Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1107: Dilemma

A thousand miles away, the mud on the sea is muddy, and the vast trees that have washed away the leaves are undulating in the sea. Numerous foam fragments are mixed with dark corpses to make the blue waves more nausea, and the distant cramps in the distance are generally trembled. The waves more than ten meters high are undulating, and the large trees floating in the water are pressed down. Occasionally, in the noise of the noisy waves, the fragile sound of the giant tree is heard, in the waves that are like bullying in the mountains. A thin boat is like an ant in a rainstorm. The boat has more or less survivors, and there are no fewer than a few hundred, and most ships have vacancies. From time to time, it can be seen that the rising waves will rush the survivors to the sea. Once they have fallen into the sea, there will be no hope of surviving, but no ships will stop, only vaguely crying.

Suddenly, another wave of treacherous walls rushed down to them. This roaring wave rolled up the sky, rolling over a few kilometers to the fleet and screaming in the fleet. When it sounds, everyone can desperately grab the handrail and bow down to meet the impact. How can a thin boat resist the big waves? The sea water roars, the white waves splash, the broken planks and the twisted body fly in the air to form the end of the three-dimensional painting. When the big waves are invisible, two-thirds of the ships will disappear into the sea forever. Only countless palm-sized pieces of wood follow The waves are drifting.

The boat stopped and swung, and the waves on the surface of the sea, one of the stunned survivors sitting in the water in the cabin, looking at the numerous cracked wooden boards as if they did not believe that they survived, although the big waves went, the waves Unexpectedly, a wave of water waves, such as the hills, will disperse the fleet and drift to the unknown.

"Forward, everyone is moving forward, we have come out, we can't go back, only forward..., even if we die, we must move forward..."

The young Asian men in the team suddenly shouted in Chinese. The screaming screams seemed to question the sky, full of sadness and sorrow, and the raging waves roared like thunder. The huge sounds wandered between the sea and the sky, but they could not cover it. The man’s heartbreaking call, the man’s crying call finally let the survivors come back and cry together, they cry for their escape from the death at hand, many ships have lost their crew Many ships have only four or five people, or even one or two people. The most shocking thing is the empty ship that no one has.

"Don't you cry, don't want to cry, you want to die, you can't live. If you want to live, you can't live. If you want to live, Okinawa is not far from us..." The man is the leader of the entire fleet. Under his encouragement, many people subconsciously searched for the paddles to prepare for the move, but some people refused to move, staring at the undulating sea in the distance, until the end of the sea they could not see a trace of land. shadow.

"Wu Fan, don't lie to us any more. How many people are left behind? There are 7,000 people at the time of departure, only 4,000 people are left at the beach, 800 yuan died in the sea, and 10 kilometers in the sea. One thousand two, now there are only a total of more than 600 people left. Do you want everyone to die?..." On the boat closest to Wu Fan’s ship, the young girl screamed Wu Fan’s screaming about her dissatisfaction. Wu Fan rushed back to the girl and pleaded: "Do you still want to go back, have you already had the choice of this place? My hunch tells me that only when I rush out of Japan, I have a way to live. Only when I go to Okinawa, I have a way to live. Just through the sea, there is a way to live, Little Swallow, let's move forward, believe me..."

Wu Fan stared at the sorrowful girl, who was originally her boyfriend's vacancy. At this time, it was empty. Although the loss was heavy, it made his heart happy, but the girl was not happy, screaming: "Everybody Believe that you came out with you, you are worthy of six thousand believe in your soul, you blindly arrogant guy, you want to kill all the talents willing to give up..."

A sigh of relief made Wu Fan’s heart burst into fire. He wanted to argue. The waves around him slammed down, and the flowing water poured water on his already soaked body. He suddenly woke up. It’s not a quarrel. Many lives are lost here. I will not pay attention to the girl for a while. I will only open myself in my heart. If I can live, I can find a more beautiful woman. I will shout out in my mouth: "Going back is a dead end, believe in my follow-up. I am leaving, I don’t believe that I decided..."

Wu Fan can afford to put it down, and he is strong enough to become the leader of the Japanese foreigners' gathering place. Ninety percent of the survivors have died, leaving less than 10% of the survivors watching Wu Fan. The back, subconsciously waving the paddles to follow, let the little swallows behind scream loudly...

Wu Fan, with the remaining 600 people, rushed through the last wave area and took a breath, turned and looked at the boat behind him but did not find the little swallow. Obviously this beautiful girl did not come over. The heart could not help but flash the extreme repression, a tear in my eyes, the survivors around me watching the waves rolling in the distance, cheering for them, for them, the waves that swallowed countless lives are a victory, just in At this time, there are numerous shadows floating under the sea surface...

The American rebellion was not extinguished by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Most Americans were reluctant to obey Zhang Xiaoqiang’s command. The leader was Chris Brown. Li John finally saw Zhang Xiaoqiang’s hot and high, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s Chris. Brown is like a violent brown bear who rushes to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang easily tears his head. The head with half of the spine is **** in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s hand, making most Americans feel desperate, only a few The Americans did not agree, but they did not object to Zhang Xiaoqiang. An invisible crisis was dispelled by Zhang Xiaoqiang’s violent means, but Zhang Xiaoqiang could feel that his behavior had suppressed the strong anger in the hearts of the Americans present, and he did not care. He did not think about getting these Americans to heart. All he wanted was temporary obedience.

Li John wanted to speak a few times, but he didn't know how to talk about it. He couldn't help but open the distance with Zhang Xiaoqiang. There was no longer any enthusiasm and familiarity. Wanqiang seemed to have decided to ignore the sundries and hide in the deepest hangar. The place enjoyed the various materials found by the Chinese, and the Russians seemed to receive hints that they no longer cooperated with Zhang Xiaoqiang, and some passively accepted the task. As for the iron Zhongyuan and Darihachi disappeared, they never showed up again, only Byron. Lieutenant Colonel and Zuotian became Zhang Xiaoqiang's relatively reliable left and right hands.

The underground hangar has been completely closed. The underground military buildings built in wartime are quite solid. They are not afraid of the flying worms that can be found outside. Most of the survivors who have been undecided are also sorted and managed, and settled under the command of Zuotian. As for the British, they are more honest. They know that their identity is self-contained and they are hiding in the corner. The Americans are alone on the side, far away from others, and guarding anyone close to them.

The wide underground airport has the role of air-raid shelters, command rooms, rest rooms, intelligence analysis rooms, electronic liaison rooms, and radar and material warehouses. Although most of them are abandoned, the power supply system and water supply are intact. Some of the rations that have not been known for many years can still be eaten. For the time being, they can satisfy the consumption of thousands of people for a short period of time. It is expected to be divided into groups that are not reasonable to each other. Zhang Xiaoqiang has some headaches and so many people present. Almost none of the people who really belong to him, maybe the Mawei girl is half, but he can't really count on it. He can already take care of two children and already have Amitabha.

A glimmer of light illuminates the large hangar, a new fighter and drone are covered with thick dust in the corner, and thousands of people whispering in the air turbulent hangar Squeaking, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at the crowds sitting in silence. At this time, he had no way to go. The underground hangar was directly connected to the airport building on the ground. There were no less than 20 investigators on the upper floor, but Zhang Xiaoqiang had a little bit of heart. There is no bottom. He doesn't know when the flying insects will be able to retreat. According to the camera arranged outside, the sky is still awkward. Many flying insects have landed on the ground, and the dark crust shells almost fill all the buildings, the ground, the planes and the roads, and the grass and trees outside the airport are also in the devour of the beetles. Fortunately, these beetles do not eat metal. And cement, or Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know how long it can last.

The cool footsteps slammed toward Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang heard the footsteps and didn't turn his head. He just stared at the reflective floor after the ground soles wiped off the dust. A shadow would cover the reflection, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang looked. To a pair of feet wearing tattered sneakers, although the shoes are broken, the washing is still clean. The broken hole on the upper of the shoe reveals the toes and makes people feel sad. The owner of the shoes seems to find that Zhang Xiaoqiang is looking at the shoes, and some of them are unequivocally twisting their toes. To hide in the shoes, but how can not hide, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up to see the ponytail woman's cheeky cheeks, the ponytail girl is a very pure little girl, the sixteen or seven-year-old looks almost the same size, 喵喵Naturally born baby face, the body is not very developed, the ponytail girl is quite developed, and the chest is definitely not a small girl.

"Give you..." The Mawei girl said that there would be a lot of Chinese, and reached out to Zhang Xiaoqiang. The white tender hand had an open military can. The dark inside did not know what it was, there was no moldy smell, look at the pony tail. The girl should be able to eat in a serious manner. Zhang Xiaoqiang took it with him and did not intend to eat it. Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang’s scornful look, the ponytail girl was not angry. She carefully walked to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s side and sat down, quietly accompanying Zhang Xiaoqiang. After a while, the two little ones ran and sat down, holding a pen and paper that didn't know where to turn it out and writing and painting on the floor.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mood was very bad. It’s better to have the companionship of these three children. I feel that I am not alone. The thoughts that have come to a stand are back to work. I think about the way to escape. The outside world is already flying, and the sky cannot pass. The ground is even worse. Even if the flying insects do not attack them, they cannot swim across the sea. These thousands of people are temporarily worried, but what should they do in the future? There is also a new era. Okinawa is a trap set by the New Era. There is no hope for them, but there is no hope of fleeing. In this way, the new era will dominate the red algae resources. Others do not know the bottom of the red algae. Zhang Xiaoqiang knows the Qing. Clearly, there are no five-level mutant beasts around the red algae, and the new era wants to **** the red algae.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart is entangled. He has not eaten a loss, but he has not suffered such a horrible loss. The planner of the new era is so high that he and all the forces that have tried to red algae are trapped on Okinawa. Nothing can be moved. All this shows that the new era has changed from a biased force to a biased strategy~www.readwn.com~ This makes him faint, at least in his mind, China can't find a few guys who are close to the demon.

"You must go out and find a way to leave..." Zhang Xiaoqiang was not a person who gave up easily, and began to clear his mind in his mind. At this time, the ponytail girl started to sleep, and her head sank like a chicken eating rice. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not pay attention, still thinking about it: "Elsen has informed China, telling them where I am going, maybe they can help? How can I let them know that I am in Okinawa? I was originally prepared to go to Korea and then Contact, what if I missed it?"

Suddenly the shoulders sank, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and found that the ponytail girl was sleeping on his shoulders, his brows were slightly wrinkled, Zhang Xiaoqiang was preparing to remove the ponytail girl, and heard her heavy breathing and the delicate and serene face, he could not help but hesitate. Finally, I slowly hugged the body of the ponytail girl, let her lie in her arms, holding a light and delicate body, he did not get up and down his hands, began to miss Yang Keer and hehe, remembered that he thought of Vladivostok.

"Maybe you don't have to go to South Korea. The sky in Vladivostok can pass the airship to pass the helicopter. Before I went to Japan, I guarded Vladivostok. There are Redying Brigade and Crescent Moon. They are not as available as they are now. But how do you contact them? What is the role of contacting them? The New Age blocked the surrounding waters, and the sky was occupied by flying insects. Did they come with insecticides?"

I want to think about the West, Zhang Xiaoqiang has already cleared his mind in the mind, first of all to inform China of their location and situation, and tell them the news of flying insects, no matter how China operates, he must let the people in the underground hangar know that they have not I hope that if I have hope, I can unite these people of the Uganda to start self-help. Once I leave Okinawa, he will fight back against the new era.

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