Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 233: Dangerous approach

The call of the three sons interrupted Zhang Xiaoqiang’s memories. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the three sons who ran over. After the three sons, a giant wall of up to fifteen meters has been Beginning to take shape.

The crowd works like an ant on dense scaffolding. The towering crane constantly hangs all kinds of cement slurry and concrete trucks. Two permanent constructions have been built at the foot of the two hills. The infantry cannon is deployed in it.

"Hey, I found that the zombies started to be wrong...············

After Zhang Xiaoqiang took a few hundred people to evacuate the entire factory, the manufacturing capacity of the base has been greatly improved. As long as some special materials are found, Zhang Xiaoqiang can now reassemble high-explosive bombs and bullets.

After the return of the three sons, the center also had confidence. He took dozens of people out to find materials and survivors as usual every day. The gathering place of more than 100 people is not easy to find now, but the micro-small gathering points of several people and dozens of people are still A lot has been found. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s current base has already had about a thousand people. Among them, women already account for 40% of the 100 people. The ratio of men and women at the base has been balanced.

In the explorations of the past few days, the three sons discovered the changes of the zombies. The zombies who had been obsessed with not moving to the nest began to disperse. Not one or two, but all the zombies began to disperse. Only some old people became zombies and remained in place.

The three sons didn't care too much, but when he went to the nearby county town to search, he found that there were zombies everywhere in the suburbs. These zombies were like the soy beans that were spread everywhere. The three sons came back when they saw something wrong. Zhang Xiaoqiang reported.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart tightened, but his face did not change. He looked at the three sons and said: “The base guards mentioned the second-level battle, the out-of-town search was temporarily cancelled, and the personnel were removed to remove all the active things within 20 kilometers. People go to all the nearby towns for investigation, and they also inform He Wenbin to meet them."

Walking on the road leading to the conference room, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mood was extremely heavy. His fears finally happened. Zhang Xiaoqiang has always had a sense of urgency. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable, especially in his hands. After some of the strength, this sense of urgency has not diminished, but it has become more and more intense. It is necessary to know that the combat squad with sufficient ammunition can solve thousands of corpses at a time.

From time to time, a woman pushes a small car to the other side of the road. The car is filled with hot water, steamed with hot rice and pickled diced meat. This is the lunch of the workers.

The bacon is naturally found in the warehouse of the trade union. Looking at the women who have smiled on these faces, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart is getting heavier. He does not know that if he can’t cope with this dangerous situation, his small base can still exist. .

When he walked to the small lake, he saw 20 women in military uniforms practicing aiming. The instructors were the two former policewomen. They also followed Zhang Xiaoqiang and went to war. They had some small guilt in their hearts. The former policeman, the national civil servant is now It became a cannon fodder.

But as time goes by, they are the most staunch supporters of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The three sons continue to bring back some of the devastated women to see the most authentic side of the end, and the power of being able to treat women in the end is really Few, few to almost no, they are women themselves. How do you not know how much protection Zhang Zhangqiang's rules are for women?

Looking at the 20 newly recruited female players, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels a little comfortable. The members of the combat squad are too few and need to be replenished. The external wall project is now the most important thing. Recruiting among the big men, thinking of the assistant machine gunner who did his duty at night, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to recruit some women first.

These women as a supplementary to the battle is a major event set by Zhang Xiaoqiang. He Wenbin was hurt by the selection of qualified fighters. Finally, Zhang Xiao emphasized the method of teaching Yuan Yi, giving each of them a shield and a knife. The zombies of the broken leg let them go to kill, and the 30 women who were eventually recruited were qualified.

Zhang Xiaoqiang watched the female team members while walking. Suddenly he saw a female team member wearing a military uniform but covering his face. The female team member cut a short haircut and held a 53-type rifle on the hand and stared at the target in front.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked up to her and she still had no movement.

"Chen Ye, you will mainly contact the knife and melee in the future. By the way, you can contact the pistol. Your skill is a waste of practice rifles."

Obviously, Zhang Xiaoqiang kindly reminded that this woman named Chen Ye was a slap in the face. Zhang Xiaoqiang asked for a boring turn and left. He no longer cares that this agile new human being is dead or alive. It seems that except for Yang Keer, the new human beings No one is normal.

Familiar with the main building, familiar stairs, familiar meeting rooms, everyone is still waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang opened the chair to do it, he looked around for a week, the main person in charge of some things in the base is now, that Guo Fei is not, since After a meeting, he never participated again.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is preparing to speak, and he sees that the honest man has pulled out a thick piece of printing paper from a bag around him. It seems that the honest man is ready to report regularly~www.readwn.com~ It is rare that he will work every day. Write down your daily work.


Then Zhang Xiaoqiang told the three sons about the changes of the zombies. As the three sons slowly stated, the emotions on the faces of the people in the house began to change. He Wenbin’s face became more and more gloomy, and the honest people kept looking around. His own work record, in estimating the progress of the project, can see if the external wall can be built before the accident occurs.

Wang Le seems to be indifferent. Now that the factory is big, there are more things. He is so busy every day that he is busy. Now he is probably calculating the work of these days. By the way, the director of the horse is his deputy. This is what he asked for. Although Wang Le is not waiting to see the director of the horse, but in the end is a familiar person, it is rare to meet an acquaintance in the last days.

The only thing that was scared of being a cook was the cook. He heard that the zombies were walking around everywhere and they couldn’t sit still. I wanted to be scared by the zombies when they fled.

"Now we have to speed up the construction of the external wall, honest people." With Zhang Xiaoqiang named, the honest man stood up and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

"You divide all the workers into two shifts, and give me construction during the day and night. Don't save diesel. I want speed. · Speed. You have to do everything you can to speed up. Your engineers put me on the construction site. Let them guard on the construction site, you tell them that there is a reward for the completion, and whoever feeds the zombies if they drag their legs."

The honest man nodded quickly. He knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang was talking and speaking. When he was punished, his face was also dull.

The honest man sat down, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Zhang Huai'an sitting on the side, Zhang Huai'an had been watching Zhang Xiaoqiang, and even got up and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang waiting to be told.

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