Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 108 - ZOMBIE!!!

In the dining hall, all the students are gathering here today.

Today is the last day of the first year for Gray at the school.

Unlike usual, Gray didn't read any book and sat at the table beside Perona like the rest of the students. Or maybe because there are no more books for him to read...

Today is also the day when one of the houses will win the cup... Gray wasn't interested so much in this, since he knows what will happen.

Slytherin had the most points so it should be the one who wins the cup, but because of Harry, Ron, and Hermione's actions each got 50-60 points, even the poor kid Neville because he raised up his courage and stood up and tried to stop his friends he got 10 points...

Well, this was already enough to win the cup, but suddenly Dumbledore added few words.

"And for Gray, who proved to be a good friend and made the right decision which helped the school extra 50 points!" Dumbledore said.

Hearing his words, Gray froze again. He's not surprised about the fact that he got an extra 50 points but this shitty old man's words...

Made the right decision... Which means that if he didn't extract and handed the stone back, that would have been the wrong decision? Is this old man testing him ALL THE TIME? Or is he thinking too much???

Gray's brain cells are being consumed very fast at this moment...

"And for our lovely ghost princess who did what no wizard or witch dare to do in this age and struck the evil with no fear.. extra 50 points" And the next words Dumbledore said surprised everyone, including Perona herself...

"Ha? Me?... HraHraHra, Finally you said something nice old man!" Perona pointed at herself and asked with wonder, but then she just laughed happily not thinking too much about it.

The people around looked at Perona, with a weird smile... Probably no one dares to call Dumbledore an old man so heartlessly like Perona...

As for Gray, he simply withdraws his eyes and didn't want to think anymore... He doesn't understand how this shitty old man knows everything anyway. So it's not really useful to think too much... He should now think about how to make his actions really unseen...

With this, the flags on top of them were changed to Gryffindor lion's flag.

As soon as this happened, all the students of Gryffindor screamed happily. They already accepted the fact that they lost the cup of this year, but to think their points will change so much suddenly.

Looking at the happy mood of everyone, Gray also cracked a smile, but then a few figures appeared on his mind, which made his smile disappeared.

"what's wrong Gray?" Perona beside Gray saw him not in a good mood and asked.

Seeing Perona looking at him worriedly, Gray paused for a second, then smile again and shook his head.



Outside of the school, somewhere in the forbidden forest, Gray and Perona stood in front of a pure white horse with a big white horn on his head.

This horse looks so pure and beautiful, every time Gray sees it, he couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful it is. No wonder the people in this world will call it a sacred creature.

The unicorn brought its head close to Gray and Perona trying to show them its affection.

"Well well... Try not to get hunted again, stupid horse" Gray patted the unicorn head and said with a smile.

"Unico, be careful without us!" As for Perona, she said with a sad voice, she loved this white thing in front of her. It's a shame that she can't keep it.

The unicorn is also a smart one so it understood what Gray and Perona are trying to say so it gave a small cry and turned back and disappeared from their sight...

"Well... let's go, we will leave the school today, let's go back before the train go without us," Gray said and turned back.

Hearing Gray's words Perona's mood changed and smiles happily. Apparently, she's not really that sad about the unicorn...

"Where will we go next?" Perona looked at Gray and asked.

"Don't you want to take a look around the world? Till the beginning of the second year, we will go and take a tour and see the world more closely" Gray looked up and said.

"Besides... I want to find her...' Gray thought...

"Yes..." Perona heard Gray's word and was so excited, tour around the world! Since they came to this world, she only stayed inside Hogwart, and In the main world, she stayed in the crystal room... She really wants to go around and see new things!


Inside the train, Gray sat beside Perona, while Harry and Ron, and Hermione sat in the other seat.

Soon they will reach the King's Cross Station, after going out there are many places to visit...

Ron, Hermione, and Perona were talking about what they will do and looked excited somehow, while only Harry was looking at the red book in his hands with a smile, this book was given to him by Hagrid which have his mother and father pictures.

"Hey! Come to think about it, when we met for the first time, It was also in this room" Suddenly Ron brought this up.

Hearing Ron's words. Gray also smiled. What Ron said is true, when he came to this world it was in this room.

"Gray where are you going to stay?" Hermione thought of something and said.

"We will go around here and there, then came back when the school start," Gray said.

"You can come to my house if you want! My mother won't mind both of you..." Ron said.

"Oh! If you want, both of you can also stay at my house!" Hermione heard Ron's word and also said. In fact, this is her goal from the question, to begin with, till now she didn't know how Perona and Gray do the weird things they usually do! Staying with them might help her find an answer.

But Gray only smile and refused. Staying in Ron's home? Please...


Soon they reached their destination...

After coming out of the train Gray and Perona said bye to Harry and the others then left.

Perona kept looking around, this is her first time to see a normal modern city, it's still very different from her original world, in many different ways.

But Gray beside her wasn't so good... The people's eyes around them are so annoying... Besides, he felt a few eyes looking at them weirdly.

Both Gray and Perona are elves... And more than that their looks and colors are not normal and can't be seen normally in this world, so naturally, they attracted many eyes.

So Gray walked took the chance and walked to an empty corner then disappeared with Perona.



Diagon Alley!

Diagon Alley is a cobblestoned wizarding alley and shopping area located in London, England behind a pub called the Leaky Cauldron. Inside the alley is an assortment of restaurants, shops, and other sights. All items on the Hogwarts supply list can be bought at Diagon Alley. The alley is completely hidden from the Muggle world which is right outside of its boundaries. It is very large in area and essentially the center of wizarding London.

Before leaving London, naturally, he has to visit this place! There are many things he doesn't have yet. So this place will be a good starting point.




Paris. 51 rue de Montmorency..

In this calm shaded street.

Two small visitors came here today.

"Is it here?" Perona looked at the calm street and asked.

"It should be..." Gray beside her answered.

It's been two months since they left school. Gray and Perona in these two months went and seen many many places. And even gained many new skills and knowledge.

This month Gray also collected many things inside his ring. While he also got himself and Perona a real identity card...

For the identity problem, he had to thank the stinky old man, if they weren't students in Hogwarts, maybe they would have been hunted by the wizard's government already... Those guys are so stinky and have many annoying rules all over the wizarding world.

For example, if you mastered good magic like Animagus or Apparition you had to visit the Ministry of Magic and tell them if you used magic that needs to be registered without telling them you will be treated like a criminal...

Gray tried to stay away from those guys, even Dumbledore doesn't want to deal with them, this is how troublesome they are... If Gray is not scared to deal with them.. he's confident about himself, it's just there is no need.

Copying the skills they have? Well. it's true that there might be many good things there. But...

He's about to meet a six hundred-year-old monster in a few seconds... He doesn't think those guys in the Ministry has better thing to copy than him...

Gray walked to the wooden door and knocked, but no one answered... So he knocked again...

After about two minutes no one answered...

"Are you sure he's here??" Perona beside Gray asked...

"Coming!" But before Gray could answer, an old slow voice came from inside...

"Yup... He's here" Hearing the old voice from inside Gray smile and said.

*ENNNN...* The door was opened slowly...

"Oh my... Who might the Fairies be?" A frail and old man opened the door and came out.

This man was so old, his skin was so white and bloodless, his breath is so weak, while his body was so fragile which could be broken by a simple punch...

Nicolas Flamel! The oldest and the best alchemist who lived for more than six hundred years depending on the Elixir of Life that was produced by the Philosopher stone...

"ZOMBIE!!!!" As soon as Perona saw Nicolas Flamel, she screamed with panic!!!


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