Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 274: Zombie? squid?

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked with the players in the middle of the corpse of the zombies. As the gunshots continued to sound, the S-type zombies who were still struggling on the ground were shot and killed. The crowd quietly followed Zhang Xiaoqiang and walked silently. When I saw that there was alive, I shot and killed while walking. Zhang Xiaoqiang took them almost everywhere.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked depressed at the S-type zombie who died in front of him. He didn't know if the mysterious zombie had died. He didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't afford it. Even a little bit of intellectual animals knew how to avenge, let alone such a Only a natural zombie? If you accidentally missed it, wait for it to send hundreds of thousands of feet to level the base.

Zhang Xiaoqiang wants the team members to pile up all the bodies and burn them. You can see a tired team member. He can’t bear it. In the morning, they have been chasing after the corpse tide, and they are already tired. It is only because of the enthusiasm of a child that can win. It is really difficult for them to burn a zombie body scattered within two kilometers.

Looking at the two-kilometer zombie body, Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned. All the players were armed with rifles and guns at the head of each zombie. More than a thousand zombies were assigned to each of them, and less than ten. Zhang Xiaoqiang I don't believe that there is still something missing.

As the gunshots continued to reverberate, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the players carefully, hoping that they could find some clues, but everyone was normal. They shot down to the body under their feet and continued to go down. The zombies walked, and the players behind them used their feet to turn over a corpse. As long as there were no guns on their heads, they would make a shot.

Looking at the front row of queues carefully examined, Zhang Xiaoqiang took a cigarette from his pocket and licked it in his mouth. Before he got angry, he found that something was wrong, in a place where the body of the zombie was concentrated. A queue of squadrons only had a few zombies at the edge to fill the gun, and then they did not continue in the middle of the tube.

After the team members arrived there, they didn't look at it. They went straight ahead. When they passed, they only refilled their guns. After waiting in the third row, the fourth row passed. No one was right. Where the heap is piled up with suspicion.

"There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem..." Zhang Xiaoqiang's mentality is awkward, and the desert eagle is taken out to run there.

"Hey, you are here, you are, come over..."

Several players went to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a confused way. Zhang Xiaoqiang seriously looked at each of them and found that they were confused except for their heads.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't find any abnormality in them. He pointed at the pile of corpses and said, "You aim at the other side to shoot and shoot..."


These players raised their guns and pointed at the other side, and at the same time put down the rifle and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at them silently, and they looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang silently.

"Just shot?" Zhang Xiaoqiang subconsciously asked this sentence.

Several people nodded, and they looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang's clothes inexplicably.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't know if he was crazy or if other people were crazy at the same time. He saw the silent body and his hair was upside down.

The zombies are not terrible. Even D2 and S2 will not make Zhang Xiaoqiang feel scared. But Zhang Xiaoqiang, a zombie who can affect people's hearts, feels a creepy thing. He knows what it means, just like the mother insect in the "Star River". They find ways to communicate with humans. They can easily find the hiding places of human beings. By that time, the living conditions that human beings have already been extremely bad will become even worse.

Zhang Xiaoqiang let a few people back, although he did not know why he did not receive control, and now he can only take this zombie out.

Zhang Xiaoqiang also stepped back a dozen meters. It didn't know what other means of that thing. He rashly put himself in danger and was unwise. He took out a grenade from his bag and pulled the insurance into the corpse and threw it.

The big potato-like grenade rolled into the corpse, and with a roar, a black cockroach was blown out. The smoke and waste from the beginning of the explosion blocked Zhang Xiaoqiang’s line of sight. He only saw a black shadow. When the explosion point flashed, he ran forward quickly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang chased after him, and the things that fled in front of him were strange and strange. The top of the triangle had a black elbow with an ellipse. Because the head occupied one-third of the body, it ran a glimpse of the body. Steady, its appearance always makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel weird, it feels like the squid in the sea ran to the land.

The head of this zombie is almost the same as the squid~www.readwn.com~ except that it has two arms and thighs, the bare brain has no hair like other zombies, and it is densely covered on its huge head. Numerous wrinkles like walnuts, stacked in layers, form a weird pattern.

In the place where the brain is close to the body, there is a hanging skirt, which sways as it runs. Looking at the monster Zhang Xiaoqiang in front of him, he raises his hand.

The Desert Eagle spewed a hot gunfire, and the running zombie's right leg broke into two halves. Half of the calf flew out at once, and the monster fell to the ground and made a weird scream.

Its screams are weird, like the noise of a large passenger plane when it landed, but its volume is not large, but the frequency of the frequency is a bit more, but more.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's sharp eyes can see a layer of ripples in the air. Although he can see it, his body can't react with it. A layer of sharp sound that can pierce the eardrum is put into Zhang Xiaoqiang's brain.

Zhang Xiaoqiang screamed with his hands in his head, and then he couldn’t stand up and fall to the ground. He couldn’t tell what it was like, like a sharply rotating electrician. His brain kept turning, his brain was like an egg stirred by an egg beater.

He wants to stand up, but he can't do it at all. He can barely let himself fall on the ground and roll it. Now Zhang Xiaoqiang can't see anything, he can't feel anything, except for a sharp headache in his head.

"Touching" always blew the surface of the watch that had been on the wrist since the end of the world. The small crystal frosted glass blurted the flesh and blood of Zhang Xiaoqiang's face. The tingling pain on his face made him wake up. He raised his hand. The monster that continually tumbling on the ground pulled the trigger again and again until the remaining six rounds of the Desert Eagle were shot.

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