Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 238: Mysterious shadow

Until the driver went old, the scene of S2 being volleyed by Zhang Xiaoqiang kept flashing in his mind. For decades, it happened to be yesterday, which became the capital he boasted to others.

When he was at the end of his life, his mouth was constantly moving, and his sons had already had their own words to explain, and they put their ears to his mouth.

"嘿嘿······ You didn’t see it... The monster is flying in the sky...············································································ It’s ......··············

After that, this was Zhang Xiaoqiang’s life as a soldier. The old man who had been the top commander of the armored unit from the small soldier left, leaving his sons with fog.

S2 flew in the air, the bullets kept hitting the body, and the loose parts of the body fell into the car below. The people in the car didn't know what was happening on the head, even if the body parts of S2 fell on the body. I didn't dare to look up. Finally, S2 was beaten in the air. The wreckage of the body fell like raindrops. When the wreckage of S2 fell to the ground, the next second was crushed by Zhang Xiaoqiang's off-road vehicle into a black bolognese. .

The old liberation and off-road vehicles are still moving forward. The street-side building area has been left behind by two cars. Zhang Xiaoqiang also gave a slight breath. He turned and looked at the S-type zombies that were chasing after the car. The group, pulled out a hand grenade from the bag and pulled it out under the car. The oval grenade bounced on the hard surface of the ground and was caught in the swarm of corpses.

"Boom·····" a loud noise, the explosive grenade turned the S-type zombies in the first few rows to the ground, and the zombies that fell to the ground collapsed the zombies behind, and waited until the zombies crossed over. When the ground was in the same category, the off-road vehicles under Zhang Xiaoqiang had already been separated from them for a long distance.

Zhang Xiaoqiang re-targeted the heavy machine gun with the machine gun firepower to assist the old liberation to clear the way, a headless zombie fell on the road of interception, seeing two cars in front and behind will rush to the wilderness.

It seems that God does not want to let go of these survivors who have been struggling for half a year in the densely-knit county town. One left and one right, two S-type zombies rushed to the road to face the old liberation.·········

Zhang Xiaoqiang's off-road vehicle was driving on the side of the old liberation. Zhang Xiaoqiang first blasted the zombie head on the right side. He could face the zombies on the left and could do nothing. He could only watch it jump into the carriage and scream.

Seeing that the situation was critical, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped out of the roof of the machine gun and squatted on the front of the car. He climbed onto the windshield of the off-road vehicle with his upper body, hooked the steel frame of the machine gun's nest with his feet, and patted the windshield with his right hand.

This driver is the big beard that Su Shi took out last month. Now he has hanged his big beard. It looks very young and has no iconic big beard. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t recognize him. The driver looked surprised. Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang on the windshield.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at this somewhat strange and familiar driver. The right hand leaped to the front of the old liberation. Then the right hand became a knife and pushed inwardly to make a gesture of relying on the past. The driver nodded and hit the windshield. Liberation relied on the past.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the roof of the car and looked at the blood that was constantly rising in the compartment after the old liberation. He looked at the **** beads that were constantly flying into the air. He tightened the rat's edge in his hand.

Eight meters·········

Four meters···········

Two meters·········································································································· They all buried their heads in their crotch, and none of them looked up at the S-type zombies.

One meter·············································································································· The rat king blade jumped over.

"Ah...··········" Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped into the car. It was naturally the corner where the soft eggs gathered. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heavy body screamed in the crowd.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was too lazy to explain to them that the left hand was on a person's body and wanted to get up. This Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that it was wrong, soft, cotton, and full of elasticity.

Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to climb up, but his eyes were licking his paws on a woman full of Mimi. He didn't look at the woman's appearance, and grabbed it and let it go.

S-type zombies are very dedicated when they eat. It doesn't care to have a big living person around them. In their simple minds, living people = food, is it necessary to be afraid of a food? When its ugly head was cut down by the Rat's Blade, it remained in a feeding position.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was dyed red by blood, stood on the roof of the car and used the 6-fold telescope to observe the zombies in the distance. The telescope and his sharp eyes were comparable to the small telescopes in the telescope's frame. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw two bodies of men who had been shot and killed by themselves and were dragged by some D-type zombies to the county seat.

The **** suffocation on the bodies of the men led to the zombies gathering on the side of the corpse. Numerous zombies did not dare to move. In the distance, there were several tall D2s standing together. Layers of ordinary zombies, several D2 stand into a water chestnut, leaving a space between them, Zhang Xiaoqiang's line of sight is blocked by the tall body of D2 ~ www.readwn.com ~ plus too far away, nothing can be seen.

The D-type zombies dragging the fresh bodies walked in the direction of D2, and the ordinary zombies in front of them let a road open. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked through the telescope and watched the zombies endure the most primitive instinct to fresh. The blood food let go of the road, watching the body being dragged to the front of D2.

D2 moved, and the D2 in front of the zombie dragging the body moved. It did not grab the body and chewed it, but let the side pass, and the body was sent to the space behind it.

As D2 let Zhang Xiaoqiang see a vague shadow, the shadow is not high, only about D2's calf is a little higher, then D2 re-blocks the shadow, Zhang Xiaoqiang can no longer see, the shadow gives Zhang Xiaoqiang the final impression It is its huge head, which occupies one third of its head.

Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped off the off-road vehicle with a telescope. His three players had just bundled the body of the machine gunner with a tarpaulin. Several of the players were very sad. They were a group and a dormitory, although on weekdays. There will also be some minor contradictions, but the friendship of several people is not bad. It is a life and death brother. I watched my brother who was laughing and laughing in the past and was wrapped in cold tarpaulin. Their eyes were a little red.

The old liberation stopped on the side, the crowds in the car went down to the car, the dead S-type zombies and the unlucky man's body were still in the carriage, no one dared to move, the men gathered together and whispered, the women were kneeling on the ground There was more than one vomiting. Only one woman did not spit. She dissipated her head and could not see her age and appearance. She was not very young through her bumpy figure.

This unusual woman turned around on the ground, and her mouth was filled with words. Her hands waved in the air from time to time and seemed to want to grab something. Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that this woman was scared to the zombies.

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