Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 165 - Bastard Light!

Far away beyond the destroyed forest area, there were many high and low mountains here and there...

In one of the highest mountains... between the cracks of this mountain...

There was nothing here except the hollowed sound of the air that kept slipping between the cracks around from time to time...


Suddenly in this quiet place, a sharp sound of tearing appeared and a few figures came out from the void out of nowhere...


The moment they appeared here... The quite dark world also changed dramatically...

The dark clouds in the sky changed colors, and a holy light appeared all over the world...

"What!!!!" Perona who just appeared with Gray and the others looked in the light direction and said with her eyes wildly opened as if she was seeing what was happening there...

And Gray beside her looked at the light direction with dim eyes... While waving his hand around them making an invisible barrier around the mountain...

After doing all this, Gray stood there and refocused at the light with the same dim eyes...

'Alaaaaa..... Light God actually took action personally???' Niala also stood beside them, but her mind was running fast at this moment... And unlike usual, she didn't have her usual free smile... But a puzzled expression...

'So it was really an Origin... And *Light* took it... What a waste... When *Dark* learns about this, he will get annoyed' Niala's mind was thinking regretfully... But the bad smirk on her face showed her real mood... apparently, she was happy someone will be annoyed...

"Wait... someone is stealing our orb?? Bastard light!!!! " Perona ghost didn't disappear directly after the light appeared, so she was able to see what was happening there for a few seconds... And that was enough for her to see the orb being stolen...

In Perona's mind, the weird orb was already their thing... Somebody was stealing their things? unforgivable...

"Pfft... Well said Perona, it's a bastard light..." Niala laughed when she heard what Perona said and nodded her head agreeing...

As for Gray, he didn't care about what was being stolen from him at this moment but looked at his shaking hand with odd eyes...

He felt odd because he felt two extreme emotions while looking at this light...

One rage and despise, while the other was... Yearning and desire... A desire for light?

Despise? Why? Does he have the qualification to despise something like this right now? And... What was wrong with the desire? He felt this desire before... Felt it when he found the dark fountains in Azkaban...

A desire for a dark element... Which he could understand... But light element? Till now, he didn't even come near this element...

Somehow Gray started doubting himself...

*BOOM* While thinking, the earth started shaking, apparently the lands Perona was controlling finally hit the ground...

And soon after, the light disappeared as fast as it appeared after shining for a short time and the world returned to darkness with its departure...

'Sigh...' Gray saw the light disappearing and sighed with relief as if he was bearing great stress...

"Gray... that light... What should we do..." Perona was unwilling to let go... They really worked hard to get that orb, and someone else actually stole their prey...

That was ... not fun at all...

Usually, they were the ones who steal others ... And now someone else stole them...

But this world was still a new one for her... And just by seeing how the light stole the orb easily after they have struggled for some time with it, she knew that trying to get closer to the light source wasn't an option.

While Nagini felt Gray's weirdness and comforted him silently...

Hearing Perona's question Gray thought of many things...

What was the light... This was the first question...

Why did Gray decide to leave fast before the light appear?

Because he actually saw it coming...

He saw the light appearing taking the heart away... And destroying all that try to stop it... including him...

The vision was fast and unexpected, he never encountered something like it before...

However, he directly decided to believe in this vision...

'Haki?' Gray thought of his own Observation Haki as a reason...

At a current point, Observation Haki will touch a special field that allows the user to see a picture of whatever possibility that might happen in the future...

But for this, he didn't expect himself to realize it faster than Perona... After all, Perona's soul and spirit were way stronger than his...

But maybe because of the special skills he uses like divination...

Anyway, that was just a guess, he wasn't sure why he saw it... After all, his skill size didn't changed at all, and he can't peep into the future even if he tried to again...

Gray touched his head thinking hard...

To be honest, just like Perona he was quite annoyed with this result...

The red heart gave him a very special feeling... Very unique...

He always felt the heart was something important that will be very useful for him... As useful as the red crystal inside his castle...

Such thing... He really doesn't have the heart to let others take it... So he already thought of taking it back... and even made a fast plan for it...

A very simple one... To go back in time and replace it with another fake... After all, he can't fight against that light or who controls it... So he wanted to fool the other side...

But soon he denied these suicidal thoughts...

That light was focusing on the orb from the moment it appeared, complelty ignoring them... Yet not allowing anything to stop it... With that power, he can't fool it... And might drag himself into something he can't deal with...

If his ability to make fake things was a little bit stronger... Then maybe he can do this... But now...

The more he thought, the more Gray felt annoyed...

'Is there really no other way?' Gray thought deeply...


While thinking, a strong sound of weird monster appeared above them...

Looking up, within the clouds, a huge dragon-like beast appeared moving toward the forest direction...

Just by looking at it... Gray was able to feel the strength hiding in this beast flesh...

At least a fifth-order beast....

"Well... Let's advance in our way..." Gray looked at Perona and answered her question...

This was Gray's last decision...

Fear? No... But he still doesn't know what the orbheart was exactly...Taking such risks wasn't worth it... After all, playing with time wasn't a joke...

If there wasn't an extreme need, he shouldn't do something stupid for some unknow possible power...

Besides, he can feel many incredible auras were moving toward the destroyed forest direction at this moment... Staying here anymore will be dangerous...

"Well...." Perona heard Gray's words and nodded her head annoyedly while waving her hand removing the scattered ghosts outside...

In fact, from the ghost, she already knew what happened outside...

Other than the smoke of the fallen lands and broken/burned fragments of trees, nothing can be found...

And from what her ghosts shows her... Many monsters were currently going in the forest direction... Even some strong and gloomy creatures... Like zombies...

So Gray's decision was the right thing to do right now... This place wasn't safe... It's better to leave, besides the light already disappeared, so nothing left for them to do here...


Soon Gray left the mountains as a cloud of dark dust and moved away from the place completely with the others.

But what Gray didn't know that after he left, another tall slender figure wearing an elegant dark cloak with soft lines on the corners of the cloak appeared exactly where he was standing...

Nothing other than the lower part of the face and the delicate long white hair that was flowing from under the cloak can be seen from the figure's look...

"Troublesome..." The figure looked at the direction Gray flew to and spoke calmly...

The sound was so calm and soft... Yet so nice and strong...

From under the cloak, the figure rose they left slander hand that was covered with a dark purple gem-like sharp gauntlet which looked so precious fitting the slender hand very well...


With a finger snap... Weird invisible energy like air spread around randomly with no direction... And something has changed around the place... As if something in the current atmosphere has changed, yet in another look, nothing changed...

After doing this, the figure didn't look around but lowered its head and looked at they palm... In the center of it, a red orb that was imprisoned inside a mass of colorful energy appeared...

If Gray saw this orb, he will directly recognize it... It was the heart that was actually stolen by the light!

Looking at this orb a wicked smile appeared on the revealed part of the face... A smile that seems to radiate enough magic to make the world look at...

*Hmmmm* While looking at the orb inside the energy field, the light in the forest direction appeared again...

But this time it wasn't as calm and pure as before... but more tyrannical and destructive...

Just from here, the figure could feel the dangerous light energy that was spreading everywhere as if searching for something...

"Don't be angry... Bastard light" The figure looked at the light and said with a joking smile...

With those words, The orb already disappeared from they hand...


No then... with the orb disappearance, the figure already disappeared from the place if it wasn't there from the very beginning...


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