Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 180 - Sixthorder Awakener!!!!

"Niala?" Hearing Perona's question, both Tauriel and Baccarat also looked around...

From the memories Perona showed them, they already knew about Niala...

For this little girl, they naturally saw her standing beside Gray and the others before, but didn't pay attention to her at first...

All their attention was focused on something else at that time...

But now bringing her name up, they also found that someone was missing here...

"She walked somewhere outside alone... And should come back soon..." Only Gray didn't show any reaction and said clearly...

"Won't she make troubles outside..." Hearing this, Mary asked...

"Yeah... I can see this happening >.>" Perona nodded her head and said with sly eyes...

"She probably doesn't want to hear us talking again..." Gray shook his shoulder and said...

But somehow... Gray felt wrong looking at Perona and Mary... They were talking about world travel just now... And these two didn't even realize that Niala wasn't here?

Well... though it doesn't matter for real... But... Be a little more aware of the surrounding!

For their important talk, usually Gray and the others use the elvish language since there was no such language in any other worlds, besides, it wasn't easy for someone to understand what they were talking about, even if he managed to understand their language...

After all, Gray used confusing magic almost every time they talk...

Since Gray knew that the empire was watching naturally he was a little bit more careful...

If Niala was here, she will probably get annoyed hearing Gray and the others, talking nonsense words in front of her like usual...

Though they don't talk about the world travel when she was around either way...

In fact, this might also be the reason why she left before coming here... there was so much to talk about with Baccarat and Tauriel, she might not want to hear their nonsense again... And come back after...

As for the fact that they are in a new empire and it wasn't safe... Well... He was somehow looking forward to seeing her fall in trouble...

At least he might see more about her ability...

However now Baccarat and Tauriel were found... it was time to see how he should deal with this funny little girl...

"Well... Baccarat, Tauriel... give me your hands..." Gray thought of something and said to Baccarat and Tauriel beside him...

"Just my hand?" Baccarat heard Gray and smiled gently putting her hand around Gray's hand...

*Shim* But before he reacts he found himself changing places with Tauriel on the side...

"Well..." Tauriel stretched her hand to Gray while her other hand was hugged by Baccarat who was looking at her with dark eyes...

"That won't hurt me Baccarat..." Tauriel said in Baccarat's ear who was trying to pinch her arm...

"They started again..." Mary on the side, showed an interesting smile while looking at this...

Watching these two trolling each other was a funny show for her...

But she didn't have time to watch the fun, because both of them soon disappeared from her vision.


Inside the castle.

Before any of Baccarat and Tauriel reacts, suddenly they found themselves in another place...

"Here is???" Seeing the dreamy fog ground and the sky reaching walls far away and the huge boundless galaxy on top of them, both of them opened their eyes with shock!

"Don't worry, it's our castle world..." However, Gray's voice appeared beside explaining to them...

"Small world?" Hearing this, both of them looked at Gray with doubt...

Gray didn't hide it and told them about how he made this world, and how they will use it after.

"So we actually have a moving castle with us right now" Baccarat looked around and showed an interesting look in her eyes...

"Just like my Aduial..." While Tauriel glanced at her own shadow that has a small blue star dot, which hardly can be seen and said...

This castle was made by the castle source... Just like her sword.

"Almost the same... Now give me your hands..." Gray nodded his head and showed a weird look hearing *Aduial* word...

But still, he focused on something else for now and asked for their hands again...

Hearing this, both Baccarat and Tauriel did what he said this time...

Gray also caught their hands and gave both of them the marks in the back of their hands...

"This is?" Baccarat looked at the unreal mark on the back of her hand and asked...

"The key for this castle" Gray smiled calmly and said...

"Come both of you!" Mary who already entered the castle looked at the two surprised redheads and took them around...

While even Legolas and Perona followed... Apparently also wanting to join the fun explaining things while taking another look here...

Till now, neither Legolas nor Mary has taken a good look at the castle...

"Well..." Looking at them wandering around Gray smiled and also followed, though he is also just a projection, but he also real inside this castle...

Now he finally did what he wanted to do when he made the mark for the first time...

With the marks given to everyone as long as they were on the same planet, he can find them back and anytime, anywhere, no matter how long the distance between everyone...

This mark can be said to be one of the biggest gains for Gray in the last world...

Now he was completely sure that if an accident like separation happened again, he will gather everyone in one place again with no trouble...

And with the ring with him, there won't be a chance for such an accident to happen ever again...

Seeing everything inside the castle, Both Baccarat and Tauriel were astonished like the others...

After all, it was really a small world here, naturally, they will be surprised, even Perona who played around the wizarding world with Gray before showed stars in her eyes after seeing this place for the first time after the last modification...

And after understanding what they can do inside the castle they also understood how useful this place could be... in many ways...

"This sky is not real.. is it?" Tauriel looked at the stars on top of them and asked...

"Nope... Gray made it using transformation magic" Perona shook her head and said...

"Looks like your adventure with Gray in the last word was quite thriving Perona..." Baccarat looked at the walls that were actually painted with gold and black gems like crystals and said...

Somehow... This kind of luxury, even Gild didn't have before... Let's not say gold... what about all these crystals?

"Ah... It was so fun! We entered a magic school and... " Perona looked at Baccarat told her what happened to the after entering the Hogwarts while looking and understanding the castle...

Hearing about her adventure, somehow, everyone felt a little sorry... such a magical world and they didn't have the chance to see it by themselves...

But just a little sorry... After all, each one of them came from a magical world...

An unreasonable sea world... An old magical-style world filled with all kinds of magical races and wonders... Apocalyptic world... Well, only Mary's and Gray's world was ***** up here...

So there wasn't anything to feel sad about... And... It's not the last world Gray will cross to anyway...

However, what interested them the different kinds of magic Perona talked about... Healing art... divination skills... Transformation magic... Dark-arts...

Many types of interesting magic...

After moving around the castle showing things here and there, Tauriel and Baccarat chose their own rooms and came out of the castle... Though they haven't seen everything inside, they will have time later, now it wasn't the time to focus on this...

"So what are we going to do now? Go out and have fun?" After staying in the house talking for some time, Mary asked Gray about their next actions...

"Well... Now that we are being watched by the empire, we can't act so much...So we can also enjoy our time here while sorting ourselves before crossing to the next world..." Gray thought for a second and said.

"We are being watched?.... No wonder I always felt someone was looking at me..." Baccarat heard this and nodded her head...

She already felt this the moment she and Tauriel entered the empire, but at that time she didn't try to guess what was it, because almost the entire area they were in was watching them...

"Naa... Gray... is the empire really that strong?" Mary thought of what Gray said before and asked...

"Yup, very strong! Especially the leader here..." Perona who knew the information better said.

"The strong awakeners level here are between 5000-30000 C.P... Almost every awakener is strong in its own way... While the upper level goes as high as 50000... However, that wasn't the problem...The top three of the empire and the leader itself was the real problem... the leader is already six-order awakener..." Perona thought of what she knew already and said...

"WHAT! Sixth-order?!!! That... more than 100.000 C.P??? How can this even be possible?" Mary was thundered by what she heard suddenly and stood up with panic...

No matter how fast one could evolve... It was simply impossible for someone to rise all that in mere three years!

"So my lovely Mary, we are still weak... And our goal still the same... Get stronger as fast as we can... After all... We can't save ourselves if we stayed like this..." Gray looked at the scared Mary and said with a bad smile...

"Mea..." Even the cat on top of Legolas's head agreed with this...

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