Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 137 - Rita Skeeter...

With the champions being selected, the school went back to order and everyone was busy with their things... Of course, there were some rumors those days...

Not only between Hogwarts students but even the other two schools were also the same...

And the protagonists of these rumors are Harry and Gray...

First Harry... There should be only one Hogwarts champion, but Harry's name came up as the fourth which was weird, and out of jealousy everyone started talking bad about him...

And the second was Gray... The white-haired boy who had many rumors about these years...

But the rules can't be changed and since the goblet chose him, they can't change it... Even though everyone thinks both Gray and Herry had cheated... Nothing can be done...

Even though Gray is 17+... But his identity in this world is a twelve-year-old child... Dumbledore himself helped him creating this identity...

So hell if anyone believed, even if he told them...

And for Gray entering the tournament is not a bad thing for Hogwarts... At least They know that Hogwarts will win this year... The teachers naturally know knew one thing or two Gray...

Because of what happened... Harry was nervous those days... Even his best friend Ron called him a cheater and went into conflict with him...

For these matters, Gray turned a blind eye, anyway he was busy with another few things these days...




"Three left..." Gray walked along in the school halls and said to himself...

What three?

Looking at the room that Gray came out from, it turned out to be the charm class teacher room...

What is Gray doing here?

Well... He's doing what he should have done a long time ago... copying the teacher's skills...

In fact, what the teachers have is not something really important to him anymore... After all, this is a wizarding world... There are many wizards out there... Everything the teachers have... He also had it from here or there...

And that's why he wasn't really so focused on this before...

So he started using any reason and came in touch with the teachers to see if there is anything new he can get...

But that was simply a disappointment... Nothing new or useful for him was found till now...

Even Professor Filius Flitwick the charm class teacher had nothing useful for him...


Days passed by...

Champions Tent...

Today was the first round of the tournament... So everyone is gathering here today...

"Don't be nervous... It's just a lizard that can fly... And spit flames... You can do it, Harry..." Gray looked at the nervous Harry and said comforting him...

"I'll try..." Harry said this and clenched his fist trying to calm himself down...

"Yes, you can do it, Harry! This so-called dragon is so weak! even the weakest sea kings more powerful than them" Perona who was staying inside the ring, came out in her soul form and said...

Hearing Perona's words, Harry smiled... He felt a little more confident with Gray and Perona's words...

Even though he really wanted to ask what was the sea king?

Perona saw that she can't enter the tournament like Gray, and simply decided to tag along while staying in his ring.. for this, Gray smiled and said nothing. she can do whatever she wants... As long as she is safe...

While getting ready, Hermione came to the tent to see Harry and Gray who were about to face the dragons!

It's a dragon! No matter how she thought about it she was worried about them... After all, they are her friends.

For this, Gray already felt her presence and smiled... Those kids are really cute...

Just when Hermione entered the tent and hugged Harry an annoying woman also came in and took a picture for them...

Rita Skeeter...

Rita Skeeter, a British witch, and journalist who specialized in writing poison-pen stories... Well, most of what she wrote was usually build on false information... how to say it... she was the kind of writer who writes what others would like to read...

So her taking pictures of Hermione and Harry means another wild story will appear soon in the newspaper...

Well... Gray doesn't like this annoying woman... As a champion, he was already interviewed by her.

And his impression of her is just so poor...

Speaking of this woman, she is also an Animagus...


One of the top Transformation magic in this world...

An Animagus is a witch or wizard who could transform themselves into an animal and back again at will.

This is a very rare skill.

Perona wanted to learn this skill once, but after seeing the learning process, she honestly waited for Gray to copy it...

Well... And Gray really wanted to copy this skill... But he couldn't find it in any of her files...

Animagus wasn't in her skill disk nor in her genetic skill... Only her memories of how she cultivated this skill and how she usually uses it only...

This is not his first time to see the weirdness of this skill...

He did have seen it before...

Ron's rat Scabbers... Peter Pettigrew... Which was a fake rat... The sad man who threw Sirius black and led to Harry's father and mother's death...

Peter Pettigrew was with Ron all the first three years... Naturally Gray won't ignore that rat completely... Even though he doesn't like this low-life man, but his skills were super worthy for him when he entered the world for the first time...

But, at that time Gray found the same wrong situation...

Or even weirder situation...

In Peter Pettigrew disks... Gray found a normal genetic folder of a rat and nothing in his D disk! As if he was holding a normal rat!

If it weren't for the memories inside his E disk, Gray would have really doubt that he was holding a normal rat...

He wanted to meet Sirius Black before, but with the Dementors accident, he didn't have the chance... So he was planning to try with Professor McGonagall...

But since Rita was there, there was no need to ignore it...

And what he found still confused him...

For an ability not to be inside the disks, it's really weird...

Such a thing only happened with the Devil fruits, But since he knew about their source and how they work, Gray felt nothing wrong...

But for Animagus, he felt odd and kept thinking of the reason those days...

One can have this skill as long as he cultivated it... So he really wondered why he can't find it in the skills disk...

In fact, after some thought, he came up with a guess, but there is no clear answer about it for the time being...

"Hermione..." Gray saw Hermione in a bad look because of Rita and came to her side whispering a few words in her ears, which made Rita even more excited and started writing with a happy face...

If Rita really published what she was writing right now, the next day's news will be more interesting...

But Hermione didn't care about this and looked at Gray with wide eyes...

For this, Gray smiled and nodded his head only.

So Hermione turned her face and looked at Rita with weird eyes...

Seeing Hermione's eyes Rita felt cold for some reason... As if something bad was about to happen...

And something really bad was about to happen to her...

What did Gray tell Hermione?

Not much... Only a few words... Which was *She's an unregistered beetle Animagus*

... Unregistered Animagus ...

This fact can directly lock Rita in one of Azkaban's cells...

The ministry doesn't like the unregistered mages... Especially those who have rare magic...

With this, the smart Hermione will have her way to deal with this annoying woman...

"Are you ready champions!" Suddenly Dumbledore entered, followed by the other two headmasters and the ministry man.

Barty Crouch Snr, Head of the Ministry of Magic's Department of International Magical Cooperation... The poor iron-hearted father who should be killed by his son soon...

His work here is to watch and make sure the tournament is going as it should be.

With this Hermione knew that she shouldn't stay here, so she walked out silently, while Perona disappeared as if she wasn't there...

For Perona's weirdness, the two other headmasters and Barty already knew, so they weren't so surprised.

"Come here champions, gather around me" Barty was carrying a bag in his hand and let the four players came to his side to take a dragon projection from the bag in his hand...

Yup... After all the first game is to steal an item *The golden egg* from the dragon.

The four dragon projections, represent what every one of them will fight against...

There are four types of dragons in the bag, every champion will face one of them...

And for those four Dragons, Gray couldn't help but feel a little expectation... After all, those four lizards are delivered Bloodlines for Nagini....

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