Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 152 - After

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...

The halls of the school were filled with students, who had different faces and feelings, that came from all over the world to the school...

Gray in the shared room, sit there studying something, while Hermione sits beside him studying what he wrote to her... While Perona laying in a floating bag while a few dolls around her serving some tea and biscuits...

It has been some time since the end of the tournament, the other school students already went back to their schools, while Hogwarts students continued their own school life, ready for the end of the fourth year...

Harry already told Hermione and Ron about what happened, and the reaction of both was so funny...

Gray right now was sorting the messy magic knowledge inside his head... And Hermione saw Gray doing this and was attracted, so both of them started studying magic in the chamber from time to time...

While Perona doesn't have the mood to study or train anything... just simply relaxing while drinking her tea easily...

Perona's right now...

Anyway, after Gray told Dumbledore about the Horcruxes, this old man collected them in two days only, which somehow was expected...

Besides, one Horcruxe was already destroyed, while Harry was also solved, and Nagini didn't meet Voldemort but was kidnapped by him... Which left only four...

Three Dumbledore found, and the last one he looked for by himself...

Marvolo Gaunt Ring- The Resurrection Stone...

When Gray found it, he didn't extract its attribute, but removed the deadly curse on it, and took the stone out, after letting Nagini destroying it as Horcrux...

Had to say, the curse Voldemort used was really a terrifying one...

After all, Nagini who has Basilisk blood can be called a Horcrux nemesis. Even her fire has a distraction attribute, enough to destroy the ring...

The stone was really a weird and magical thing...

With Gray and Dumbledore destroying the Horcruxes, poor Voldemort didn't have the chance to reappear and disappeared forever...

Voldemort should be the second dark lord, that didn't have the chance to came back and was poisoned by Gray...

(A current ring maker: no I'm better than him... I sent orcs army!)

After having the Resurrection Stone, Gray tried it and summoned Nicolas's soul to see if he can really summon the dead...

And what surprised him, was that it really worked...

But he also felt how wrong it is... The legend about this stone was true... This stone can really bring the spirit of the dead, But the dead themselves still bounded by death...

In another word, even if you summoned the dead, and tried to give them a new body, this won't work... And their existence in the living world, even poorest than that of the ghost...

This stone also has its own rules of how it works...

The summoned souls are not allowed to join the living world again... While the souls themselves will reject and be rejected by the world...

And this was the reason why all the legends about this stone usually ended with a bad ending...

After figuring out how the stone works, Gray lost half of his interest in it, but Perona was interested in the stone since she saw it as if she saw a very beautiful thing...

Gray felt weird at first... How to say it... It's just a stone... Maybe a little better... But still... It's a stone... With Perona's personality, after trying it once, she will lose interest.. After all, it's not a cute thing... Does Perona like something not cute at all? It's true that her *cute* sense was funny sometimes... Still, it's not like her to be interested in a stone...

Besides, there is no dead person that Perona really wishes to see... So why would she like it... And it wasn't like the stone can rise her power...

But seeing Perona wanting the stone so much for no reason, Gray thought of something and smiled at her...

Since she likes it... give it to her...

So he took out weird magic ores and even some awakening crystals then transformed them into another new very incredibly beautiful ring, with beautiful crystal-like curves and delicate pale light shining from inside it, while the Resurrection stone was in the heart of the ring as a black diamond, looks so precious, with a mysterious magic charm...

He still remembers her funny face when he put it on her finger... She made a really funny face... But was also very happy! She liked the stone before, but now she likes it even more!

In fact, the reason why Perona like the stone was not hard to guess... This stone has a weird connection with the spirit world and somehow... maybe even the dead world... but doesn't give any real power...

Gray honestly didn't want to give it to Perona, in case this spiritual power, made another problem to her spirit, this won't be funny... After all... He almost lost her before...

But after some observation and tests... He found that nothing harmful really appeared... As said before, this stone has its own rules about how it works... Not a user harming object... In fact, those who were harmed before actually harmed themselves by themselves... And has nothing to do with the stone, that gives a chance to see what they shouldn't have...

So he made this ring and actually planted countless defending spells, anti-spill in the prosses, and even some weird enchantment that can seal the stone if it was harmful and protect the spirit by relying on Perona's own spirit... He also used the finest material he has till now, which contains a very high energy quality, the awakening crystals... Anyway, he wasn't short of these crystals with the red crystal existence...

So like this if it was even a little bit harmful to Perona... The ring's actual job will be to seal the stone and protect Perona, while also telling him directly if something wrong with Perona's spirit happened...

Well... It can be said that Gray did a very good job here... It's just... He still didn't realize how scary the ring he made... and how this will be useful to Perona in the future...

And for the other two Deathly Hollows, he already extracted what he could get from them.

The elder wand, Gray already had an idea what kind of magic he will get...

After all, he extracted many wands before... But unfortunately, none of them had a really useful attribute... Till once while trading with goblins, he met a rather weird wand...

This wand, just like the elder wand, will make your magic stronger, but as a price, it will take your life as you use it... It's said that the one who made it, used his own family life as a price... But it turned out to be a failed product, which also a shame... And like this, no wizard out there really dare to use it... or study it or can be said, the wandmakers who treat the wands as a living thing were disdain to do such a thing... Nor they can really study it... After all, like this cursed wand and the elder wand were simply a weird existence for them... an unsolved problem... Or might simply be they are idiots to understand them...

Anyway, as time goes on... Another elder wand will be created and even better... After all this magic world was developing almost all the time...

So the cursed wand fell into one of the goblins as a collection, and Gray happened to see it, in that curtain greedy goblin office...

The attribute he got from that wand, was the reason why it can make magic stronger... Which was [Magic Inflate]...

And the same for the elder wand... To tell the truth, he was somehow disappointed for not getting another new attribute...

But good thing the invisibility clock gave him a good attribute... Which simple was [Isolating attribute]... It sounds simple but in fact, it's not... If this attribute reached a current number, it will be like Isolating the very existence from the world itself...

Such an attribute won't appear on a normal enchanted invisibility clock...

After getting this attribute, Gray merged it with his ring without much thinking...

Well... That what was happening and after this, Gray stayed in the school. and didn't leave directly... Even though there were many things he wanted to get before he leaves this world, but for now, he wanted to calm down and sort all the knowledge he has in his head, turning this into something useful...

And today it happened that Gray finally ended his study and some of the magic ideas in his mind finally became real!

"Finally finished...." Gray stretched his hand and stopped what he was doing...

Hermione already left while Gray was focusing, so now, except Perona who doesn't really care about classes, no one was around...

"Humm? finally finished?" Perona saw Gray stopped what he was doing and floated to his side while eating biscuits...




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