Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 176 - Three Heavens, Two Ends

The Rising Sun Empire...

Also, know as the Western Heaven... One of the only three heavens...

Humanity who saw hell in the last three years called these three places as the new beginning for what they were...

The Rising Sun Empire was one of the biggest three bases in the current world... actually... the only base in the west...

It wasn't wrong to call this place an Empire... Because this base was made in a capital heart...

A capital that has been taken back by the survivors, unlike other bases that were built in different areas away from the zombies gathering...

Some awakener leaders chose to fight back for their homes and countries...

Not many of them managed to do such a scary thing though... After all, no matter how strong the awakeners, they will be completely crushed in number... And the real big cities have many weird and strong zombies...

More importantly... even if you take it back, you might not be able to keep it for long, and other zombies will be attracted from everywhere...

After all, most of the cities were geographically not suitable to use as a base to stay in...

Especially with the weird changes that were happening for the entire planet Earth... Everything was already beyond recognition...

So for anyone to actually take a capital back... was simply a miracle...

Yet someone actually did it... A Miracle...

Not only took it back but even turned it into what the others call *The Heaven*...

Now the world, though it was falling apart, another picture were forming slowly...

There wasn't a certain way to communicate or deal between bases right now... But with the fall of the old system, another one will appear sooner or later...

After all, with many awakeners gathering together besides the many types of abilities, memories, or any kind of awakening they have, a whole new system was being formed at a very fast speed around the world... It was just that this system wasn't mature enough for everyone to realize... Especially for those who still haven't entered the three heavens yet...

But with the current situation, it won't be long and great changes will happen to this planet...

It was all a matter of time...

The awakeners of the three heavens already have an idea of the basic situation of the earth...

Speaking about the Earth... The Earth three years after the apocalypse has been divided into a few parts...

East, Central, West, and two *End* in the north and south...

And since the Rising Sun empire was known as the western heaven, naturally it was located in the west part of the planet...

After this empire has appeared, almost all the big and small bases in the west part were absorbed by either force or willingly, making this empire spreading in all forces, population, and size... And that was the reason why it was the *only* base in the west...

While the name of this place *Rising* Was according to their belief... *Humanity will rise to the top again*... that's it...

And *Sun* Was about their leader that everyone believes in...

The meaning of the sun was that as long as this leader exists... The base will keep growing under his light forever... Like how important the sun is for everything to grow!

A very strong belief if you asked... Strong and meaningful!

So like this, the Rising Sun empire came to exists...

As for the other two Heaven's information, it wasn't quite clear for most of the west awakeners... but the existence of these places was a well-known fact for everyone...

"Gray... Are you sure we came back to our world? not entering another book by mistake?" Mary listened to Gray's explanation about the situation of the place they were in right now including the world's situation and couldn't help but ask doubtfully...

"Here, your order..." Before Gray answer, a waiter came in front of them carrying few dishes in her hands and put them on the table they were sitting on and left after wishing them a happy meal...

"Well... it should be... Probably..." Gray looked at the food in front of them and said with fishy eyes... Honestly, the news was equally weird for him...

"Hmmm... That explains why I haven't met any base while moving around..." Legolas took a fries piece and wanted to eat it...

But it was stolen by a cat sitting on the top of his head... So he took another one without saying anything...

"Ooh... The cat eats fries..." Perona looked at the cat and whispered funnily...

"Still... don't you think it's funny... I mean... What the hell are the three heavens? I never heard about this when I was in Hero base..." Mary wasn't in the mood to eat, so she looked at Gray and said...

"Hmmm... At that time, your Hero base was just a small base... As I told you, it's already a different place... No... in fact, it's actually the Central Heaven to be more right... Besides... We're already inside the so-called western heaven... What are you asking?..." Gray Shook his shoulders and said while looking at the street outside the window they were sitting beside right now...

Outside was a street full of many different people, carrying different weapons wearing differently, walking here and there, it looked quite lively...

"The Central Heaven..." Hearing what Gray said, Mary's eyes flashed weirdly, she never expected her base would evolve to this level after she left it...

Yup... From the news Gray gathered today, he also realized another fact about Hero city he didn't know before...

What was happening?




After Gray decided to peak at Tauriel and Baccarat location, he never expected to succeed so fast...

And even got a clear picture of the place outside this empire... and since the place wasn't so far away, Gray directly took everyone and jumped there with apparition he cooperated with Nagini to perform... Since it wasn't so safe to rely on himself alone...

Yup... Since Dumbledore was able to cooperate with his firebird to apparate, naturally he can do it with Nagini...

And in fact, Nagini's magic qualification was ridiculously high, after all, she was the best mixture of many magical bloodlines... so naturally, she can use a brand of her own magic... It was just that this silly snake love to rely on him...

And most of her magic was either a healing kind related to her body or a destructive one...

As for why not use her help when he found Legolas... At that time he was making an accident in space... Not a normal jump... In other words... Playing with death...

So naturally, he will not do it with her...

And like this, they appeared in runes not far away from this Empire...

When Gray saw the sky-reaching walls from the outside of the base, he was surprised at how big it was...

At first, he wasn't sure to enter or not... But Tauriel and Baccarat's direction pointed toward it...

So there wasn't any reason to not enter... So Gray sneaked silently and Went through its gigantic walls...

Since the orb showed him around this place, Baccarat and Tauriel should be really close...

But after sneaking into this place, he found that things were not as simple as he expected...

And what he found was more surprising than he expected...

The first thing Gray did was to gather information with Perona...

Since both of them can sneak into others' minds...

Perona can use her ghost to enter other memories and take what she wants... And like this, she got a lot of information and memories, which made the situation quite clear to them...

Especially the common knowledge here... This made him realize how much he lacked in knowledge about this world...

Three heavens? Two ends? Many mysteries surrounding everything here and there...

But all this cleared the picture of the world more for him...

Now Gray realized where everything was... Where he was and where he moved to...

Both Gray and Perona appeared on the east side of the central part around the Hero city(The Central heaven).

While Mary appeared between the west and the central and probably the north since she crossed the sea before reaching the village... But not so deep...

And when Gray jumped to find Legolas he jumped directly beyond the Western Heaven crossing a very very long-distance...

And from what he can see... both Baccarat and Tauriel were already in the west...

Probably also came to the west from somewhere else... He wasn't sure about this...

Thinking carefully, after leaving the destroyed glory base, Gray never entered any other base or mixed with people of this world again...

But kept moving between worlds one after the other with his partners... And every time he came back, he will stay in the wild and abandoned places...

Till now, they didn't even have a fixed place to stay in...

Thinking of this, Gray moved his hand wanted to eat his meal...

But he found his plate was already empty...

So he looked beside him at Niala who was praying on Mary's plat after fishing his food...

Just how much this little girl love to eat...

Speaking of... They were in a restaurant right now, he didn't move directly through this place to find Baccarat and Tauriel but has said he wanted to gather information first...

Plus, he didn't want to attract much attention, because of what he learned... The power system in this place was equally scary... Especially the leader of this place...

More importantly... they sneaked in to enter this place...

The base has its own system... Now they... can be called intruders... So it was better not to attract much attention...

Though they already did... Many eyes were already peaking at them from everywhere already...

"Well... Since this is the only base, the woman who attacked you before might also be here... Oh right... What did she look like?" Perona who was peaking at the cat's funny actions suddenly thought of what Legolas said before and asked...

"She..." Hearing Perona's words, Legolas wanted to answer... Though he told them about this, he hasn't said the details like what she looked like yet...


It was just that before he answered, the door of the restaurant was pushed violently and a group of people who showed *I'm a bad person* aura and came in...


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