Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 120 - Time Magic

Time passed fast, and the second year ended.

Everyone separated again, till the beginning of the third year.

And Gray also left the school with Perona.

Like the last year, Gray continued his journey with Perona and Nagini, going here and there.

Along the way, Gray visited Nicholas again and stayed there for some time.

For Nicholas, Gray thought about saving him and extend his life...

But he still didn't...

Because, for some people, death is a relief. Nicholas already lived a very long life as a human.

All those who he loved, all those who he knew, already disappeared from the world leaving him alone to this age and remained for him as sad memories.

So there is nothing for him actually to live for, and Nicholas himself wishes to end his slow and empty life...

Letting him live more, will only bring more loneliness for him.

Immortality is not always a good thing.

Live to see everyone else die in front of you is not the kind of loneliness that normal humans can bear.



As usual, Gray collected materials everywhere, and this time directly stole what he wants.

Both from the ministry and the wizarding banks.

Which also made a huge fuss in the wizarding world!!!

In fact, what Gray stole from the ministry, was not just simple materials.

In his hunt, he found an interesting department there.

A department called the Department of Mysteries. And also met an Unspeakable!!!

An Unspeakable is a wizard or witch who works in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries.

Little is known about those guys since they are forbidden from discussing their jobs or disclosing any information about their department, with anyone else.

What interested Gray in those guys, is what they study.

The department of mysteries has a few chambers which are The Hall of Prophecy · Death Chamber · Brain Room · Time Chamber · Space Chamber · Love Chamber.

Every one of those chambers sounds very interesting to him.

Especially the Time chamber!


If space is considered a king's power, then time can only be called God's will!

Time is not a normal force that could be controlled easily like all the elements he knows.

Time is more like a rule... A very strong rule that shouldn't be touched.

Those who could really master the time are completely in a different league.

Time is so complex and untouchable. A small mistake might bring the user to his demise.

And it's also one of the rarest types of powers in all worlds... Even Gray who can travel between worlds is deeply attracted to this precious and unquestionable power.

Getting in touch with time power alone is a big gain in this world!

So from the memories of the Unspeakable, Gray learned many things and also learned about the other Unspeakables...

Every Unspeakable has different information about the chambers they work to, so after finding the time chamber Unspeakables. Gray also found very interesting magic that he won't find in the school.

Hour-Reversal Charm!

The Hour-Reversal Charm is a charm that could be used to reverse time by one hour, up to a maximum of five hours...

In fact, the user can go for more than five hours, but it's extremely dangerous.

It's unstable magic, going beyond the safety threshold of five hours might bring serious harm to the flow of time.

It's more like creating a Butterfly effect in time, which will lead to a change in your own very future, which actually brought the user back to the past. Some mistakes might even change a reality entirely. Which will harm the world, not the user of the magic only...

(Butterfly effect: In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state... In another picture, going to the past and changing something very small, might lead to change the entire future that you know... Something very... **** up!)

This charm is also one of the biggest skills he saw in this world. Which reached 33GB!

After seeing this, Gray said nothing and felt it was understandable.

After all, this charm is incredibly hard to learn! And it also needs a very long time to master.

Mastering time magic is not an easy task, those who can use such magic are usually big figures in history.

Even the Ministry relies on devices to use Time magic. Just like the Time-Turners, Hermione will use next.

He also got a few Time-Turners, he found in the chamber's storage, since it's a researching chamber, naturally, there should be results.

With the results, they have now, the Turners that the ministry created can reverse time by 24h safely!

Which is also his biggest gain after Hour-Reversal Charm.

But for him, since he learned his first Time-related skill, sooner or later this skill will evolve into something that he can't imagine...

As for other chambers, Gray learned and found many things but wasn't as useful as the time chamber.

In a way or another Gray's actions were caught by the ministry, after all, no matter how good he hides his actions, the ministry is a ministry of magic! not a normal ministry...

But Gray's hiding skills also reached a very weird high level.

Maybe because of the natural ability of the dark shadow source sealed inside him, or maybe because he wanted to dodge Dumbledore's watchful eyes from the last year, so he became a very skilled burglar...

So the ministry only noticed that someone stole many secret pieces of information from them, but doesn't know who...

Which also made Gray the most wanted persons in the world.

He also stole gold from banks everywhere and traded the gold he stole with the greedy goblins.

Which also made most of the leaders of the wizarding world looking for Gray's traces!!!

But from the very beginning to the very end, Gray didn't let any tail behind him. So no matter how the ministry searched, they won't doubt him... A second-year student...



Somewhere in London.

In a rented house, Gray setting on the couch, not doing anything.

But inside his castle, his projection is a little busy.

The castle is very different than before.

Since he got it, it was an empty lifeless dark castle that had nothing other than walls and rooms and halls.

But the castle today looks more lively and majestic as if it's really a dark castle.

Perona and Gray brought many things. So buying Luggage is a very simple thing.

And it's actually fun to paint your own castle with what you want.

In the castle's main hall.

This hall was the normal hall that he usually threw things to, and also the Room where Nagini stay in those days.

But now there is nothing here, other than him and Perona and Nagini.

Nagini's body became so big and majestic. Which made her look more attractive than she used to.

So Gray couldn't let her stay outside those days.

And Nagini also understands this, so she stayed here calmly all day long.

Speaking of, Nagini after her change, not only her look changed but her power became so strong as her look or can be called absurd...

She got all the abilities of both the Phoenix and the Basilisk!

Which also showed him how strong her cursed blood is...

Not only she became almost an eternal being since nothing could really kill her.

Gray doesn't think any creature could resist her deadly eyes power...

Her only flaw right now is her size, which won't allow her to stay around him as she wants.

But he already found a solution.

Gray opened a small cage beside him and took out a purple-blue creature with a serpent body, and birds face, with two purple wings on its back.

This creature is called an Occamy!

A very magical beast!

This Occamy has a very rare ability.

Which is to control its size to grow bigger and smaller in order to fit any available space.

This kind of ability is not simply changing size, but more like a rule to fit any space no matter how big or small it is!

Giving such an ability to Nagini will help her in many different ways!

Not only she can stay around him like before, but also in her fights!

Nagini is already strong in her current size ... if she gets bigger...

He brought this Occamy from the goblins.

Had to say, what he bought from the goblins, is much more than what he found in the ministries.

He brought many materials and weird things from them that usually can't be found.

Those greedy guys will sell you anything as long as you paid them what they want.

Gray didn't steal the Banks for simple some gold, But the price of what he wants is so terrible that he couldn't think of any other solution.


Gray touched Nagini's skin and started copying the Occamy blood to her.

After a few minutes, the copy ended and Nagini, also shined a deep purple light, but she didn't change much this time.

At the end of this, Nagini flew to Gray in front of her, but in the process, her body shrank too much till she returned to her original small size and wrapped herself around Gray's shoulder.

"SHaaaaa" Nagini gave a comfortable sound, showing her joy.

She doesn't like her big body, since she can't stay with Gray like usual.

Now the problem was fixed Nagini felt very happy.


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