Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 209: First seen enemy camp

"Two hundred or more people, men have about one hundred and forty, and women have more than one hundred."

"You live on the mountain?" Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little surprised. This hill looks ordinary and there are no buildings on it.

"We live in the back of the mountain. As long as we climb over the mountain, we can get there. If we take the road, we should make a big break. There should be a whistle on the top. They see your team. Liu’s head took us and wanted to grab it. You are." Li Zhu is now omnipotent, very cooperative, and he even took the initiative to tell Zhang Xiaoqiang where the whistle is.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know if the above people were ready. He asked the three people to guard the prisoners and climbed the hill with 12 people touching the black.

The hillside was fairly flat. Zhang Xiaoqiang and his men climbed hard. They climbed very carefully. They encountered shrubs that were blocking the road. They were willing to go around and would not go through it. They were afraid that the sound of the shrubs would be heard.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has the best constitution. He also climbs to the front. He moves quietly and silently, and the players behind him are taken out of the boss. A piece of rock and a bush are all behind him. He is watching all the time. Any point around him, although Li Zhu has pointed out the hidden position of the dark whistle, but he still does not dare to care. He does not trust Li Zhu. He is willing to be careful. Today’s loss is too great. He does not know how to get to the base. Others said.

There is no moonlight illumination tonight, the hillside is dark, the end of the world has changed all kinds of flora and fauna, the plants have withered, the animals have mutated, and even the insects that like to bark at night have not moved, the surrounding is very silent, Zhang Xiaoqiang listens Not a little sound, only to hear his own slightly rushing gasp in his ear.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang listened, and the silence was still around. There was no movement on the top of the mountain. He looked up and sniffed in the air carefully. Yes, there was a smell of cigarette smoke in the air. As an old smoker, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very Familiar with this taste, someone is smoking nearby, and not far from him. ,

He climbed more and more carefully, and slowly he approached the hill. A figure stood on the top of the hill and looked around. Now it was five in the morning, the sky was still dark, and Zhang Xiaoqiang could not see the specific look and dress of the man, but Zhang Xiaoqiang The person who is sure to smoke is not him. There is no red cigarette in his mouth.

He slowly looked at the surrounding terrain and wanted to find out the guy who was hiding and smoking. It was a latent whistle. Li Zhu’s information was wrong. He said that the position of the latent whistle was slightly behind the top to see the whistle. If the latent whistle is really in the position he said, the smell of that person’s smoking will never be so far.

Here is the mountain, the mountain wind of the mountain can be bigger than the flat, looking at the bright whistle in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not dare to move, although he can kill him, can you kill it? Zhang Xiaoqiang is so careful to touch it, isn't he trying to hit the Liutouer?

Just as he was looking for it, he said something in a slightly hoarse voice: "Hey! You see the head and they come back together a few????????"

The sound was ringing around Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the sudden voice of Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked. He couldn’t help but shrink his neck and lean down.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s side is a piece of stone that is half a person high. The foot of the mountain stone is buried in the soil. Zhang Xiaoqiang is looking at the rock and the sound is from the back of the rock. That is to say, the distance between Zhang Xiaoqiang and the latent whistle is less than one meter.

"I didn't see it clearly. Anyway, I went out to more than a hundred people. I came back a dozen or so. Yes, I also saw a man who was stunned and carried it down. It seems that it is not on our side. If our people are dizzy, Liu Biaoer will only give him a knife. "The Ming whistle is not looking around and starting to talk with the latent whistle."

"It’s the people over there. I don’t know where it’s coming from. It’s awkward. There’s only a few people who killed us on the side of our 100-plus number. Fortunately, it’s our turn today to send a whistle, otherwise Ah, oh?? This little life is going to be reimbursed." The latent whistle seems to be happy that he didn't go up, and his tone is gloating.

"Yeah, I am here to hear the evil spirits of the guns there. The voice is like the New Year's Eve. It is not broken at all. The streamer on the mountain side is just like the rain. I was dizzy with the warheads that were dragging the light, yes, have you heard the guns there?" The Ming whistle completely forgot the start of his mission and the lurking whistle.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not continue listening. He slowly bypassed the two people who were in the past two days and touched the lurking whistle that Li Zhu said. There were some hidden bullets and military words behind him.

As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang passed the hill, he saw the lights lit up in the mountains. A pile of piles of materials burned on the open space under the mountain. One woman and man kept moving some things into the truck, and there was a row of simple houses on the side of the fire. There was a large log on it, and it also helped a naked man. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw it, but Guo Fei was the guy. It seems that he is not the opponent of the mysterious man.

There was a pile of stone piled up in front of it~www.readwn.com~ The above was still covered with branches and leaves. Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly touched the stone pile and pulled out the police dagger and climbed in.

The space inside the stone pile is very small. It can only make two people roll inside. It is dark and invisible. Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly creeps to the other side. The dagger in his hand is ready to puncture, and a snoring sound comes from inside. Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped his wriggling, squinting his eyes and slowly adapting to the darkness inside. A dark figure was curling up in a group and slept soundly, and a burst of snoring came from his mouth.

Zhang Xiaoqiang pushed him over the neck of his knife. The man was still asleep. There was no reaction. Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out his belt and tied his hands. He put his clothes on his clothes and smashed it into his mouth. Until Zhang Xiaoqiang tied him to a scorpion, this guy continued to sleep, and the snoring was no longer ringing. He was screaming with his nose.

There are two left, Zhang Xiaoqiang continues to touch the other side of the whistle, waiting for him to go there but see his team members are aiming at him with a gun, the two bright whistle were tied into a group on the ground, mouth It was also stuffed with people.

The mountain is now in chaos. People are running around like a group of headless flies on the side of a burning fire. A man carrying a box is hit by a bag under his feet and rolls on the ground. The wooden box spreads out, a bag. The bag of salt packed in a pound is scattered everywhere.

Before he got up, a long knife that was swayed by the flames smashed his head into two halves. The skull that was opened was still attached to his neck, and the heads divided into two were constantly sprayed with bright red. The blood, the blood and the brain of his white flower rushed out and sprinkled everywhere.

"Plopping??" The blood-stained body fell on the salt on the ground. Under the illumination of the fire, the dark red blood slowly accumulated under him and became a pool of salt that was scattered on the ground.

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