Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 502: Evolution of the situation

The man is called Chen Huiyong. Before the end of the world, he was a small staff member. When the end of the world came, he unexpectedly met his cousin. His cousin was not a good thing before the end of the world. He occupied a farmer’s market and earned a life by taking a stick and a small mix. When the end of the world came, the cousin who had been killed by a knife with other people on weekdays, robbed a few cars of food dry goods with the people who had not yet mutated and rushed outside the city.

His cousin was thoughtful, with people hiding for a few days, knowing that there was a gathering place to take people to go, they hid half of the goods, with the remaining half into the gathering place.

At the beginning of the gathering, there was still order. Government officials and some police officers cooperated with the remnants of the armed police to establish this gathering place. They were searching for every possible survivor in the basic duties of the officials. They used the radio of the armed police forces. Established a radio station and hosted nearly 170,000 survivors in a short period of time.

At that time, the government occupied absolute control and said that it was a matter of fact. As long as some people made trouble, they did not ask for love and they were directly shot. In the troubled times, they need to use heavy punishment. This principle has been used by China for thousands of years. Once the crisis is over, the government must first ensure the stability of the people. The chickens that were killed by mistakes can only recognize bad luck.

There are very few restless people who are really killed. They are used to dealing with the public before the end of the world. They know that it is best to be a little bit safe under martial law. Just like the previous crackdown, in the camp, they not only do not make trouble. They also actively cooperated with the government to stabilize the people and gather the order. They know that the government is staring at them more strictly than the ordinary people, and they are also holding their tails.

His cousin took the material and relied on the merits, and he was very honest. He mixed the identity of a coordinator, which is the legendary urban management.

After Chen Huiyong met his cousin, he saw the big crisis hidden in the gathering place, the food crisis, and gathered back a food center with more than 30,000 tons of food. The population of the gathering was 170,000. A pound of food a day can just stand for one year. In order to stabilize the people, the leaders of the gathering place will tell the truth about the grain.

There are many 30,000 tons of food, and the civilians are very satisfied. As long as they can eat, the interim government thinks that one year of food is enough to support the national rescue.

Chen Huiyong is different from others. He believes that, looking forward to the national rescue, it is better to expect to do more preparations. Who knows if it is also a situation with WH elsewhere. He told his cousin about this idea. His cousin did not agree with it. He thought that Chen Huiyong was too worried. He still has a large amount of supplies in his hand. Whoever starves to death will not die.

If you can't know what to do, you will be lucky. He tells his cousin that the opportunity to make a fortune is in front of him. There are many things outside without the Lord. As long as they are courageous, they can make a fortune and make a fortune. His cousin is moving. ······

His cousin is a bold and daring character. He knows how to forbear, and knows how to seize the opportunity. He will consult other people's opinions. Chen Huiyong's idea is not bad. He naturally has to consult Chen Huiyong. Chen Huiyong observed the zombies when he fled. He thinks that the cold weapon is strong. At least, the cold weapons will not attract more zombies, the key is to take protective measures.

The construction armor in the labor insurance store solved their big troubles. The claws and teeth of the zombies could not bite the clothes that even the steel bars could not be worn. With the suffocation of the small punks, they first swept the surroundings in one step. In addition to finding a lot of supplies, they also searched for a lot of survivors.

He coincided with his cousin, hid most of the supplies, took a small half and all the survivors, returned to the gathering place and handed it over to the government. The interim government was grateful for their active search for materials and surviving behavior. They gave them two rifles and several bullets, so they became the biggest force in the gathering place except the government. This is what the government is happy to see.

When others react, large and small forces and township parties, when they are familiar with themselves, are too late to search. The most easily available materials in the vicinity have been collected, and the materials that can be found are gathered together. The zombies, after the heavy casualties, they also ended up with Chen Huiyong, they did not want to look at them, began to please them, some smaller forces are incorporated into them, after all, they have a lot of living supplies.

With sufficient supplies and stable status, his cousin began to live a life of drunken dreams. He lived in a pile of women every day, and he woke up his cousin. At this time, even the government’s leadership was still with civilians. Eating in a pot, isn't the cousin doing this for others?

His cousin gave the materials of their presence to the government officials and the heads of all the teeth, and with the number of people, he re-entered the road of finding materials, preparing to accumulate enough materials for them to use for ten years, and then pull them up. Some people hide and are not under the jurisdiction of the government.

In a heavy rain, everything changed. The evolutionary zombies appeared so that everyone could only stay in the base. It was even more impossible to go out to meet the survivors. At this time, the role of his cousin appeared. They already had a fight with the zombies. The rich experience and the increasingly comprehensive protective gear on the body, all the tasks are done by them, the police and the armed police who act with them do not dare to disrespect them any more, their status is more stable, their prestige is also Start slowly with the government.

The final disaster occurred in the type 2 zombies. One D2 plus one S2 almost eliminated the two sides. The remnant of the escape led S2 to the gathering place. The gathering place killed the S2 with concentrated firepower. No one cheered after killing S2, they knew that this was just the beginning.

The real confusion was that three months ago, they finally contacted some of the surrounding forces. No one could get the news from the central government, and no one could get the news from the superior. Some of the higher-ranking units ordered the subordinate units to support them. I have to support everywhere, I can't keep myself, who is willing to support?

When the interim government truly understood the crisis, they were horrified to find that the food was only enough for half a year. After half a year, all the people would starve to death. Immediately the interim government issued a password and contacted the remnants of the annex to support the WH gathering place. The news, some troops began to leave, but no one soldier arrived here.

Paper can't keep the fire. More and more people get the news. They want to flee. The people who are afraid of fleeing will bring back the type 2 zombies. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to enter and leave the gathering place. This includes a group of Chen Huiyong who have In the relationship with the above, naturally someone secretly told them ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Huiyong's cousin was a little panic, it seems that the problem is serious, Chen Huiyong saw the opportunity, he signaled everyone not to panic, Mingli assisted the interim government, In secretly, buy soldiers and police, and maintain good relations with other forces, and build a good relationship. Once there is change, at least it will not become a bird.

The gathering places restricted the distribution of food, and more than 100,000 people picked it up. Although it was suppressed by the interim government, dissatisfaction and fear were rooted in people's hearts. Various ugliness were rampant in the gathering place. Chen Huiyong gangs assisted the government in monitoring. In secretly, it is buying people's hearts, drawing troops and preparing for the near future.

When the corpse began to form, the government lost all control at once. They couldn’t wait until the end. They finally put their new office on the island of Huxin. After they started to move, the whole gathering was all right. All the materials and food were robbed, and the army could only hold its own territory and keep its own weapons.

When people spontaneously calm down, they found that things didn't help, the food was still so much, the weapons were still in the hands of the soldiers and the original police, some people grabbed the food to form a force, and some people who did not grab the food were attached to those forces. In order to get some leftovers, the gathering place has been distributed from the previous average to the polarization, and most people have not been as good as before.

There are not many people in the army. They only grab a small part of the looting. For them, only half a year's worth of food and grass can't satisfy them. They don't want to be equal to the consumption of civilians.

Chen Huiyong’s previous foundation was finally harvested. They used food and materials in exchange for guns and ammunition. After the army received a supply that would satisfy them, the Chen Huiyong gang also got enough weapons. With these weapons, they became the hegemons. It is one of the two large organizations that gathers only two, and the other is the army.

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