Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 55: Brother is such a pull man

The tricycle was driving on the way to J City. Yang Keer sat behind and listened to the song. The melodious music sounded in Zhang Xiaoqiang's ear. He was not very cool when he listened to the song.

In the morning, in addition to the two notebooks, I also harvested some dried seafood. The most frustrating thing is that some of the songs in the notebook except the invisible mapping data are some songs. The game is not dripping, even the men’s must-have art pieces are wood. Have.

At that time, Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to open up, even if he was not a man?

The "cracking" car stopped, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the map in his hand depressed, the map on the province showed that J City is just a small circle, and the old national road to WH City must pass through J City.

Looking at the big circle of sesame on the map, Zhang Xiaoqiang was guilty. He didn't know the road of J City. Who knows if he would drive in and out?

Besides, J City is not big, but there are hundreds of thousands of people! If there are one or two D3, S3, isn't it a dish for the zombies?

Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated in the suburbs and wanted to discuss Yang Keer's discussion. But Yang Keer said, "That is your business," he brought his words back.

He was speechless at the time, ‘Is it going in or going back? Zhang Xiaoqiang is very entangled.

The gunshot sound of the "啪啪啪" assault rifle short-range shot awakened Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the gunshot was near.

"Alert" Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed Yang Keer and shouted, pulling the pistol from his waist. Yang Keer will also attack the good arrow and aim at the gun.

The music of the notebook has been turned off. Two people carefully observed the surrounding wind and the grass, the atmosphere is tense and dull, Zhang Xiaoqiang can even hear Yang Keer's heavy breathing.

"啪啪啪" is three more, just closer.

"Ah" a man's screams came from the left front, "啪啪啪····" The short shot of the assault rifle turned into a long shot, it seems that the situation is very critical.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not move. The best option is to wait. He is not a special soldier or a special agent. He is just a small person. As long as he can keep his own life, he is very pleased. He chooses to be cautious about the danger of unknown.

The left front was covered with weeds that were waist-deep, and could not see the situation there. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked cautious, but Yang Keer did not care much. She carried a sniper, chewed chewing gum and looked down.

Weeds swayed and Zhang Xiaoqiang lifted his heart.

"哗啦" Four or five figures rushed out of the weeds, did not look at Zhang Xiaoqiang, they looked at them, buried their heads and ran forward.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked inexplicably, four strong big men, two hands holding sharp-edged steel bars, one holding the Longquan sword used by the old lady in the morning, and one carrying a large shape like the English longbow Bow, just didn't see the arrow.

The four men rushed to one side, much like the squad in the movie.

"Don't you hit D2?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked. He hurriedly started the tricycle and wanted to run away. The last time he encountered D2, he was able to kill luck instead of relying on his ability. He expected the little girl to be too unsafe.

As for S2? He didn't think about it, they couldn't escape because of the speed of S2.

At this moment, a man carrying the "August 1" rifle jumped out and fired a gun at the back. Unfortunately, his bullets were not many, and the rifle was completely misfiring after three or five shots.

The man squinted at his waist and took a nap. He screamed and threw away the rifle and chased the previous few people.

When the man ran out, there were not a few steps. Three S-type zombies jumped out of the grass and squatted to chase the man.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Yang Kerer looked silly at the side, and the few people and the zombies ignored them.

"Uncle? Are they taking a police film? How do those monsters ignore us?" Yang Keer asked as he looked at the chase.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had not had time to open his mouth and saw two S-type zombies in the grass. The two zombies were a bit miserable. One thigh was full of gun eyes, and walking felt like a zombie jump.

The other one is like a moving honeycomb coal. The chest is all over the belly and there are eyes everywhere. I don't know where it hurts. I can't run anyway.

Two disabled zombies heard the smell of the two people coming over this time. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not let Yang Keer start, and he looked at the two S-type zombies.

One danced a zombie dance, and one stepped into the space and slowly moved to the side of the car.

"Fear of fear" two shots, two S-type zombies fell to the ground.

Zhang Xiaoqiang blew the smoke of the gun, and his heart was beautiful;

"I am still in the range of one meter!"

So far the pistol can finally kill the zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang stroking the pistol and sigh!

Looking at the Bayi style that was abandoned on the ground, considering that it is coming back now? Still waiting for those few deaths to come back later? Although there are no bullets, having a rifle is a dream of his youth.

As for the men who staged the speed of life and death, he is not in his consideration, nor is it a big wave girl? Only too lazy to manage their lives.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, regardless of other people's lives and deaths, does not prevent Yang Keer from watching the drama. After the Xie Yuanshan incident, Yang Keer is now indifferent. Of course, he is indifferent to outsiders and he is very caring for himself!

"Look and see! Uncle, you see, the guy with the gun ran to the front!"

"Haha! To be caught up! It’s stupid, the guy on the hand is thrown away soon, it’s going to be fast! Is it Uncle!”

"Really caught up! Kill one! Hey? How can only one stop to eat? How can two people continue to chase? Are they full?"

Yang Keer held the sniper's sight viewer, and the poisonous tongue kept in his mouth, without any sympathy.

Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored them. He just looked at the Bayi style lying on the ground. He is a otaku, but he is also a traditional Chinese man.

"Do not ask for self-taking is for theft."

Although he has collected a lot of things along the way, but those things are nothing!

"So I can wait for you to die again!" Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to be a hypocritical gentleman.

"Uncle! They are running over here! It must be that the gunshots were heard by them."

Yang Keer reminded Zhang Xiaoqiang that he was eager to try in the other hand!

"When they come over and say it! Don't use the beast gun! The money is not revealed!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want to save people, but does not mean that he will not kill the zombies. Let me find a local person to ask the way is not bad.

The remaining four people desperately ran to the tricycle. Zhang Xiaoqiang stood in the car and watched them running quietly. There was no encouraging voice and no action to speed them up.


They could hear them screaming in the air, and all of them were flushed, and in order to break out the final strength, they looked like a little ghost in the temple of Fengdutun!

The guy who took the Longquan sword in his hand is almost at the limit. He breathes in exhaled breath, his eyes are rounded, and his mouth is filled with little foam. Listening to the footsteps behind him, he couldn't help but look back.

I saw a small S-type zombie chasing him behind him and waving his paws, and he saw that the black and stinking claws would be caught on his face.


He made an earth-shattering scream, making his milking feet dance with his arms and making his speed a bit faster.

It seems that he had long forgotten the Longquan sword in his hand. Longquan sword swayed with his right hand waving up and down, shining under the reflection of the sun!

"Brushing" a gust of wind rubbed his ear behind his head, followed by a "plop", what fell to the ground?

He still doesn't care about just running forward~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has been running aside, has slowly changed his mind, at least there is a bottom. He was thinking about preparing to run, and there were two monsters behind him!

The S-type zombies have been eating in the distance, and have been shot through the head of Yang Keer’s arrow, and only one left to him.

As soon as he pulled out his army knife, he saw the army knife flying to the S-type zombie.

The "flap" rolling knife was firmly nailed to the zombie's head, and the zombie ran forward a few steps!

The men ran to the front of the car and wanted to get on the bus, but they were shot by Yang Keer with a sniper and they couldn’t move. Then they looked back.

sluggish! The four big men looked dull, and a zombie had a smashing arrow on his head and fell to the ground. One was on the ground, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was pulling a saber from its head.

The four men did not speak and did not move. Just staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang and walking to the S-type zombie who is eating.

The S-type zombie stopped eating and stood up for Zhang Xiaoqiang. It seemed to be very angry. It was the anger that the animal was interrupted to eat!

It roared and rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was not nervous about the S-type zombies.

As a leisurely walk, a small step to the right, a small side of the body will be the S-type zombies behind, while the S-type zombies fluttered, Zhang Xiaoqiang counter-grip knife suddenly nailed into the back of his head.

Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out the saber and wiped the blood on the shoulder of the S-type zombie. The S-type zombie is like a dough on the ground.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang came back, they haven't woken up yet!

"咕" The man who took Longquan sword swallowed a sip of water.

The rest of the three talents reacted, and swallowed a sip of water!

"Brother is such a pull man!!!!" Zhang Xiaoqiang is very proud, in order to practice this hand flying knife, the sharpening stone is almost worn out!

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