Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 70: Take the test driver's license

Su Shi’s family is not good. His parents are double laid-off workers. When the most difficult, the family’s meals are not enough. Fortunately, the school is exempt from tuition and fees. High school graduates look at the university admission notice.

My father thought that his original unit had bought an accident insurance for himself. At that time, he had not expired. He went to the road to find a red light when he gritted his teeth. In the end, he did not die, but he was hit into a high paraplegia and was lying at home. He wanted to go on a hunger strike. Death no longer drags the house.

Su Shi cried in front of her father's bed and vowed not to go to college in this life. Then she found a restaurant waiter's work and started to work. She worked hard and always performed very well. In addition, she is willing to learn, some restaurants can be small and small. To get started, the manager will make her a foreman, ready to inspect for a while and then apply to the general manager to refer her to the supervisor.

Looking at the house slowly getting better, her mother began to sleepy and weak, Su Shi advised her mother to go to the hospital for examination, but her mother was reluctant to check the cost. I will go to the hospital to see a doctor until I can't eat anything.

A check, late uremia, the results of the test is like a sunny sniper hit in the heart of Su Shi, she dragged her mother to live in the hospital, the aunt who farmed in the countryside to find the mother to pay 800 yuan a month, to the unit Resigned to wash the foot city as a lady.

Her salary as a foreman is only one thousand six a month. Even if she is a supervisor, she only has more than 2,000 points. The basic salary of a foot-washing city is two thousand. The customer’s satisfaction is not less than the salary, so there are nearly five in a month. thousand. If you don't care about anything, it will be even higher.

Looking at the hospital's collections more and more frequent, the mother's condition is getting heavier, she sold her first eight thousand to a coal boss who is 60 years old. After that, she took care of her father during the day and went to the lady to run at both ends in the evening. J City was not big. The wind of her lady was slowly passed to his father's ear. His father pretended not to know until her mother died and rolled into the bed and climbed into the bed. The kitchen cut the veins with a kitchen knife.

When she came home, the person was already cool. Her father walked with a smile and held a letter in his hand. The letter said that she would not blame her, let her live well, live well for her parents, and walk the right path to read. the University.

It is said that Su Shi is already bursting into tears, and Yuan Yi is stupid with a cup of tea.

"I thought of death, I have the courage to commit suicide, but my father let me live, even if I live like a beast, I will live."

After the father’s work is done, she’s at the back of the neighborhood’s neighbors, she has finished the 'adult college entrance examination’ at home, and started the lobby manager in a star-rated hotel from the lowest level, approaching her to the city. Outside the customer to send a voucher, has been trapped in the customer's home until was rescued by Chen Yi.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Yuan Yi. Yuan Yi quickly handed him the teacup. He looked at Yuan Yi and Su Shi, who was crying on the ground. Zhang Xiaoqiang once again lamented: "This dog, the end of the day!"

"Do you know who you are now?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a sip of water and looked at Yuan Yi obliquely. Compared with Su Shi, Yuan Yi grew up in a honey jar. She was nothing but a rich family. Although she deliberately expressed her flattery. There is still a kind of arrogance in the bones!

Yuan Yi just squatted on the ground and learned Su Shi. He massaged Zhang Xiaoqiang’s other leg with a light weight: "Master, I will obey, I will not kill you anymore, I will be very obedient, please Don't take me back to Long Ge, you can do whatever I want."

Although Yuan Yi’s performance was convincing, Zhang Xiaoqiang still disagreed, and thought about the opening:

"If you kill someone, you should be a bit courageous. I don't have a vase. If you want to eat enough, you have to grab it yourself and go to work hard. Of course, Su Shi is the same."

Yuan Yi and Su Shi’s face became pale, and they couldn’t speak for a long time, and the movements on their hands stopped.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not in a hurry. He is quiet and waiting for their reaction. The little girl with a face under fifteen years old is desperate. Two adults still want to eat ready-made?

Of course, it is not really necessary for them to go to work hard, first familiar with the atmosphere, nursed back to the body. There will be two more helpers in the future. In contrast to Yang Keer and Xie Yuanshan, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not trust men now. Even if he saves his life, He Wenbin will not do it. If he wants to go out and find supplies, he would rather bring a few women. Anyway, Yang Keer can be a man. Type crane.

Su Shi first nodded and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a firm face. She seemed to think that this was an opportunity. It was an opportunity to get rid of the objectivity. Yuan Yi also nodded, just a little worried.

"If I were surrounded by monsters, you, you must kill me before they eat me!" She looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and pleaded.

This time Zhang Xiaoqiang is very refreshing. As long as he has the heart to go in, he can't take care of everyone, and he won't take care of others. If he is really in danger, he will run away. He won't stop because of the woman's call. Yang But the children are outside the list, and only Yang Keer can be listed, because if he is in danger, Yang Keer will definitely go back and save him, even if he will die.

It looks silly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a fool of Yang Keer. He likes a woman who has no heart, and likes a woman who cares for herself. Unfortunately, Xiao Xiaoqiang really does not respond to Yang Keer’s three-body.

"Who will drive you?" Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that he saw a lot of cars along the way, and he wouldn't open it. He drove over three rounds, especially on the highway. Most of the keys are there, but I can't leave. I think that he is distressed, how good a buggy, how good the escape tool!

"I will" "I will!" Yuan Yi and Su Shi said successively, looking at the woman who was kneeling at the foot, Zhang Xiaoqiang was depressed again, and he couldn't even compare the two little girls.

"Yang Keer!" Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, ‘Touch’ the door was opened, and Yang Keer rushed in and said, “What happened? What happened? Do you want me to teach them?”

When she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang staring at herself, she was embarrassed to say: "I didn't listen to the corner, really, I came!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was too lazy to say her, let Yuan Yi and Su Shi stand up and go to the door and say to Yang Keer: "Go, go and test the driver's license!"

There is an open space behind the building. The open space is the temporary parking lot here. It is full of off-road vehicles such as 'Beijing Jeep' 'Mitsubishi' 'Land Rover', and some 'Blue Bird' 'Audi' and other cars. There are also four vans. Five cars, it seems that they are all brought back by Longge.

Zhang Xiaoqiang picked a 'Beijing Jeep' and asked Su Shi to drive him. Yang Keer carefully chose a 'Land Rover' to let Yuan Yi teach her to drive ~www.readwn.com~The chicken farm is not big or small. The two cars can still run, and Yang Ke's hands are very fast. Now they are already modeled, but they are not skilled when turning and reversing. It seems that they can get out of school in a few days.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is sitting in the cab, holding a steering wheel that is heavy like a kilometer. He is on the foot and does not know whether it is a throttle or a brake. He shakes his right hand and has more than a toilet stick. He looks at the front of the car and shouts. Helping the three sons who fled quickly, sighed: "I didn't want to learn before, but my brother is really talentless!"

Tossing to dinner, after eating and then tossing, to the end Zhang Xiaoqiang walked to the ground, hands are not consciously lifted, like holding the steering wheel. After a hard day's training, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally understood the difference between the throttle and the brakes. How to operate the steering wheel from left to right. As for the shifting stuff, he still couldn't understand.

Looking at the bumper in front of the car, he was in a good mood. Isn’t the big boss in the movie going out with a driver? Do you have two ready-made ones?

Zhang Xiaoqiang was exhausted after learning the car. It was the kind of long-term exhaustion. He was sitting in the living room drinking tea. Su Shi stood behind him and pinched his shoulder. Zhang Xiaoqiang was still satisfied with the present. He had a safe place to live. Two big beauties are waiting around, there is power in the evening to turn over the computer, play games, as long as you don't relax your vigilance, you can be settled!

When they were squatting, Long Ge, they came back. He didn’t enter the door and heard He Wenbin talking: “Dragon brother, these two days of evil, yesterday’s today’s calculations will die ten! I want to go out tomorrow. Is it right for Guan Erye?"

Chen Yi taught on the other side: "Why do you go early? Usually do not burn incense, who is the bird when you are critical?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up and looked at it. Long brother walked in with a gloomy face, followed by Chen Yi.

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