Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 158 - Familiar Scene


Also known as sundown...

A daily phenomenon of the disappearance of the Sun below the horizon due to Earth's rotation...

Usually, at this time of day, the world will be tinted with beautiful yellow-red color coming from the end of the horizon, making it the most beautiful moment to watch in all of the day...

Charming enough to make the watcher wish that the sun could stay there... right on the horizon, not below it, not above it, just right on it...

And the cloudy skies had made this sunset more charming than it was already...


In the long road between the yellow fields...

There was nothing around other than in yellow crop fields between hills...

A sports car, stood on the highway not moving anywhere, while a red figure can be seen sitting on the car's hood watching this beautiful Sunset at the end of the horizon...

She was a slender and extremely beautiful red-haired woman, pair of sharp ears, smooth white skin, and two bright green eyes...

She was standing there doing nothing, just watching the sun leaving slowly, feeling the beauty of this moment...

If one could look at her face closely, he can see a very charming smile carrying unimaginable emotions...

There was an old saying that says; *Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully*

If she heard these words, This woman would probably nod her head in agreement ...

But apparently not because of how charming the sunset was... But because of the few papers she has lowered her head and looked at...

These papers were somehow odd...

Two pieces were moving to the west, while one to the north, and the other to the north-west...

The woman didn't keep watching the papers but turned her head and looked at the other person who was sleeping in the car behind her with odd color in her eyes...

"You were right ... Everyone's fine..." Her words carried a deep relief...

"UMMM" The person who was sleeping inside the car, changed her body sleeping position and stayed asleep, but there was a nice smile on the sleeping face, that was almost covered with red hair...

Another beautiful red-haired woman...

From the look of her body, it can be seen that she was a tall slender woman, with long red hair as beautiful as the other woman...

Who are these two?

Naturally, they were Tauriel and Baccarat...

It has been a whole day since Gray and Perona's papers turned black...

Baccarat had told Tauriel not to worry since they met, and everyone should be okay...

After finding Baccarat, they didn't use any ability but drove the car Baccarat found...

Along the way, Tauriel also learned how to operate it, which was quite easy.

So she drove, while Baccarat also went to dreamland...

Between all of them, Baccarat might have been the most tired one... Not only physically, but even mentally...

After all, her worries before coming back to the world were the strongest... None of them could imagine how sad her emotions were at that time...

So after meeting Taureil, Baccarat didn't hold for long and slept directly in the car...

And she already slept for a long time...

But this only shows how much she was exhausted...

Along the way, Tauriel didn't meet any moving creature, no humans, no beasts, not even a zombie that should be seen everywhere...

Which was probably because of the humanoid luck machine that was sleeping beside her ...

So their day was the most peaceful and relaxed one...

Tauriel herself took some rest along the way, but because of her ability nature, she didn't need to rest for long and kept moving...

Well... kept moving till the car stopped moving because the car's fuel tank was already empty...

So she chose to wait for Baccarat to wake up and keep moving after...

But while looking at the beautiful sunset, Tauriel took the papers and kept watching... As if hoping something will change in the black papers, and the worried emotions inside her heart could calm down...

And what she hoped for, actually happened...

Gray and Perona's paper of life, slowly turned into white papers and started moving in one direction...

What does that mean?

It means that both of them were really safe and were really together...

Because Gray and Perona were inside the crystal ground before, the direction of the papers kept changing, and finally turned black together... So they already guessed... Not to say, Baccarat already said this...

But now the two turned back to normal and moved together in the same direction shows that both Gray and Perona were really together and they are safe...

So for her, the day really ended beautifully... Even though the sunset wasn't the proof for her... But she felt it was more beautiful today...

After thinking of all this, Tauriel entered the car and sat beside Baccarat, and relaxed her back ready to take a rest till Baccarat wake up and keep moving...

Now she felt good enough and wanted to relax a little more...

Unforctuanlly no one was there to see this impactful picture of these two made under this sunset...




Gray with Perona and Nagini flew all the way toward the direction Mary's paper has shown them and already left the dense forest area moving between the mountains...

As they moved on, Gray kept watching the terrain around them and couldn't help but sigh with a weird look...

While Perona and Nagini, looked around trying to find what difference they could find...

The earth really changed much since the apocalypse...

Now he and Perona were flying between green mountains that have a huge river between them... Making a nice view...

Actually... If you removed the zombies, this world would have been a very beautiful one right now...

"Hmmm?" As they passed the mountains, Gray, Perona, and even Nagini felt something not far away in front of them... And in their flying direction, they perceived something wrong not far away...

Gray didn't stop and kept moving forward, with a weird look appeared on his face, apparently thinking of something...

As much as he remembers... The direction that they were moving on should be...

While thinking of this, soon he and Perona stopped moving forward and looked in front of them with doubt...

"What is this?" Perona looked at what appeared in front of them not far away and said...

"Barrier?" Gray answered with a weird look in his eyes...

As he said, what appeared in front of them was a weird transparent barrier in the void blocking their way...

But this wasn't the point here...

Behind the barrier itself, they saw huge walls raised from the ground blocking something behind it...

While the area covered by these walls was so huge that Gray couldn't see the end by looking from here...

Gray didn't keep flying but with Perona and Nagini floated down to the forest under them between the trees...

'Hero base?' Gray thought of the base he was originally planning to before...

Yes... Mary's direction happened to be in the same direction as her old base... Hero base...

So he was able to guess what was the walls guarding...

But Gray also felt so wrong when he saw the walls...

He really wanted to ask... Why so big?

Mary already told him that her base was stronger than other bases around... And even saw it from her memories... But he didn't see any majestic wall like this... Nor the energy barrier around the base...

Even weirder, he couldn't use Haki to explore what behind the barrier...

So Gray didn't choose to keep moving and came down for a few reasons...

One... He wanted to take a look and see if he could find a survivor outside the base barrier...

After all, he still has a few questions that need to be answered... While also finding some information about the base...

So like this, with Perona and Nagini, he started moving on between the trees...

After a few minutes, maybe he was lucky, and soon Gray felt a few presences not far away...

With his Haki, he was able to feel them... And apparently, these presences were coming in their direction...

"Someone is coming..." Perona looked toward the trees on their side and said.

She also felt the approaching presence...

It didn't take long, and without them moving anywhere, they were able to see four-figure between the trees not far away was approaching them...


Gray saw the scene and a bad feeling arise inside his heart...

Because the scene was weirdly... Awfully familiar???

He saw one little blond girl, running toward his direction with a funny smile on her face as if she was enjoying something, holding a weird-looking big fruit in her hand...

And... One woman with two men running behind the girl with an angry look at their faces... As if they encountered something extremely annoying...

Ah... What a very familiar scene that couldn't be more familiar....

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