Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 171 - Déjà Vu

In a dark city...


A flash of yellow light moved between its streets that were filled with zombies...

But while moving, another hard to be noticed by the eyes shadow appeared out of nowhere and clashed with the light on its way...


The moment they clashed, the light stopped moving and Legolas's body appeared within...

The clash between Legolas's kick and the dark zombie that appeared in front of him made a massive explosion around which destroyed many normal zombies by the after impact.

However, Legolas's actions didn't stop and directly moved in the other direction...

And with his disappearance, the zombie also was nowhere to be found...


As Legolas kept moving forward, the dark shadow also kept attacking him from time to time and made even louder noise in this dark city...

In fact with their fight, a large area of the city was already reduced to ruins...

But looking carefully at Legolas's face, every time he clashed with the shadow, he didn't even look directly at the zombie but reflexively counterattack while moving again as if his mind was busy thinking of something else... as if he was trying to guess where the zombie will attack again...

Till finally after a dozen or so clashes, something changed between them...

"Found ya!" Legolas suddenly grasped his hand into the void and actually caught the zombie that was surprisingly moving beside him...

Legolas didn't waste any second and the moment he caught the zombie, he directly fixed its arm with his left leg, and took the two swords from his back and covered them with Haki, and then with not even a little hesitation, waved his hands as lightning and slashed toward the zombie's head!

But suddenly this dark zombie opened its mouth and shoot something from its mouth toward Legolas...

Since this zombie was able to catch him as a logia ability before, Legolas didn't think of ignoring any of its attacks, so seeing this, he changed his attack direction, and twisted his body around the zombie's arm, and kicked its head darting it away...



As the zombie hit another building it didn't take long and it came out from the dust and looked at Legolas with bloody eyes full of desire...

Yup... Desire... Legolas felt a desire from the zombie's eyes... And this was his first time seeing a zombie actually showing emotions...

"Hm..." Legolas looked at the already missing hand and shoulder zombie and kicked the chopped part away from under his legs...

When he twisted his body before kicking it, he also took the chance to change the slash direction and chopped the right shoulder completely from this zombie's body...

Honestly this zombie from the moment it appeared till now, Legolas felt troubled fight it...

What's the zombie's ability?

Till now, it sounds like hiding its presence...

But Legolas found it wasn't that simple... Not simply hiding presence only... But more like an illusion forcing him to ignore the existence of this thing...

How to say it... If a normal person watched this zombie, even though it will be directly in front of your eyes, he might simply ignore it thought he was seeing it...

If Legolas senses and Haki wasn't that strong he might have already been killed by this zombie without even knowing what killed him exactly...

Besides, he felt weird invisible energy swarming inside its body... and probably this energy was the cause of why he was caught as a Light...

The reason Legolas kept moving at first and just defended himself with his strong sense of dangers and reflex because he wanted to understand how this zombie ability works...

And after some time, not only he understood this but also adapted to it and found a way to catch it...

The way was quite simple... He trusted his own sense only...

His Haki can't catch this zombie's presence... Nor his eyes can focus on it because of the weird nature of its ability...

So he simply trusted what his own senses telling him...

Nothing perfect in this world... Every ability has a defect... Though this zombie ability can confuse him, it can't confuse his senses that were sharpened after countless years as an elf warrior...

This alone showed how high Legolas fighting Talent... For him to be the best using Haki and being a great archer wasn't for nothing...

"Huh?" Legolas watched the zombie and wanted to attack first this time, but he suddenly opened his eyes wildly and looked down...

What surprised Legolas was that the arm he severed from the zombie was actually holding his leg...

"No!" Within a moment, Legolas realized how bad his situation was...

Without raising his head again, he already knew that the zombie already reached his side and was attacking him...


The sound of the wind slash appeared, and the blood splashed in the air...





Legolas kneeled in one knee pointing his right Haki coated arm in front of him ready to use it and receive any attack by his hand alone while his left hand was already covered with Haki that was strong enough to raise a little yellow smoke-like energy from it...

Seeing how much power he put into this attack...

It's just that Legolas's face was covered with blood at this moment while looking at the zombie in front of him with shock...

This blood wasn't his blood... But the zombie's blood in front of him...

The zombie was as he expected already standing in front of him arching his claw ready to attack Legolas's right arm...

But it was actually frozen like this not moving at all... While its bloody eyes already lost luster...

And all this was because of the bloody arm that came directly through its chest holding a dark crystal on it...

Yup... Legolas was covered by blood because suddenly a slender arm came out from the zombie's chest taking something similar to the heart, but was a weird dark crystal covered with the dirty dark blood of the zombie itself...


The slender hand grasped the crystal tighter and the rest of the zombie's body craked and invisible energy started moving toward the crystal in the hand...

*ZIIN* Legolas saw this and turned his body to light moving a few meters back...

And when he returned to normal, he raised both of his swords looking alertly at the real identity of the hand...

He saw a dark-haired woman standing there and the body of the zombie can't be even seen anymore... she was holding a clean dark crystal in her hand looking at it with a pair of shining amethyst-like purple eyes...

"Hmmm... This should be enough as a payment..." The woman looked at the crystal on her hand and whispered...

With her words, odd marks appeared on the crystal body giving it a more mysterious feeling...

After doing this, the woman turned her eyes and looked at Legolas this time...

Her eyes were cold and quiet... One could hardly notice any kind of emotions inside this pair of gem-like lilac eyes...

As if nothing can enter her eyes, not bring her any joy...

The moment her eyes met Legolas eyes...

Legolas's body also shooked gently... With his high sense, he felt it... Felt something that almost made him numb...

Death... As if...


'From trouble to another bigger trouble....' Thinking of this, a pained look appeared on Legolas's face... But his hands only grasped his swords tighter ready to fight...

But inside his heart, he already decided to run away the moment he could...

He really met many troubles these few days...

"When!" But suddenly Legolas found something wrong... He found his body was already divided into many pieces...

He was attacked without even knowing when it happened...

But this didn't hurt him as a light, so he directly gathered himself and pointed his fingers toward the woman...

Why not swords? Because they were already destroyed...

But before he attacks... Legolas found a pale snow-white hand already on top of his hand caught his pointed finger and two emotionless eyes already in front staring at him calmly...

"You... What relationship do you have with my king?" This was her first words to Legolas...

But before Legolas or the woman in black says anything, a white cube appeared around their hands...

With the cube appearance, the space imprisoned inside was cut to pieces and both Legolas and the woman's hands were separated into many pieces... Or not... The space itself inside the white energy cube was chopped to pieces...

Legolas also took the chance and moved back again a few meters...

"A lovely cat you have..." The woman looked at the cat who also happened to have a pair of lilac eyes and said... And her hand that was cut to pieces, already whole as if nothing happened to it...

While Legolas himself was light, so he was quite normal...

The woman looked at Legolas and the cat and suddenly focused on Legolas's body as if found something interesting...

While Legolas didn't waste time and glanced at the cat on his shoulder while raising his leg that was shining brightly at this moment and with all he had...

Hit the ground!

*BOOOOM* With his leg touching the ground a huge explosion appeared where Legolas was standing shining the entire dark city!

Looking from afar, one could see a few spots of light came out from rising flames flying all the way leaving the city!

Legolas actually did this and flew as fast as he could leaving this already dead city...

Unlike before, Legolas used all that he had and really moved at his fastest speed... After all, he wasn't fighting anymore, but running away...

In fact both Legolas and Mary... Though both of them have fast abilities, this doesn't mean any of them will move in the real elements speed...

Speed of light? 299,792,458 m/s

Speed of lightning? 97,000 m/s

Well... Despite the huge difference here, in fact, both Legolas and Mary almost have the same speed... And the reason for this was that the normal living being simply can't have the ability to move as fast as these elements!

It's a qualification problem...

Light source? Well... It's just a seed, a seed to grow up first... If Legolas can't even tap the depth of this seed, he naturally won't have the speed of light from it...

The power of the source was completely linked with the power of the user...

If this source really gave the real speed of light directly, wouldn't that mean, he was already invincible???

After all... the real speed of light wasn't a joke...


The flame came fast and disappeared faster as if the power source of the flame was closed...

And the woman didn't even move from her place and looked at Legolas light disappearing like this and didn't show any reaction...

But soon she raised her hand and pointed her finger in Legolas's direction, while dim dark energy gathers in front of her finger...


With the energy appearance, the world as if it lost its colors... and a massive pressure washed the entire city... or what left from the city...

But soon the energy disappeared and she lowered her head...

"Well... It doesn't matter anyway..." After pausing for a second, she ignored Legolas who ran away, and lowered her head looking at the few papers on her hand...

She loosened the few papers, leaving one piece of paper with one word written on it...

*Gray* Watching this paper the woman felt a *Déjà vu* feeling...

"How can I use this....." She couldn't understand what this paper was... But something was telling her... This thing belongs to the one she was searching for... Her king...

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on the woman's peerless face... And probably it was the first emotions she showed since she appeared here...

"Well.. Try that first..." But after some thought, she took the paper away and disappeared from the place...

Leaving a dead silent city behind her...

Apparently... The zombies here were killed for some reason...



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