Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 122 - Worst Fear

With the Dementor being expelled from the train, the air around came back to normal and everyone on the train also felt the same relief.

Harry who was attacked by the Dementor wasn't right at all, but the werewolf... Professor Remus Lupin, the new Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts, came in and checked Harry's situation.

And his help was actually just to give him a bar of chocolate. Telling him that he will feel better after eating it...

As for Perona who attacked the Dementor, her mood wasn't so good. Or can be said she's somehow sad for some reason, which made Gray feel worried.

Soon the train reached its destination and everyone raided carriages that moved by the Thestral back to Hogwarts because of the rainy weather.

Speaking of those zombie-like Thestrals horses.

The Thestral is a breed of winged horse with a skeletal body, face with reptilian features, and wide, leathery wings that resemble a bat's.

Thestrals are visible only to those who have witnessed death.

Between the students, only he and Perona can see them.

Witnessed death? Well... Gray and Perona's hands were never clean... In the last world, Gray himself ended the life of countless pirates, and most of this for his own benefit... Let's not say Perona who used to hunt people for Moria's zombie production...

Going back to school, nothing changed, the students gathered in the dining hall, the new students were sorted by the sorting hat...

Dumbledore made his speech and happily warned the student not to get closer to the Dementors or thing will be bad... then moved on to happier matters and introduced two new professors. Professor Lupin who will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts and Hagrid who will teach Care of Magical Creatures.

Professor Lupin will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts(Doomed class) this year.

Looking at the history of this class, it can be said he's the only one who was good for it, even though he's a werewolf.

Lupin has another identity which is super... I mean a phoenix-order member that Dumbledore formed to fight against Voldemort.


The next day everyone started their classes.

Like every year, Gray simply ignored most of them and went only for a few. And life became boring till the next week.



Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

This is their first day in this class.

Lupin was so friendly to everyone and taught his students from his heart.

His first-class was about Boggart.

A Boggart is an immortal shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of its observer's worst fear.

Another non-being...

Gray was interested in this class, nothing else but that he wanted to see what he fears most.

The Boggart was sealed inside a closet, that kept shaking from time to time, showing that there is something inside of it.

So everyone stood there in a row ready to face the Boggart.

As the closet door was opened a weird smoke twisting in the space appeared and took the shape of what the first student feared the most.

Under Gray's observation, he found this Boggart really doesn't have a real form, it's more like a mass of spiritual energy with weak consciousness.

Speaking of his observation Haki, since Gray merged the soul attributes before to himself, he found that his Observation Haki rose by one point in quality.

The soul is the source of mental/spiritual power! Naturally, it will raise the quality of the skills that rely on spiritual power. Even though his area of observation didn't change much and still limited, but what he could feel became clearer than before.

If he managed to gather many souls attributes and merged them to himself, Gray believes that he won't need his eyes anymore, Relying on his observation alone he will be able to see everything clearer than what he could see right now!

Other than this change, Gray only felt his senses became stronger.

So this is the reason Gray felt happy when he thought the Dementors could have soul attributes.

Either for him or for Perona who heavily relies on spiritual power as a spiritual person need this attribute.


"Riddikulus" The student used the spell Professor Lupin taught everyone and turned the Boggart into another funny thing.

Which also made the class full of laughter. Especially when Neville let Snape wear his grandmother's clothes.

Neville's worst fear is Snape so the Boggart took snape shape...

Even Gray felt funny seeing this scene. Shame that the real Snape is not here...

Soon it was Perona's turn.

Gray looked at Perona in front of him and thought of something...

'What did she saw in the mirror before???' Gray just remembered this now.

But then he became interested and looked at the Boggart wondering what she really fears.

Perona's personality is very unique.

She's a fearless, funny, and twisted minded girl.

He stayed with her for the longest time, so he already got a clear picture of her personality, and how lovely she is.

Because of her almost invincible ability, Perona doesn't fear many things. So he wonders what she fears right now...

As Perona stood in front of the Boggart.

The Boggart started changing and soon changed the entire room.

The room walls, ground, ceiling replaced by milky white crystals. Which made the entire room quiet and depressed for some reason. While in the middle of the room, small pieces of paper fall down from the void slowly to the ground.

Seeing the change around, all the students felt very beautiful, the crystal room is really beautiful. The crystals look so white and clean, shining all around them.

None of them understand how could such a beautiful scene be Perona's worst fear. Only Gray who saw the crystal room around him sighed deeply and walked forward.

With Gray's action Perona also caught his hand with fear, this room brought her very bad memories, especially the depressed feeling of quietness here.

Reminded her of the feeling of staying all alone in this empty room. Scared and helpless in a new place she doesn't know.

"Don't worry Perona... This is just an illusion, I... I won't let such a thing happen again" Gray looked at the scared Perona and felt bad again.

He didn't think this will actually be her worst fear. And the reason for her fear related to him, which made him feel guilt again.

But he still said it again, he won't let such a thing happen ever again.

"Shaa..." And Nagini who reduced her size too much that she could hide in Gray's hair came out and climbed Perona's shoulder as if telling her not to worry.

With Gray's words and Nagini's actions, Perona shook her head as if awakening herself...

'What am I scared of?' Perona thought and gathered her courage again and used *Riddikulus*.

With her using the spell the entre room wall suddenly collapsed and the dust of the crystal turned into a few funny ghosts scaring the student around.

Well... What makes Perona feel funny is horror for the poor students...

"Okay! That was good... Good job Perona!" Professor Lupin applauded for Perona while everyone did the same, but most of them didn't understand what was scary about the crystal room.

Professor Lupin can see that after Gray talked with Perona she had enough courage to face her fear, so there is no need for him to talk more about this.

With Perona walking back, it was Gray's turn.

With Gray walking forward, not only Perona, but almost everyone was interested to know what Gray fears. Especially the trio behind.

"Perona fears a weird crystal room, what do you think Gray will fear?" Ron beside Hermione looked at Gray walking forward and asked.

"I don't know..." Hermione shook her head and said... Gray never showed fear in front of them till now, even when the Dementor appeared he was so calm, and she even found a weird smirk on his face that day.

If something like the Dementor didn't make him nervous, what will Gray fear?

Gray didn't realize that Hermione noticed his abnormal behavior when he thought of hunting the Dementor before, and if he knows he would only smile.

Gray walked slowly to the group of funny ghosts and looked at them wondering what will they change into this time.

As Gray got closer the ghost also started changing.

But unlike before, it didn't make a complete figure and kept changing.

Professor Lupin saw this and somehow felt bad. As if something wrong was gonna happen next...

Like before, the room changed completely. But this time all color was lost in the room and Dark thick smoke spread around.

Seeing the darkness, Gray felt wrong and focused in the middle of the room.

Because a few figures appeared there.

Those figures looked so weird emanating soled breath filled with sacredness, each of them has a different shape. But most of their appearance can't be seen completely, even though they were standing in front of everyone.

And in front of those few figures, there is a weird stone wall painted with weird marks, and a person nailed by few swords on the wall already dead.

From the look of this person it can be seen she's a woman, wearing old-fashioned warrior clothes, and has long black hair that hid her face.

So calm so quiet, no feeling no sound, everyone in the room looked at the scan and felt weird emotion on them, as if there is a weird sadness in the air forcing them to feel depressed. At the same time felt weird about Gray's fear.

This is Gray's fear. Most of them couldn't understand, but it's clear this might be a scene he saw before.

Perona and Nagini who wrapped around her shoulder looked at Gray and wanted to go to his side.

Looking at Gray's back, everyone can see his hands shaking gently, showing how bad his feeling is.

Professor Lupin stepped forward and wanted to let Gray who lowered his head and looked at his fear from under his heavy hair, go back. He can see it's not right to let Gray face his fear for the time being.

But is Gray shaking with fear right now?


But an extreme rage bred inside Gray's heart at this moment.

Rage, fear, hatred, madness, sadness, many mixed emotions appeared at the same moment from the deepest and darkest part of Gray's soul!!

Those emotions mixed together till finally turned into pure wrath that he himself couldn't understand why all these emotions appeared at this moment.

'What the hell... What is this feeling...Why am I so angry?' Gray felt his emotion going out of control and tried to calm himself, but the more he saw the scene in front of him, the more uncontrollable his emotions.

For a moment Gray couldn't control himself and a shaky breath came out from him which alerted Lupin who walked to his side.

Professor Lupin felt the rage coming from Gray and wanted to warn the students to go back but...


It's too late...

The rage in Gray's body turned into a gigantic majestic mental force released from Gray's soul moved through the entire school, directly to the sky on top of Hogwarts shaking the clouds in the sky.

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