Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 2 Chapter 5: Working outside the door

"Hey, what's the matter, something...·····"

Outside the tent came Zhang Huai'an's call, Zhang Xiaoqiang heard, put the small glasses into Shen Xuebai's palm, turned the wheelchair out of the door, behind him, Shen Xue resentfully wiped the glasses with a small wire, leaving Zhang Xiaoqiang At the moment of the tent, he made a face in front of his back.

When Zhang Huai’an saw Zhang Xiaoqiang out of the tent, he bent over and whispered a few words in his ear. Zhang Xiaoqiang was serious. He rushed to Zhang Huai’an and said, “Go to the conference room and say...·····”

There were only three people in the conference room, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Huai'an, and Huang Tingwei who came back from the investigation. Zhang Huai'an told Zhang Xiaoqiang that the poor people from many places outside the camp wanted to join the team. He didn't dare to be the master, let Zhang Xiaoqiang take the idea. At this time, Huang Tingwei returned, and Zhang Xiaoqiang opened a small meeting with them.

“How many people want to join us? Who are these people?”

Zhang Huai'an has already had a chest case, and he sat up straight and began to complain...····

At the beginning of the camp, many people spoke in the distance. At that time, Zhang Huai'an thought that it was the manpower that other forces sent to monitor. They didn't pay much attention to it. Later, they found that there were more and more snoopers in the gathering place, and they went to three or four hundred. When Zhang Huai’an can’t sit still, you can monitor it and watch it. What do you send hundreds of people to do?

The warrior army car with heavy machine guns rushed over, and the crowd did not expect the collapse. Instead, they stood still and stood still. This made the members of the military vehicles unable to figure it out. The idle people outside the various forces are no one.

They can't get relief from other forces. They can only bitter. When they can't get down, they wait for starvation and are thrown into the river. They were all hopeless. After seeing the team, they found that they are working. Women, they think that opportunities come. Being able to mix a force means relief, relief is equal to food, and food is their hope of living.

Hundreds of people are just the first troops, and many more are waiting to see. There are only 400 of the most powerful men and women. They want to be able to contain them. If they can’t accept them, they want to work for food, or find one. The opportunity to work.

After listening to Zhang Huai'an's report, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not immediately make a decision. He looked at Huang Tingwei and asked: "How is your understanding?"

The gathering place was not very large. Huang Tingwei and the three team members used it in less than two hours to check it. He exchanged some food for the real information of the entire gathering place. He had already mastered the surface condition of the gathering place.

"It has been basically confirmed that Chen Huiyong has not lied to us. The total population here is about 150,000, and men account for more than 70,000."

"Wait? You didn't make a mistake? There are only 70,000?" Zhang Xiaoqiang has some doubts. According to the experience of the hot spring base, the ratio of the male and female bases of the survivors is one to two or one to three, except for the cave where the police sheltered. Everywhere is similar.

"There have been a few chaos in the gathering place. The men have died a lot. The forces of those big and small forces have not been counted. This is what I have summarized through various channels. On the bright side, here every day, people are dead. No one can figure out how many people died...····

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and gestured to Huang Quan to continue to say that the management of the gathering place was chaotic, the various forces were fighting in the dark, and there was no long-term planning. A type 2 zombie and a group of **** fish forced them to die in this gathering place, which indicated that the gathering place was complicated. The imagination is beyond imagination.

Huang Tingwei pressed his glasses back with his fingers, and sorted out the thoughts that had been disrupted. He continued to talk about it...

The top three forces in the gathering place are those who just appeared. Major Liu Zhenghua is the highest commander of the armed police force. Eight hundred armed police guarded nearly 30,000 civilians. Qian Kaixi is the head of more than 300 policemen and receives 20,000 civilians. They only help the locals, because the armed police is also a policeman, so on the surface he and Liu Zhenghua are one.

Sun Kefu is an opportunist. He has the most supplies in his hands, and there are many people following him. There are 20,000 people. The actual combat power is less than a thousand. The real core is his seven old brothers.

Wen Wen is a good man. He used to have his company's industry, so he became the third largest force. Ten thousand civilians followed him. He didn't know the real power. He heard that he killed an S2 alone.

There is also a force that has some relationship with the military. The remnants of the XX airborne troops stationed in Wuhan are led by a woman who seems to be the daughter of the XX deputy commander, the director of the airborne army reception, and the 26-year-old major officer. Contained 5,000 women and a thousand men, and a female barracks.

Other small forces are scattered all over the place like the cow hair. The big three or four hundred people, the dozens of small people, they are also the lucky ones who grabbed the food at the beginning~www.readwn.com~ Huang Tingwei’s expression began to be serious:

"We also got some news. There are still some evolutionists in the gathering place. The leaders of some forces are evolutionists themselves. They have all kinds of different means. It is easy to kill and kill zombies. There used to be an evolutionist. Accepting the management of the gathering place wants to rebel. He is also invulnerable, and the fire and water are not invading. He has caused a lot of casualties. Later, he was killed by the armed police with a missile.······

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not surprised. He indicated that Huang Tingwei continued to talk, but he was laughing in his heart. The unlucky child thought that drinking some rain would become a god. If it weren't for him, the missile would probably fall on the head of the team. The comrade would be dead. As for the evolutionary, Zhang Xiaoqiang was never afraid. Is there any D3 evolution?

With the continuation of Huang Tingwei, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Huai'an learned that the origins of those people at the gates of the camps have an unwritten rule. It is to try to gather most of the survivors, not for the expansion of the forces, nor for the truth. The good intentions, they are in the differentiation of survivors, so that they can rest assured that a small number of survivors starve.

These people are all vulnerable groups, either minors whose parents are both dead, or those who work outside the field to WH, or whose body is not very good and thin.

These people are too noisy, those survivors with relief are not allowed, give them a bite, they will have one less, these people can only rely on a variety of leather or grassroots for a living, and the cannibals are not a minority.

“Eating people··· Really? Do you know their number?”

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, his heart was unhappy, and a killing sentiment was on his mind. That was his bottom line. Strong, traitor, killing, and people are very common in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes. At the end of the world, there must be a last-generation look, eating people? It is no longer something that people can make, even dogs are not willing to eat dog bones.

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