Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 8: Is it infected?

Zhang Xiaoqiang wiped the tears from his face and stood up to collect the scattered materials. The heavy rain is still under, and the whole world is left with only the sound of rain.

I don’t want to worry about anything in my mind. I just mechanically put all kinds of materials together and move them to the living room.

"Touch..." The iron gate was closed by him, Zhang Xiaoqiang returned, and the raincoat was still worn on the body. The rain continued to drop on the floor tiles along the raincoat hem. The clothes inside the raincoat were all soaked, and the cold and cold chill Let him tremble.

Zhang Xiaoqiang changed his clothes and sat on the bed with a quilt. The heater was opened to the maximum block. The red light in the heater reflected on his face. The heat was so painful as the skin of numerous small needles. Expelling the coldness that was cold to the bones, Zhang Xiaoqiang was holding the quilt, and the rain outside the window was still under.

I thought of the white wine I found a few days ago. "White wine can drive cold."

Turning out the fine "Taohuaxiang" pressed at the bottom of the box, unscrewing the lid "咕咚" is a bite, 52 ° white wine is contained in the mouth, the taste of the wine is sprayed out by the taste buds stimulated Zhang Xiaoqiang, swallowing hard, The tongue began to numb. Liquor like a hot oil along the throat has been burned to the bottom of my heart, the feeling of fire and general from the bottom of my heart to the throat.

The coldness that was restrained on the bone seemed to be slowly dissipating, and the heater was turned down. Zhang Xiaoqiang was holding the quilt and looking at the heater.

The hungry belly awakened Zhang Xiaoqiang to eat. He went out to bed and went to the living room to pull out a box of wafer biscuits, tearing open the package, and a cockroach fell out of the box and fell to the ground and crawled around. He subconsciously lifted it. The foot stepped on the past.

An empty mineral water bottle was placed on the computer desk, and the cap of the bottle was tightly closed. Two vent holes were left on it, and the cockroaches quietly slammed at the bottom of the bottle. In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't step on it, just shut it in the bottle and didn't give it food. I want to know how long it will last without food.

In this desperate city, Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a victim who lives on an isolated island. There is no hope and no future. In addition to the zombies swaying down the building, only this cockroach accompanied him, lonely, like a beast, constantly biting in his heart, like a poison, constantly eroding his mind.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sometimes thinks that the earth will be left with only one human being, and he is the king of the world, one person, king.

"If you can't stand loneliness, then you learn to enjoy loneliness."

Zhang Xiaoqiang glared at the wafer biscuits and calculated the time when the materials can still be adhered to. He even wanted to escape from the city with rain, but unfortunately he would not drive, nor would he steal the car.

"Going out?" Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and dismissed this crazy idea. I don't know if this rain can still be a few days. I don't know if all the zombies like to rain. I don't know where he can go. He has been to the city of WH in his life and the X city where his sister married.

"The future is awkward, hehe!!!" Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed.

A box of wafer biscuits has been eaten by him unconsciously, dried in the mouth, picked up a bottle of mineral water and poured a large mouth, just swallowed and lost strength.

Zhang Xiaoqiang carried the plastic water bottle to the ground, twitched his body, and the heart was hammered once and again with a big hammer. He opened his mouth and tried to yell loudly, but he couldn’t make a sound, only the throat was " Slightly, slightly, the inside of the viscera was thrown into a red iron ball, rolling around in the body, the five belly and six organs were ignited. The feeling of burning the flames spread out from the inside out, the skin on the hands became red, and Zhang Xiaoqiang died and died. He had never suffered such pain. For the first time, he wanted to die. Only death can end this pain.

Zhang Xiaoqiang slammed on the floor with his head and hit the floor tiles once and for all, and the blood flowed into his eyes. He couldn't see anything clearly, and his eyes were red. Zombies, food, survival. . . . Everything is not important. He just wanted to end this kind of painful suffering, even if he had to end his life, he just instinctively hit the ground with his head and hoped to let himself faint.

I don't know how many hours, or a few minutes, the pain is over. Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his eyes, his blood mixed with tears and his nose all over his face. The whole body shrank into a group of cooked shrimps. The body was still subconsciously twitching, and the tightness of the teeth could not be loosened.

Zhang Xiaoqiang lay quietly, doing nothing, and didn't want anything. He hadn't awake from the terrible pain.

The bottle of mineral water in his hand was smashed into a group, and the mineral water was sprayed from the mouth of the bottle and sprinkled on the body and sprinkled on the ground. Only after changing the clothes, the clothes are full of blood and water.

An abnormal feeling of ice and cold appeared in Zhang Xiaoqiang's body. It was not the kind of cold that was cold to the bones. It was the kind of cold that could freeze the bone marrow. Zhang Xiaoqiang threw the bottle and clasped his hands tightly on his chest. The teeth that have just been loosened are also released, and the upper and lower teeth are constantly bumping. The legs rub against each other, hoping to create a little warmth.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was cold and thought of going to bed, but he had no strength on his body. As the chill in his body became heavier and heavier, his vision began to blur and his mind became more and more faint.

"End?" Zhang Xiaoqiang muttered. "I will see the old man and the old lady!!!"

The severe pain made Zhang Xiaoqiang wake up, and the feeling of burning himself once again made him twitching. He didn't know that this was the first time. Every time he was frozen by the cold to the bone marrow, he was taken up and down. All of them are awakened by the pain of burning, do not know the number, do not know the time, if there is **** in the world, he has already suffered in hell.

Pain and icy cold have not been alleviated as much as the beginning~www.readwn.com~ The nerves of Zhang Xiaoqiang have begun to numb, and as he wakes up again and again, he will not be as blank as he started, what? I don't know, I don't want to know anything!

The body is still in pain, Zhang Xiaoqiang lying on the floor looking at the ceiling, as if the body is no longer his own, all the pain has nothing to do with him.

"There must be a virus in the rain. It must have been accidentally swallowed in the rain." Zhang Xiaoqiang kept thinking, and the chill was swimming around in his body, as if the blood had begun to condense.

"I was infected? Is it so painful to become a zombie?" Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to think that his chill began to become stronger and his thinking began to slow down.

"The zombie mutates in 45 minutes. I haven't gotten the time yet? It's really slow!" At the moment of fainting,

"Hurry up to become a zombie..." A darkness.

At 7:30 on February 1, 2013, the alarm of the mobile phone rang over and over again, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was awakened by the ringing in the bedroom. Open your eyes, the consciousness is still a little fuzzy, I found myself lying in the living room, I want to stand up, but I have no strength at all, I hold my hand up on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat up, everything that happened last night was him. I remembered.

"I became a zombie?" Zhang Xiaoqiang hurriedly looked at his fingers, his nails were trimmed neatly, and he touched his teeth. "Flat..." he called out. "I haven't changed zombies!!" With a little strength on his body, Zhang Xiaoqiang struggled to stand up and walked to the bedroom. The figure in the dressing mirror looked very lonely. The hair that had not been washed for a long time was somewhat tangled, the blood on his face was small, and his eyes were small. I can clearly see the dark brown pupil.

Did not become a zombie, did not let Zhang Xiaoqiang become happy, naturally no depression, experienced the pain of Purgatory yesterday, his mood is indifferent, he looked out the window, the rain stopped! !

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