Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1347: Assault

Salt Lake City is a holy place for Indians. Indians use lakes and grassy grass leaves to treat diseases and treat the Great Salt Lake as a “sacred lake”. The sea salt content in the Great Salt Lake is second only to the Dead Sea, and it is a treasure given to mankind. It is also the most important mining center in the western United States. Bingham in the southwest of the city is one of the world's most famous copper mines. In the last four years, this city, which has been quiet for four years, has ushered in a century of war.

The world's top evolutionary people gathered here to launch an assassination attempt against Flemish, the greatest traitor of mankind. Americans will not easily give up a base. Any enemy occupying the US base will not know that there will always be a set of underground bases. The alternate self-destructive start-up system, Flander can not think of it, when he is most proud, some people will cross the tens of thousands of Kraja's defense, sneak into the underground base through a channel he does not know to start the self-destruct system.

When self-destruction was initiated, the sudden crisis came to Flemish's mind. Both the snakewoman and Kraya had dangerous predictions. Flanders was no exception, but Flanders did not know where the crisis came from, and even thought that It was the Americans who fired a nuclear bomb at his base. In a hurry, the rallies were scattered outside Clara to enter the base, ready to rely on the base's defense facilities to resist nuclear explosion.

Flanders didn't have much combat experience. He didn't receive professional military training. He was overwhelmed when he was in crisis. When tens of thousands of Klaia were squeezed into the base, the base's emergency evacuation system was launched. Vlad passed the base. The system broadcast knew that the problem was there. At this time, because of his panic, the exit was occupied by Kraja, and it was impossible to evacuate these Kraya in a short time.

In the end, I had to give up more than a million Klaia, with more than 20 four-armed snake women evacuated to the outside through a hidden route. Just rushed out of the base and heard a huge muffled sound. The whole mountain range was shaking vigorously, and numerous gravel blows were blown out. From the underground, the mountain formed by the rock is deformed and swelled in the violent shaking. It cracks countless mountains and rocks, like a mudslide pouring down the valley.

The rolling gravel rises and the rising dust covers the sky. Under the concealed sky, the dust is almost formed with the sky. Millions of gravel falls to Flanders and are protected by him. The barrier bounced off, the scattered stones leaped around them, and a thick layer was laid on the ground in an instant. Flander stood in the gravel pile and desperately looked at the underground base that collapsed into a big pit. He was not distressed by equipment and captives. Humans, but more than 10,000 Klaia.

Clara is an aristocrat in the sea, which means that the difficulty of birth is much higher than that of the sea. There are hundreds of Kraya among hundreds of thousands of sea people, and less than 100,000 in the world. The war has caused the number of Kraya to continue to drop. In Australia, thousands of losses were lost in one time. Counting the loss of Klaia here, the total number has lost one-third.

This is an unbearable disaster for the sea people, which means that millions of sea people will lose control. After all, the basis for the order of the meteorite is Klaia. Each Klaia is equivalent to a transfer station. The base station is destroyed and the command is also It’s not easy, Flander’s big, the purpose of bringing more than a million Kraja around is to control the landing of the sea, losing these Kraya, meaning that the number of seas he can control will be cut tenfold. The direct consequence of the impediment of the command is that the former work is abandoned.

Desperate thoughts are still in the heart, and Flander screams loudly. He still doesn't know what happened, how can the end-of-line base be destroyed? If he knew at first that there was a problem inside the base, he would never call Klaia into the base. Klaya would not enter the base. Even if there were 100,000 troops, it would not be an opponent of Klaia, let alone he would be arranged in the distant salt lake. Hundreds of powerful mutant sea beasts.

The extremely depressed Flanders did not feel the new crisis coming. The next moment, all the snake girls looked in the same direction, only to see the dust in the air rushing, when the snake girls issued an alarm and issued hundreds of When thousands of ice spear water lines were fired at the dust, dozens of figures crashed into the dust and appeared in Flanders' eyes. Dozens of **** that were deformed by high-speed movements shot at their faces.

The ball quickly collided with the ice spear that almost covered the sky. The ice spear piercing the steel was wiped into the ball and instantly cut away. Fifty **** crossed the long arc and dense ice. The spears crossed, and rushed to more than 50 figures. More than 50 **** also slammed into the barriers of the snake women. The bursting ball was like a splash of ink that wrapped the ball in a strong way. The adhesion is entangled in the barrier, and the thousands of ice spears are slamming into the cold eyes of Delia’s fierce eyes in the moment of hitting more than fifty figures. The team waved their hands at the front, and let thousands of ice spears solidify in the air.

Hearing Euss, he screamed, and the palm of his hand was like controlling the invisible sword. The volley was empty. Thousands of ice spears were unified in the sky and crossed the semi-arc trajectory. The road was thrown at the next moment, and the next moment the ice spear hit the snake woman. The ink-like barrier bounces off, the broken ice spears, such as silver bottles, break through the water, and more than fifty powerful sticky **** that fly again hit the shield again.

Genesis is no stranger to the snake's protective cover. Conventional weapons are ineffective for these barriers. Even if the laser is shot on it, it will be refracted. Only these small things may be useful. The snake female shields are wrapped so that they can't see the outside. Waking up, hit by the ice spear, causing the snake women to shoot a steady stream of ice spears again. This time the number of ice spears is several times before, but the accuracy is plummeting, scattered everywhere, there is a kind of weeds a feeling of.

The strong root of Eos is his ability. There are only two kinds of his abilities. One is force field control, the other is attack bounce, and the attack bounce is the derivative ability of force field control. With such means, Erhe Sri Lanka itself is in an invincible position, no matter how many ice spears come, it will be returned in front of him.

But the first attack on the snake woman is not Eos, but Sofia in the air. The invisible air blade envelops a snake's fast rotation, making a harsh noise, as if it were cut, the snakewoman's barrier. In the countless gas blades as if the chainsaw saw the deformation and rupture, just at the moment of the shattering, the sacred Arito and Hardman rushed out, one used anti-gravity, one used death gaze, the snake woman Dead in mid air.

The moment when the fascinating snake girl just showed up, the line of sight was on the side of Arito, and suddenly she fell into a state of stunnedness. The silky long hair and delicate skin lost moisture in a dozen breaths, like dry grass and ten. A few breaths, the snake girl's plump body is like a shrinking vegetable, dry and thin, and finally the skinny and old-fashioned, Arito's means are unusual, and the life of a powerful snake girl is exhausted in front of everyone. It’s only a sigh of dying.

When the snake woman who lost gravity rejection fell to the ground, the flying ice spear suddenly nailed her into a hedgehog, and the moment of the death of the snake girl caused a chain reaction of other snake women. Divided into two, one part took the initiative to lift the shield to meet everyone, and the other part went down the hill to the mountain ~www.readwn.com~ half of the snake woman rolled down to the big salt lake under the mountain, at the same time, big The undulating surface of the salt lake stunned the wind and the waves, and a huge mutant animal floated on the surface of the lake. The largest sea beast like a plesiosaur raised more than ten meters of fan-shaped limbs and took dozens of meters of water. Flying quickly to the shore.

Without command, more than a dozen animalized warriors threw away the viscose emitters in their hands and accelerated to the ushing snake woman. Others struggled to climb to the heights, and numerous water lines formed a parallel rain curtain in the air. After the beastized warrior shoots into the honeycomb coal, the beastized warrior is full of beasts, and it has nothing to do with the beasts. Their own perceptions are infinitely weakened, even if they are deeply hurt by the mortal, they ignore it and only slammed into the snakes. .

There are not many ways for snake women, except for the ice spear waterline. The powerful ones are their own power. A few snake women will have a pocket holy sacred device. Some of them are there, and the beastized warriors are not afraid of the waterline. In an instant, the red light that can annihilate everything was launched. The next moment, six or seven animalized warriors annihilated in the expanding red light. At the same time, other snake women took the opportunity to reopen the shield.

The radius of the red light is 30 meters. The snake women are not clustered together. There are still netted warriors who are smashing into the net. When they collide, the halo of the five or six groups of blue will be The ground is completely shrouded. This bubble-like halo encounters red light and will melt away, but it will be destroyed in other directions. Anything that is covered by halo, whether it is stone or tree, is turned into silt.

There is no earth-shattering sound, no horrible sound, no dust covering the sky, the halo expansion disappears, and there is no movement, flying over the sky above the crowds to avoid the scope of the supernova explosion, even pause No, like a meteor, falling to the snake girl under the mountain, even if there are still a few snake women on the hillside, they will not care.

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