Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 500: Strong

"Remember? You have to show everything, no one cares, no one cares, Yang Keer, they are your bodyguards. Once you have any special characters, let them solve them. You have to be greedy, you want everything, and Nothing can be seen, and there is nothing to agree with. No matter how good the conditions are, I don’t agree with them. Of course, if you send beautiful women, you are welcome.········

Zhang Xiaoqiang kept telling Zhang Huai'an, Zhang Huai'an bent over and listened, nodding his head from time to time, when Zhang Xiaoqiang said beautiful, he could not help but wipe the cold sweat, said with a smile:

"Hey, the last time I ate the tortoise, I still feel not so good? Is it for me to spare me? I really have to let me go, I have no way to ......·······"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was silent. He looked at Zhang Huai'an with a sympathetic look and said:

"It doesn't matter. I have met a perverted old man. He likes to abuse. You learn from him. You can give those women a few lashes. It seems that you are almost the same age."

Zhang Huai'an: "@@##¥#&&¥%............"

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw Zhang Huai'an face no longer talking, nodded with satisfaction, extended his right index finger and turned a circle in the air, slamming down.

In the roar of the high-altitude artillery, the vehicles jammed on the bridge blasted one after another. Huang Tingwei said that it was correct. The night of the team was ignored, and they would not be compromised at the last moment.

Blazing fire, rolling smoke, flying parts fell under the bridge more than ten meters high, splashing countless splashes in the rapids, burning debris in the bridge blocked the sight of the team, they can not see whether the opposite A response was made. If you didn’t see it, it wouldn’t work. If it didn’t work, it would continue to fire. The incendiary bomb continued to extend to the other side.

In the interval of the artillery exchange of ammunition, three crisp gunshots came from the bunker, and the whistling bullet flew over the ear of the anti-aircraft group. The firepower group had not responded yet, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s face immediately changed color.

"Two groups, give me a fight, then give me a shot when they shoot. They hide in the bunker, just give me a bunker."

The counter-attacks on the other side of the bank caused resurgence of heavy firepower like the four-shot high-altitude machine gun. The large-caliber bullets in the burning chain were chaotic, and the sharp sounds of the whistling and screaming hit the three-storey bunker on the concrete. The flame exploded, and scattered pieces of cement in the red light flew away, and the smoke filled the air, blocking the sight of everyone. The large-caliber bullets were constantly launched, and a burst of crying sounded from the other side, which was higher than the deafening guns.

Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his right hand, and the anti-aircraft gun and the high-altitude machine gun stopped firing. The bridge was a mess, burning steel parts, thick rubber tires, and numerous broken glass and garbage.

The fuel tank of the abandoned car has been drained of oil. Except for the explosion caused by the incendiary bomb itself, there is no more blasting sound. The thicker bridge construction has not caused more damage, and the obstacles on the bridge have been cleared. Through the messy bridge, rolling smoke, you can see the big iron gate on the opposite side.

The big iron gate is similar to the large iron gate of the hot spring base. It is welded with countless steel plate rivets. The surface is not too much modified. There is no one to maintain it on weekdays. Some are rusted, and there are numerous large rivets embedded in the steel plate with shallow rust. A strip of weld-like twisted welds welds the irregular steel plates together.

The big iron gate that was put together was made by Zhang Xiaoqiang. There was no sufficient hot spring base in the materials. Most of the steel plates were made of disassembled car bodies. The people who made them were already careful, but the results were not eye-catching. The material is not flawless.

A burst of mourning broke Zhang Xiaoqiang's evaluation of the big iron gate. The 14th and 5th diameter armor-piercing incendiary bombs can destroy the armored vehicles at a distance of 800 meters, let alone the flame storm set off within a distance of less than 200 meters. The bunker looked so bad that a basin-sized pit was scattered all over it. At the bottom of the pit, the holes in the black holes slowly shook the smoke.

The shooting of the high-altitude machine gun was not long, just one minute. In one minute, this seemingly sturdy bunker became a horse's nest. No bullets flew again. From the beginning to the end, there was only one counterattack, one shot, three bullets. I don't know if it is a counterattack or a fire. However, even if it is a fire, what is the relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang?

The flame burned on the bridge, and the thick smoke fluttered in the air, and the screams passed from the broken bunker to the other side of the bridge. The people who heard it knew that the wounded guy had nothing to do, and called it for a long while. With full confidence, Zhang Xiaoqiang waited with the players, and the muzzle of the anti-aircraft gun pointed straight at the big iron gate.

Did not let them wait too long, a dirty gray T-shirt tied to a bayonet swinging around, seeing the other party's message, Zhang Xiaoqiang eased, he turned to look at Zhang Huai'an, Zhang Huai'an nodded, gently I used a right hand to wipe the big back with a half bottle of gel water and sorted out the high-end suit.

Zhang Huai'an wants to show the appearance of a big man as much as possible. The suit on his body is not very fit. It is obviously bigger. The real suit should be customized to wear the taste and style. The original owner of the suit is burly. Zhang Huai'an's body is a bit nondescript, with a cigar on his mouth and no suction, some trousers wrinkled, a pair of dazzling leather shoes on his feet, bare feet exposed on the outside, shoes are small, wearing socks I can't get in.

Zhang Huai'an, wearing a suit, stood in a military uniform and looked very different. He stood next to him with a face that was unwilling, Yang Keer, Yang Keer, a little daughter, with a white bone shield and a white bone shield. Some of the old ones are not as glittering as they were at the beginning. The time makes this bone shield, which was originally shimmering with a slight streamer, thick and restrained, and has a simple vicissitude.

The 30-centimeter-wide slanted blade steel knife is like the other shield that she puts in her hand, with the bone shield intertwined, the sharp blade, the faint knives, and the weightlifting in the hands of Yang Keer. Out, the knife is not simple, the little girl with the knife is not simple.

When Yang Keer was around Shangguan Qiaoyun, she did not show any resistance to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s arrangement. The big wave of long hair was re-opened, less charming, more calm and atmospheric, and still did not wear military uniforms. A compact leather armor is perfect for her beautiful and seductive curves.

The face of the gardenia is as quiet and solemn as a white, clean smile, a faint smile on the lips of Yin Hong, slightly red lips, can not see the smile is a simple smile, or after she stood in Zhang Huai'an The sarcasm, the pair of Yingying's bright gems-like eyes didn't go to the viewer Zhang Huai'an's back, and more eyes were on Zhang Xiaoqiang in the wheelchair.

Zhang Huai'an is nervous. He has always been a low-key person. He suddenly made him high-profile one day, making him unnatural. On this hot day, he was sweating in a suit, and he didn't know whether it was hot or not. Anxious, the famous mechanical watch on the wrist always makes him feel that his wrist is numb, and when he raises his hand, the seven or eight large gold rings are dazzling, and others are waiting calmly. Only he is anxious. I don't know if I am in a hurry to get a reply from the opposite side, or I am rushing to reply too quickly, so I can give him a little more time.

The opposite did not let Zhang Huai'an worry too long, a man's high voice passed from a megaphone:

"Don't fire the guns. Don't fire any more guns. ···············································································

No one cares over there, asking for a brief notice before, but there has been been pretending to be dumb, and I wonder if this time is a plan to slow down?

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at his eyes and saw that there was still no one to look at the other side. Except for the t-shirt that was shaking in the air, he turned to look at Huang Tingwei and Huang Tingwei nodded.·····

When the high-altitude machine gun fired, the roaring sounded again. The T-shirt that was picked on the bayonet was torn into pieces. The force of tearing made the Bayi-style rifle out of control and flew to the distance. The machine gun stopped and stopped. There were a few big pits on the top floor, and the tweeter stopped talking, and the two sides were silent again.

"The people inside listen, don't give flowers to Lao Tzu. I know your thoughts carefully. I know the conditions of Lao Tzu. I will give you five minutes. When the time comes, I will personally take it. ······· ·"

Zhang Huai'an also took out a big horn and smashed it up. At this time, he was considered to be out of the box. He took out the experience of dealing with the thieves when he was a policeman. He stood up and leaned his head and screamed at his head.

It may be that the artillery fire is fierce. It may be the strength of Zhang Huai'an. There is no white flag on the opposite side. A man in blue overalls stands up from the roof of the bunker and waved his hands. Two people stood up and tied him with a rope. The man was The rope hangs down the ground, he untied the rope, waved a white handkerchief and slowly came over to this side.

The flame on the bridge was raging. The man walked on the ground that had not yet caught fire. The thick smoke smouldered his face, and the large chunks of ash and black spots stained his clothes. He walked to the front of the car. After 50 meters, I dare not move forward. Dozens of black hole rifles are aiming at him.

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