Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 255: slow

"Touch ······························································································ Only the headless zombies fell, and the players looked back at their heads.

The zombies running behind them kept smashing their heads and rushing to the ground. A headshot zombie rolled on the ground and slammed into another S-type zombie that was running fast behind him. At the moment of the collision, the S-type zombie jumped over the zombie that fell on the ground, and did not wait for it to land. A 7.62 mm heavy-pointed bullet exploded its black head, and the impact of the bullet was carried with a S-shaped zombie. The body fell back in the air and fell backwards.

The "Huh····" team sighed and sighed on the ground and continued to look at the meteor shower with a halo bullet passing through his head. He was not interested in knowing who saved him. He only knew that he was still alive now. It’s enough to hold his little cloth and still be alive.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped the last S-type zombie behind them and observed the form of the entire battlefield.

The two men who survived the rest of the robbery were dragged into the off-road vehicle by their companions. Then the team began to retreat. The dense zombie sea drowned the lawn that was wet by gasoline. Two 70mm high-explosive bombs exploded in the middle of the corpse, red light. In addition to the mud and zombies that were blown up in the flash, many places ignited the fire, the fire expanded, and a black smoke appeared in the middle of the zombies.

One... Two Roads·················

There is a red flame in the place where the smoke rises. Although the location of the players splashing gasoline is not very large, this kind of flame can not be destroyed by the corpse sea, countless zombies are ignited, and the protein is burned when they are burned. The stinking disturbed the smell of the zombies, the mysterious commands could no longer hold them, and the zombies began to confuse.

Countless human torches roamed around the dense corpse, and the flames on them ignited other zombies. Some were mad at the zombies, and they attacked everything around them. Many zombies were killed by them. Crazy torn.

The fire area is not large, but the fire is spreading with the torch. The fire is also spreading. The biggest damage to the zombies is not the high temperature of the flame, but the smell of smell and the strong black smoke. The air around the zombies far away from the fire. It was blown away by the heat wave to form a semi-vacuum.

The zombies will not be suffocated by oxygen, which is not harmful to them. They can **** in the smoke from the air in a semi-vacuum. The black smoke is scattered in the middle of the zombies, and the zombies walking behind are beginning to get confused. Either collide, or retreat backwards, and some are knocked down and trampled by other zombies.

The battlefield that was originally like a mountain was broken, and countless bullets shot into the chaotic corpses, which caused more damage to them. The flames burned, the smoke was rolling, the bullets flew, and they were burned to death. The zombies that were beaten into flesh by large-caliber bullets were gradually getting more and more, and they gradually formed a big mouth with the corpse sea that was originally propped into an irregular curve.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang here is a little peace of mind, no matter how many zombies there are in the Dead Sea, at least now he has been blocked by himself. He looks at the gate of the coal yard behind him. There are vehicles coming out to the artillery positions. First, a few heavily overloaded buses. Then there were some dirty cars, and then two large tankers came out.

The three sons sat on the top of an off-road vehicle and yelled behind them. The heavy machine guns around them aimed at the vehicles that came out. If someone didn't want to escape, the machine gunners were shot on the land in front of it.

The vehicle behind the bird is honest, and the sharp-eyed Zhang Xiaoqiang can clearly see the man sitting in the off-road vehicle with the knife. The man smiles.

The off-road vehicle driving a 12.7mm high-altitude machine gun rushed out, and turned a half circle outside the door like Zhang Xiaoqiang. Yang Keer stood proudly in the machine gun nest and looked at the distant sea. The gunshot of the high-altitude machine gun in his hand shook toward Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was scared to death.

When the off-road vehicle drove to the front, Zhang Xiaoqiang climbed the car and knocked on Yang Keer. He yelled at Yang Keer: "Can this thing point to people casually?"

Looking at the constant presence of vehicles, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels happy. I have roughly estimated that there are also 500 people facing up here. The real number may reach seven hundred. With these people, the construction of the base of the base may be shortened by one week. Zhang Xiaoqiang has more confidence in the future crisis.

The corpse sea was temporarily blocked, but unfortunately it was not long. A tall figure was hidden in the smoke. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not notice the tall figure. His attention was attracted by the corpse on both sides. The zombie chaos did not affect the corpses on both sides, and they were already moving in silence.

Slowly, the corpse on both sides and the corpse in the middle to open the distance to form two pliers to cover this side, Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted to the three organic guns off-road vehicle ~www.readwn.com~ wave the right hand to let them root, themselves Commanded Shangguan Qiaoyun to drive off-road toward the nearest corpse.

The four off-road vehicles are driving fast on bumpy roads. The coal yard gates are constantly spraying various vehicles outside. Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to get time as much as possible. These survivors who don’t know where to come from are not sustainable. Because of the various reasons, the action is slow.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has already passed eight minutes in ten minutes, but the vehicles inside are still opening out. The three sons are screaming loudly outside the gate, but the speed inside is not improved.

Three heavy machine guns and a large caliber high-altitude machine gun formed a small dense array. A large pliers consisting of corpses was constantly ablated, and countless bright bullets created a wave of corpse storms in the corpse. Many zombies, including the evolutionary zombies, were torn in an instant. They have not waited until the corpses have fallen. The zombies behind them have also become fragments of splashes. A strain of soil that rushes from the sky spurts between the corpses and scattered sediment. The mixed corpses are constantly falling on the bodies of other zombies.

“嗷··············” screamed in anger, a tall D2 rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and it continued to move toward the machine gun position with the intensive machine gun bullets. More than a dozen machine guns invariably aligned the light chain formed by a * bullet.

Countless bullets made a small pit in it. As the pit became a big pit, D2 couldn't hold it anymore. It squatted on the ground and crawled slowly while crawling awkwardly.

"Touch ········" A large-caliber bullet shot on its sleek head, "Boom····" 12.7 mm bullet produced an explosion effect, a flaming flame in its head It ignited.

"嗷···········” D2 child screamed and screamed, shaking his head and moving on.

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