Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 282: Purification fire

Zhang Xiaoqiang paused and continued: "And the survivors of the escape group did not want to enter the base? The places they walked were more human, they ate and ate along the way, and the litter was lost. It’s a human sign, this is an obvious signpost. The zombie’s nose is much more spiritual than the dog’s nose.”

He Wenbin nodded, and secretly recorded the words of Zhang Xiaoqiang in his heart. Now the base is writing a textbook on zombies. As long as this textbook is written, when the base goes out of the mission, the casualties can be quickly reduced. The human living environment can definitely be greatly improved.

The huge gossip array is like a sponge that slowly **** in the sea of ​​corpse tides. The players below can only see some of them faintly, while Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is on the watchtower, can see the zombies. The gossip array was stunned and turned, and many zombies could not find the direction to go against the flow. The result was drowned by the mainstream. In many places, the zombies were stuck in the corner and couldn’t come out, only two paws could be used. Scratching the earth wall in front of you.

The corpse of the sea continued to flow in, and the corpse of the sea continued to follow up. Finally, Zhang Xiaoqiang had already seen the margin of the last side of the corpse, and the square of the evolutionary zombies of about 10,000, with many figures in it. Tall D2, these D2 swayed through the dense corpse sea, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes could not be found in the sharp.

Seeing the emergence of D2, Zhang Xiaoqiang's psychology is slightly relaxed. D2 is the Z-type zombie Guard. As long as you can see D2, the Z-type zombies will not be too far from D2, that is, as long as D2 enters the big array, Zhang Xiaoqiang will Can order to clean up nearly 200,000 zombies.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not in the Zombie Sea, and his sight was completely attracted by the evolutionary zombies. These zombies flocked into the huge gossip with the zombies in front, and saw Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart violently beating and bursting. The dry mouth made him continually swallowing, and his hands holding the telescope shook slightly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know that he was completely out of his mind. All his sights and energy were placed on the evolutionary corpses that had poured into the battle. Now the evolutionary zombies are just pouring in. Zhang Xiaoqiang is excited and excited. He has to wait until the evolutionary corpse. The group went to the middle of the Eight Diagrams and ordered the ignition. Seeing that the evolutionary corpse gradually flowed into the Eight Diagrams, the corpse of the corpse behind them was also poured in.

Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know how much the zombie sea has been swallowed up by the big squad, 100,000 or 150,000. I don’t know how many zombies are behind the big squad, and 30,000 or 50,000. His sight is on those who are physically active and agile. Evolution zombies.

The evolutionary zombies continue to advance into the large array. Those D-type zombies who are strong and clumsy are walking along the dirt road. Those light-weight, quick-moving S-type zombies climb the roadside walls. Like countless monkeys, they ran on the uneven walls, and occasionally a fast-moving afterimage swept past them and climbed up to the higher wall.

Zhang Xiaoqiang held a telescope in one hand and raised a small black flag in one hand. He was waiting, waiting for the evolutionary zombies to reach the center line. He would wave his flag and destroy the more than 100,000 zombies.

Seeing that the evolutionary zombie tide is slowly approaching the Central Line of the Eight Diagrams, and Zhang Xiaoqiang found something wrong, those D-type zombies were diverted without the pain of ordinary zombies, but they always gathered together, and they slowly followed a dirt road. Going forward, the long queues are always outside the big array. Although the S-type zombies seem to crawl everywhere, they always gather around the D-shaped zombies to form a big circle to surround the D-type zombies.

This Zhang Xiaoqiang is more certain that the Z-type zombies are in the center of the evolutionary corpse, and that its timid little temper will not separate the elite evolutionary zombies in the corpse. The strongest zombies are the zombies around it.

Just as this group of elite zombies was about to get close to the center line, the corpse suddenly became chaotic. The D-type zombies turned around and walked outside the big array behind them. The S-type zombies crawling on the dirt wall were also turning around, compared to walking. The D-type zombies on the dirt road, the S-type zombies are a mess of porridge. Many S-type zombies rushed forward too fast, unable to stop and smashed with the zombies turned in front and rolled down from the wall to the foot of the corpse, many of them S2.

"Rely, what do you want to run?" Zhang Xiaoqiang said in his heart, the black flag in his hand slammed.

Numerous small fire snakes with thick black smoke came out from all over and rushed straight to the gossip array. They saw all the fires coming out. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mentality was slightly relieved. The telescope looked at the center of the gossip array. .

In fact, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows where the problem lies. In the gossip array, there are pipes made of bamboo tubes everywhere. The gasoline in the bamboo tube is constantly volatilized, and the volatile gasoline smell spreads into the air. It is still slightly better at the entrance of the Eight Diagrams array. Point, but the smell of gasoline is thicker when it is close to the center, and the sensitivity of the zombie smell will not be heard.

In general, the zombies will not have a gasoline smell and have too much reaction~www.readwn.com~ A few thousand people in the gossip in the past few days have been sweating their bodies here, and the zombies can definitely smell it. Come out, have these human tastes to guide, zombies will definitely be attracted here.

At this moment, the z-type zombie command zombie turn can explain that it is quite sensitive. If there is something wrong, it is not to find out the problem, but to put yourself in the safe range. The z-type zombie is Zhang Xiaoqiang’s confidant, how can he tolerate Z? Type zombies run away?

In all directions of the Eight Diagrams array, countless fires burned, and they quickly ignited the bamboo tube filled with petrol. The fire line ignited at the foot of the zombie on the dirt road and spread rapidly, just like a three-dimensional animation, countless flames. From the first ten or more, it has become hundreds, and the blazing flame surrounds the entire gossip array like a big net.

Countless zombies are like countless big-headed flies that are scared and stalking. They are running in the flames, but they are too crowded. It’s difficult to turn around on that little dirt road, let alone run away. Escape from the burning of the flames, so many zombies are squeezed in the middle and silently become ashes with the same kind of people around them.

The Z-Zombie ordered the corpse to turn into a chaos. Now that the fire is shining, the corpse is more chaotic. It is quite difficult for the zombies in the gossip to turn around and rush out. There is not enough space for them. Turning around, the zombies have become roasted sweet potatoes in a large porcelain jar.

Crowded caviar-like zombies wailing in the flames, even the Z-type zombies ignited a fire at the foot of the zombies, the timid Z-type zombies panicked, the Z-type zombies panic caused a greater chaos Not to mention the zombies in the distance, even the zombies around them are not well controlled. The S-type zombies on the periphery of them have begun to stir up. They ran over the earth wall and tried to find a passage without flames.

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