that blocked the insect cloud were mostly Americans. Even the American leaders were killed in the insect cloud. He really has nothing to say.

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