Apocalypse Cockroach

: Finally responsibilities of: silver ring finger

.... "Reporting Commander. Military Department calls. Replenishment and staffing will arrive in 1 week."

.... "Tell all the people. Stick to the post for a week"

.... "Reporting Commander. Replenishment of the Force Communications. The loss caused by the zombie siege. It will be delayed by 2 weeks."

.... "Notify all personnel. Stick to the post for two weeks"

.... "Report.. Report. The current supply force is still not available"

.... "It has been 2 months. Notify the rest of the staff. Be sure to stick to it."

.... "Xiao Zhang. Do you have instant noodles? Give me a bag...."

.... "My grass. Where are you hiding? Don't pay. Don't pay me to kill you...."

.... "MD. I tell you. You are **** yourself. Don't force yourself to do it."

.... "砰..砰..你...." "There is meat tonight. Haha...."

.... "Dead old man. Don't still be what you broke JB commander. Open the door. Tell me the password. Laozi wants to kill those bastards. MD. Dare to give up Laozi. Laozi as a soldier for what.. Laozi wants to kill They are.."

.... "The protective door can be counted. Let's go. It's crazy now. The commander quietly let us go. From now on we are no longer military. We have to live."

.... "Commander. I called your relatives. You open the door soon. I don't want a password. Just open the door and let me go."

.... "Your mom is faster than opening the door. You are willing to accompany these missiles to death. Don't pull us together. We are going out. Let's open the door."

.... The first recording: "I am the commander of the *Unit *. The only area I can control is the control room. The supply unit should arrive three months ago. For three months, there is still no news. The officer outside. Already crazy. They are no longer worthy of being a soldier, **** a colleague. Eating people. This is not what the military did. Half a month ago, I quietly opened the door. I sent away a few officers with normal personality. As for the madmen. Let them be in hell. In the torment, I will watch these animals slowly die.."

.... The second recording "I think, I have not been able to continue. The water has been gone for two days. The food has long since disappeared. It has been another two months. I think the supply of troops may never come. I am very Reassuring, I stuck to the last moment..."

After 5 months...

Inside the channel "嘶..嘶...someone........"

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