Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 253: Thousands of fires, retreat

"You are lucky. With 20 players, you have to protect hundreds of people. You have to observe more in the future. Not every luck is so good. Is there any S2 zombies behind? Let people lead the way. Let's take a look. ··············

Zhang Xiaoqiang only took Yang Keer and Shangguan Qiaoyun to the back door. They cleared the S2 outside the gate and only did the first step. Now they are going to kill the rest of the S2 group. The original Zhang Xiaoqiang intended to die. Half of the survivors, with the rest of the people fleeing from behind the wall, although he has confidence in his team, but he has no confidence in the large group of S2.

Now, Yang Keer has replaced the equipment with several times of damage. The change brought by Yang Keer is that Zhang Xiaoqiang’s team has more than doubled the combat power. With this opportunity, Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally needs to find out the remaining S2. Kill, so that he can bring back hundreds of people unscathed...·····

Zhang Xiaoqiang returned to the hall and looked at the three sons. "You probably estimate how many S2 zombies are chasing you?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the two women to the back with ambitious results. In addition to some of the debris behind it, it was a wall that collapsed. S2 was not seen. The wall was sealed by broken bricks and led to the road outside. Now There was no time to clean up the rubbish. Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally took people back to the hall. He had to go out with the survivors directly from the coal yard gate.

Three sons: "There is not much, it is forty.

Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately calculated it in the mind. There were 7 bodies in the door of the main building. Four of them were killed by heavy machine guns. After he entered the coal yard, there was a bad S2 being shot by the players on the top of the building. Killed, Zhang Xiaoqiang's squad killed more than 30 before, that is, the S2 group has been killed?

"To the elder brother, this is the leader of the team.··························································

Zhang Xiaoqiang interrupted the words of the three sons: "Immediately organize the retreat, people can get on the bus directly outside, and can't get on the car and run straight to me and run to the gate."

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and looked at the strange man holding the miscellaneous weapons in the hall and said, "You have all handed over the weapons. Now I am responsible for it. In my territory, no one can use weapons privately."

When Zhang Xiaoqiang’s voice just fell, these men began to rush. A younger point said directly: “Why, you count that green onion········”

Halfway through the words, he did not dare to continue. The four heavy machine guns in the hall pointed the muzzle at him at the same time. The assistant machine gunner had already placed the bullets on the flat, and the heavy machine gunners buckled the fingers on the trigger to prepare for launch.

The man with the long knife looked up and did not want to stand up.

"砰砰砰·······" Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out the large-caliber desert eagle and fired three shots at the ceiling. The wall paint and cement **** on the ceiling fell, and Zhang Xiaoqiang did not care about the wall falling on his shoulder. He looked at the men and said: "I don't have time to talk to you more, just put down the weapon, or kill, ..... no....".

"When..." a pair of shotguns were thrown to the ground, and then various guns fell on the ground. Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at the ground with a weapon and turned to look at the man with the knife. The man smiled. For a moment, the pistol from the waist was pulled out, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was handed over with a barrel. Zhang Xiaoqiang took it without looking at it and threw it on the heap of weapons. The man was also ready to throw his long knife.

"You keep this stuff yourself. Sometimes the big knife is better than the gun." After Zhang Xiaoqiang said, he walked outside the door.

The three machine guns raised the machine guns and walked outside the door. The remaining group monitored the men. The three sons said to the man holding the knife: "Come on, don't call your people down, how is my brother?" Say what to do, let your people hurry, waiting to feed the zombies?"

"There are still those things outside...···········

"哼······· You didn’t see my big brother coming with someone? Tell you, those things are dead, killed by my older brother, fast, I am too lazy to say... Run, things are not necessary, we have everything."

When the man heard the words of the three sons, he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang walking outside. He turned and shouted to the companion behind him: "Is it all smashed? Don't you go up and call people? Notify everyone, don't want anything, whoever wants to be reluctant Let him stay here, we are not waiting."

"Coach, are we at the mercy of them? You see if we are...·······"

The man, who is called the coach, looks at the man who talks with a look that you are very idiotic. Then he turns and shouts to the other people: "Isn't it fast? Is the skin itchy?"

All the men were running fast upstairs, and one of them ran too fast and fell on the ground. They didn't scream and climbed up to continue upstairs.

The coach floated and glanced at his heavy machine gun and whispered to himself: "How do I teach such a group of idiots? Didn't you see them being shot at the gun?"

All kinds of men and women ran downstairs. The three sons also took down a dozen members of the building to the downstairs. He let the maintenance of the crowd continue, and he ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s side and said, "Hey, you want to go outside." The zombies are less than 500 meters away from us, and the machine guns and guns are all useless. Those things are dead, but they are still rushing forward...·········

"Don't say something useless, let them hurry, now only ten minutes to let them retreat..."

In the distance, a woman’s exclamation interrupted Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words. Zhang Xiaoqiang hurried to an off-road vehicle and turned up. Zhang Xiaoqiang, standing on the roof of the car, saw a group of people stuck in a trail and dared not to go again~www.mtlnovel .com~ He turned and said to the three sons: "Go and see what happened, if someone deliberately messed up and killed directly..."

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang took a driver from the base to pick up a large truck that was dragging coal. He pointed to the dense car in front and said, "Give me a way."

The driver didn’t have anything to say. When he started it, he drove the big card forward. With the violent vibration of the car body, a car stuck in the front of the car was squeezed or overturned. The creaking sound continued, and the door around Zhang Xiaoqiang was slowly deforming. When the door appeared in front of the door, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the driver all had a long breath.

Zhang Xiaoqiang opened the door and said to the driver: "You drive directly back to the base, let the honest people accept the preparations, so many people are enough for him to work." After Zhang Xiaoqiang said, he went down to the car.

Looking at the big truck that was seriously deformed and lacquered, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and looked behind him, but saw three off-road vehicles with machine guns coming out. Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped a machine gun into the nest and watched the machine gunner say : "How many ammunition is left?"

"The four bases are around six thousand."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the crowds in the back, waved his hand, and three off-road vehicles opened the door of the base.

In the coal yard, I heard the fire from the outside of the machine guns. When Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed outside with three off-road vehicles, all the people were scared, including Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had already prepared.

The original yellow land outside has been submerged by the black ocean. The black sea-like corpse spurs the fascinating flash and the strong smoke from time to time. The eight large light chains rush into the corpse with a lot of light spots to pick up a black wave. On the tide of the surf, there are countless zombies and residual limbs. Wherever the light chain goes, the space of that piece can no longer be seen carefully.

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