Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Huang Quan’s ex-girlfriend 2/5 more

When I heard the words of Ma Sanchun, Huang Quan suddenly turned around and took Zhao Xiaobo, the lieutenant of the lieutenant, and asked:

"What is your relationship with Ma Sanchun? Say!!!"

Zhao Xiaobo stared at the beautiful big eyes, surprised to see the familiar and strange man in front of him, this man would actually talk to her like this? why? Is it because I left him?


When Huang Quan heard this, he was too lazy to pay attention to this ex-girlfriend. The lake fresh and wild vegetables they ate were washed out with human blood. It was with their shelter that Ma Sanchun’s extinction was something that he did not care about. People are the best.

"There is no transport car? How is it so slow?"

Huang Quan asked the driver who had just moved out of the house. The driver was stupid. It seems that Huang Quan did not know. He did not know.

"Can ····may be on a detour...···

"Huang Quan··· Why did you answer me? You were not like this before...··········································································································

"Brush··" Huang Quan suddenly turned and stared at this beautiful female officer, disdain to say:

"The wild vegetables are delicious? Is the lake delicious? You all know how it came from?"

Huang Quan smashed the little boy and pointed his eyes at Zhao Xiaobo:

"It is him, they are the men, women, adults, children who live on the edge of life and death, and they exchanged their lives. I saw a dozen people eating them for a bite of wild vegetables, huh, huh... Eaten, they exchanged their wild vegetables, the fresh lake was collected by Ma Sanchun, know how to collect it? They no matter how many wild vegetables are dug, they can not eat one, they are all taxed!!!"

Huang Quan excitedly screamed, and the sound of his voice came out of his way. The poor people who spy in the distance were scared to hide in the shack. The female officer was scared by the shackles on the surface of Huang Quan, and could not help but step back.

"No one connives, does he dare? No one wants to eat wild vegetables, does he dare? See this little guy? Seven years old? Or six years old? Who is that? His sister? He wants to support his sister, he goes with others. Digging wild vegetables, catching the lake fresh, the big fish came, he ran, could not run, even if he reached the mouth of the big fish, he did not dare to throw away the bag, he knew ·····"

Huang Quan released the child and went to the female officer's body to stare at her. The female officer could not help but step back a few steps. Even the high heels stepped into the sewage.

"He knows that it is not a lake fresh, it is not a wild vegetable, it is a life, it is the life of his sister, I saved him, I got him with one hand, I only have one hand left, this child is very good, The youngest, the big harvest, the big crab, the big crab."

Huang Quan bit his teeth, squinting, and swaying in front of the female officer. Huang Quan’s expression fell into the eyes of the female officer.

"Two!!! He made two, what is Ma Sanchun thinking? You know what Ma Sanchun is thinking? He is trying to take the last point in the child's bag, and finally use the food exchanged for life. Give his sister a life-saving food, open the bag and show her what you are hiding...·····

Huang Quan went to take the bag in the hands of the little child, but the child did not want to let go. Huang Quan immediately thought of the reason, opened the car and took out two cans, and the small half of the pan helmet bigger than the child’s head handed him to him······

More than a dozen wild vegetables, dozens of snails, and some water plants and land vegetables, these things were thrown at the feet of female officers.

"See? Ma Sanchun's rules are very simple, they can only eat grass, wild vegetables and lake fresh are yours, all of you, they use their lives to earn back, you are not enough to eat? Or do not want to think ?"


The female officer cried and was scared and crying. Huang Quan’s voice was not as intense as it was just now, and it became calm. The calm Huangquan was the most terrible. He had no humanity, and there was a kind of killing in the body. There is also a strong death, the taste of this death makes Zhao Xiaobo fear.

"Speaking, what do you say, what do you do with Ma Sanchun? You don't know what to do? I am too lazy to take care of it. This is not my gathering place. Your Ma Sanchun was killed by me. He and his men are both me. Killed, the reason is very simple, he collects taxes on my site. Now, I declare that anyone who goes to the lake to see the lake, to see the big fish and eat people, and want to collect taxes, is not allowed. ···Go to me and kill······

A big car stopped at the side of Huangquan. Several elite players jumped down and saluted Huangquan. After the ceremony, the materials were transported together. The women were rushed to the car. The children and his sister were also taken to the car. One team member looked at it. To the little girl is very well-behaved, open the backpack and put a lot of snacks on the little girl.

In the gathering place, snacks are an absolute luxury. Huang Quan can take out a lot of snacks with just one hand~www.readwn.com~ This makes Zhao Xiaobo very surprised. She doesn't know what Huang Quan is, in her In the print, Huang Quan was not assigned very well, and the two then broke contact.

"Yellow, you join us, my chief is a major, follow..."

Zhao Xiaobo said that she could not go on. She saw the ridicule in the eyes of Huang Quan and saw the ridicule in the eyes of the players.

"Sorry, I am not a soldier now. I am the head of the hot spring base combat detachment, Huang Quan. My sergeant is a sergeant. In addition, there is a colonel under the sergeant, a lieutenant colonel, a major, and your sergeant is not enough. ···”

When Huang Quan finished speaking, he ignored the female officer and took the military vehicle and went away. He only left the female officer staring at the back of the military vehicle.

"I heard that you brought back a few beautiful girls? Why, have an idea? Not afraid of Chen Ye jealous?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled and ridiculed Huang Quan. Huang Quan came to report to him. In Zhang Xiaoqiang’s opinion, killing dozens of people and pulling out a small force is nothing. If he is present, he will not leave more dead bodies. Those who bet will watch the lively. It is time to kill.

"Hey brother, you know me, I am single-minded about Chen Ye, the family heirs of the Huang family are given, I dare to steal it? But I met my former girlfriend..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up, and he urged Huang Quan to explain clearly. He was bored. He wanted to find something to do all day. It seemed that listening to other people's hurtful mood songs was also fun.

"I broke off with her. When I was in the military school, I had a lot of girlfriends. Now I concentrate on wooing my wife. When I met her, it was just because of one thing. There was a major officer in the gathering place. She followed the officer. I want to let me go too..."

Listening to the information from Huang Quan, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that other forces in the gathering place have begun to surface, seemingly more and more complicated?

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