Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 50: Burberry again

Five minutes··· Ten minutes····Twenty minutes····One hour···

Zhang Xiaoqiang yawned boring, D2 stopped again, Zhang Xiaoqiang slammed the beast angle gun with his hand, the gun head drilled to D2's chrysanthemum, and D2 began to turn to the moon.

With the vibration from the gun body, Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to run along the strength of the gun body. Anyway, just stand behind the chrysanthemum of D2 and everything is OK!

It was painful for Zhang Xiaoqiang at the beginning. It is numb and it is tormented. There is a long-term illness into a doctor, Zhang Xiaoqiang in the D2 cycle to find out the doorway.

You don't need to hold your hands on the beast gun, you can do it with one hand, and don't use too much force. As long as you feel the power from the gun body to sprint in the direction, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels like he is walking the dog, the horn gun is the rope of the dog.

As time went by, D2 became slower and slower, and Zhang Xiaoqiang even had time to look at Yang Keer who was lying on the ground.

The zombie is a human being. It does not run like a machine with power or fuel. Its physical fitness is strong, and its physical fitness begins to decline as it continues to move. In the end, it even went to Zhang Xiaoqiang behind him, regardless of the beast gun inserted in the chrysanthemum, and stopped to think about taking a break.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is afraid that it will rest on his own cup. Every time D2 stops, Zhang Xiaoqiang will smash its chrysanthemum, and every time D2 receives the stimulation from the chrysanthemum, it will reactivate and continue to catch the chick. game.

"Ah!!!" Zhang Xiaoqiang once again yawned. He didn't sleep well yesterday. The strenuous exercise an hour ago also consumed a lot of physical strength. Although it has recovered, it has not had the imminent sense of crisis. I started to feel extra tired, this is not, yawning one after another.

D2 did not move again, Zhang Xiaoqiang was a hard-pressed one, "No movement?" The gun body did not come to the movement, it seems that D2 does not care about Zhang Xiaoqiang's chrysanthemum.

The bottle opener started working again, and the beast was drilled a few centimeters.

"嗷~~~~~" D2 screamed and began to turn to the moon.

"Small, can't you die?" Zhang Xiaoqiang snorted and continued to run.

It was another fifteen minutes. This time D2 didn't move at all. Even the poison dragon drill didn't work. Looking at D2's life and death, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also a bit dumbfounded. The last bite, a lame. The heart burst into a shackle, shaking the gun body with both hands, shaking like a baby on the old-fashioned water well in the countryside. I saw that the black chrysanthemum of D2 was more pure and exploded.

The muscles of the D2 chrysanthemum are messed up by the spiral of the horns and look like a black hole.

"嗷~~~~~~~~" D2 issued the most tragic screams in history. The shaking Zhang Xiaoqiang’s ears creaked and the hands began to run.

This time D2 was not stopped, always holding on to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang also had no easy and freehand brushwork, running frequently and fiercely.

One person and one zombie are so weird, Yang Keer is still lying on the ground, and I don’t know. Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know if he has some eyes. Is Yang’s posture not the same as the original?

The pace of D2 began to become paralyzed, and the legs were not as powerful as they were. Zhang Xiaoqiang also became breathless and his calves became painful.

The gun body in the hand came from the strength, Zhang Xiaoqiang ran to the left with the force, which knows that the D2 head suddenly opened, first twisted to the left, twisted half and twisted to the right. Two opposing forces made Zhang Xiaoqiang unable to hold the gun and was released by the shock.

Finally, face-to-face contact with D2, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the D2, which was inserted in the D2 fart and the back of the stock, and looked at the D2 that he wanted to throw himself.

"Mom!!!" Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled and turned and ran.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and D2 run and chase in this spring field. D2 fart and **** face are also inserted with a horn gun, just like an antenna is inserted across the D2 and swings with the twist of D2.

Zhang Xiaoqiang used touch, climb, roll, and turn in the field, so that he could easily escape D2's big claws.

D2 is also hateful to Zhang Xiaoqiang. One person and one corpse have passed by Yang Keer more than once. D2 has no interest in Yang Keer just to look for Zhang Xiaoqiang to follow his ass.

"There was a chrysanthemum in front of me. I didn't have a good grasp. I didn't know how to regret after I lost it. If God can give me a chance, I will not let go, if God wants to give this opportunity. The number of times, I hope it is 10,000 times!!!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang screamed and screamed deeply, and he saw that D2 would become a dead fish, but he was smashed into a rabbit because of his numbness.

Zhang Xiaoqiang ran across the field, D2 was chasing after him. From time to time, he lifted his claws and claws to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not think about blocking with obstacles. Unfortunately, it is now in the open fields. Except for the obstacles in the field, the D2 is tall and long, and even if it is taken by Tian Hao, it is only a small step, and then straight up and chasing.

Running and running, and not far from Yang Keer, I heard Zhang Fengqiang think that I didn’t want to vacate, a standard front flip, fell to the ground and rolled up again, then stood up and ran. The horn gun of the rebar body that was picked up by the hand.

Just picking up the horn gun Zhang Xiaoqiang would like to throw it away, too heavy. A full ten kilograms, he did not have the strange power of Yang Keer, and he was still okay on weekdays.

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang still didn't lose it. His own horn gun was still hanging on the D2 chrysanthemum. The pistol didn't work, and he still had some anger in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eye pointed to an irrigation ditch not far from the front. The ditch was about two meters wide. It was far away from the depth. Now only the dead horse is a living horse, and D2 should not be able to cross a distance of two meters.

Zhang Xiaoqiang led D2 to the irrigation ditch to go to ~www.readwn.com~ and got up before the ditch.

Zhang Xiaoqiang leaped to the other side of the ditch, and the jump was too anxious to land. Something was unstable. The gun was thrown on the spot. After rolling a few laps, the momentum was resolved. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not wait to stand up and heard the "嗵" behind him. The ground rang.

Looking around, D2 just fell into the pit.

"嗷~~~~~" Looked at the prey of the mouth to escape D2 and screamed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has been immune to D2's roar. I didn't know how many times I listened to it when I walked the dog. It was difficult for it to be so loud every time, so it was so long.

Zhang Xiaoqiang carefully walked forward and saw a clear view. The ditches were laid with cement and were about 1.8 meters deep. There was no thick water in the mud. D2 only showed a small half body outside, and the lower leg was completely trapped. In the mud.

D2 is very violent in a small space. It dances with the cement wall in front of the paws and destroys the people. It sees all kinds of cement blocks, broken bricks and dusty soil. It looks like a violent demolition. build.

In the blink of an eye, the cement retaining wall in front of D2 was cut out by a large hole. As it was chaotic, the hole was gradually enlarged.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart here is raised again, and it will take a long time for D2 to climb out. Thinking of Zhang Xiaoqiang pulling out the May Fourth pistol and walking to the front of it, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his pistol and aimed at its head and pulled the trigger again.

The "Bumper····" bullet can't hit the skull of D2, but it can beat it. It raises its arm and slams back in the head.


The greater tragic sound came, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the horn gun that was originally inserted in the chrysanthemum was pushed to the concrete wall behind it. The horn gun was struck by the cement wall and it was slammed backwards. The strength of the retreat, the chrysanthemum was completely opened.

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