Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 183 - Empire Guilds

"And you are?" Legolas looked at the big man with his group that was walking to their side and asked coldly.

"Well well, don't be so cold like this man, I just heard that there was an interesting new group here and wanted to greet you only" The big man didn't care about Legolas's coldness and observed him the others.

"Just greeting?" Mary also didn't show a good face to them and asked with a bored face.

For other awakeners, she was quite indifferent, not to say this man in front of them didn't seem to be a good thing.

From the dishonest eyes of his followers, one can guess how bad these guys were...

"Well, I'll be frank with you, since you guys are new here, I don't think that you have joined any guild yet, so I as the leader of Armor souls Guild invite you to join my guild..." The big man said and smiled at Mary and Legolas, but while speaking his eyes fell at Gray who was standing in the middle.

"Sorry, we won't join... Let's go" Feeling the word sent to him, Gray answered calmly and moved with the other forward toward an empty reception ignoring them.

But yup... the trouble won't end smoothly like this...

Within a few steps, the big man already stood in front of Gray with his party, with the same smiling face.

Which directly annoyed Mary and the others...

"Well well, Don't misunderstand me, I don't mean anything.... here... with this, you can contact me anytime if you changed your mind in the future, we are planning to gather more people and raid the death forest of the No.3 Task soon, contact me if you want, who knows if we succeed we can share the 100.000 with everyone equally..." The big man showed a row of white teeth and threw a silver crystal-like device and said.

From his words, Gray got the basic idea... This guy was simply trying to attract him by the reward of the task to join his team... After all, this was 100.000 crystals... Almost all the awakeners around showed a gleam of light from their eyes hearing about the big reward.

But soon after none of them paid much attention...

No.3 Task... not many have the courage to join such a mortal mission... After all, many groups tried to challenge this task before, and almost most of them paid the price heavily...

As for why the big guy wants them to join, Gray already knows the reason...

"Oh, isn't that weird, how could a gorilla take the initiative to join hands with humans?" Before Gray says anything, another woman's voice came from the side.

"Tch, When did you come back Merian..." Hearing this voice, the big man showed an annoyed look on his face and looked at the coming person with gloomy eyes.

It was a tall silver-haired woman wearing a gray coat and short gray pants, caring a silver sword beside her... Apparently, she loves the gray color...

She walking with another two female followers behind her looking at the big man and the others with a bad smirk.

"Just came back after completing the simple cleaning task that you and your group of monkeys failed to complete the last month" Merian smiled playfully and said.

"Hum... Let's go." But weirdly the big man didn't say anything but glared at her for a second and turned back and left with his group.

"Puft... This woman is quite funny..." Mary watched all this with the others from the side and smiled funnily.

"You guys are new here?" Seeing Gray and the others looking at her, Merian also looked at them and asked with a smile.

"Yeah, we joined the last weak..." Gray said and smiled back, from this woman he didn't feel any malice like that big guy, so he didn't have a bad view of her.

That big man was nice to talk to? Well.. for normal people his silent malice and greed might be covered, but for Gray and the others, it was so clear... And because of this, they felt annoyed when he stopped them for the second time.

"As I thought, Let me introduce myself, I'm Merian, the leader of Gray cats Guild, they are Nani, and Kina..." Merian introduced herself and her two followers to Gray and the others.

Gray and the others also introduced themselves, and didn't go to the reception anymore, but walked into empty seats not far away and sat together.

From their chat, Gray knew that she and the gorilla... Marcos wasn't in a good relationship because of a few events in the past between guilds...

What surprised Gray this woman was actually a base leader before, but after being found by the empire she was forced to merge with the empire along her entire base and because of this she made her guild with the main members of her base before...

Speaking of the guilds, this system was made by the empire as a suggestion at first, and almost all the large powers in the empire made their own guilds, just like Merian in front of him.

After all, many old bases leaders and powerful people were forced to join the empire before leaving them with nothing which wasn't a good idea... After all, not many will accept losing power and be under the other after being on the top before...

So by making guilds and gave them goals, which wasn't much different from before, from base leader to guild leader but under the empire control will ultimately benefit everyone in the empire.

After all, so many awakeners, also need a way to manage them, so the guild leaders will be in charge of his group, and this will also be a kind of help to the empire to manage everyone.

This week, Gray already knew about the guilds here, there weren't many, but not few either, from time to time, there will be few guilds to appear, and also disappear...

So there wasn't a clear rank for them yet.

The Gray Cats guild Merian leads, can be considered to be between the middle and the top ranks between guilds, after all, Merian herself was a fifth-order awakener with 39,000 C.P...

Yup... This woman is much stronger than all of them...

Perona already got some of her basic information while spying for information before...

"Well, it has been a long time since I meet in an interesting group like you, if you guys planning to join some guild, you can consider coming to me, my Gray Cats welcome you any time, besides... I heard what that gorilla... Marcos said to you just now, you better not contact him, this group of monkeys isn't a good thing, especially that gorilla, he's probably plotting something wrong... with their power, there is no way he could do that task..." Speaking of this, Merian's eyes flashed a gloomy light.

"I see... thanks for the warning, we don't plan to join anyone for the time being anyway..." Hearing this, Gray nodded his head and said.

"Yes, give up, my Gray already decided to join my Awesome League guild!" A current blond man said...

"....." Hearing the new voice, everyone looked at their side to see a blonde man wearing glasses holding a bird from its wing standing next to their table...

Seeing this man the word 'Annoyed' almost appeared on Gray's face.

"-_-* When did I agree to join your guild?" Gray asked with an upset gaze.

"Well, I don't think there is any guild in the base that is worthy of your joining other than my guild, and naturally, my cute Gray should join the best, so isn't that already decided" Hearing what Gray said, the blonde man raised his glasses gently and said with a great self-satisfying tone as if he was saying a simple fact...

If the sad struggling bird wasn't on his other hand he would have looked a little better...

"*-_-* Hoo... Thanks for your caring but I'm afraid I have to refuse you, Neither I nor my partners wish to join anyone's guild..." Gray held his anger ignoring how this guy talking to him and refused...

"This won't work, without a guild, you won't be able to join the high tasks, which means you won't gain many rewards in a short time, but by joining my guild I can help you gain crystals many times faster which will make you stronger in a short time, and of course this will be safer" Hearing Gray's answer the blond man removed his cheap smile and said his thoughts with a proud and calm face.

"Umm? do we look so weak that we need someone else to help us??" Mary who was smiling on the side suddenly asked.

Seeing Gray being annoyed was quite funny, after all, Gray always showed the calm self, its rare to show this look, especially now in his cute vision...

"Hahaha what are you talking about bird girl, It's not that I'm looking down on you but..." When he said this, he glanced at Mary and the others...

"Honestly you guys are so weak >.>" Looking at Gray and the others' C.P points, he couldn't help but say with a sulking face.

"Bird girl? Weak?!... You bastard, you think because of your high C.P you're that strong!!!" Hearing what he said, Mary couldn't help but get angry wanting to turn this bastard into a piece of gold to show him his high C.P won't save him from her touch!

"Calm down bird girl... We can't fight here!" Perona beside her held Mary's hand and said with dead fish eyes...

What this guy said wasn't wrong... Though it's annoying... compared with him, they are really weak from the C.P's point of view...

After all, other than her none of them even a fifth-order, and this guy already reached 78,000 C.P...

A monster-like existence...

Aillard Giroux, No.5 highest C.P In the entire empire, owner of another cheat-like ability...

"Enough... Even if you said that I still won't join your guild, as you can see, I already have my own partners which are more than enough... Besides, we are not weak as you said, at least not weak that we might need some else help... so you better not to misunderstanding us..." Gray stopped Mary and said to the blonde man with dangerous eyes...

He already wanted to beat this guy since the first time he met him six days ago, if it wasn't for the great horror he sensed in this fool's body, he wouldn't let him stalk himself like this till now...

High C.P? Whos from his party can be judged by common sense?

Let's not say Baccarat and Tauriel...

Give Mary a chance she will turn god into gold...

"This...." Aillard wanted to say something but...

"Huh..., wasn't that clear enough Gray already said he doesn't wish to join your guild, can't you just...*PISS OFF* And don't bother us anymore..." Baccarat who was silent all the time suddenly sighed and said to Aillard with a mild smile.

"Yeah... It would be troublesome if you keep annoying us every time we meet like this... " Tauriel also opened her mouth and said peacefully while her fingernail was digging the steel table they were sitting on.

Looking at her nail, you can see some soft red fire where dancing silently...

"You guys..." Seeing the two redheads talking after Gray, suddenly the blonde man showed a weird look.

Somehow, as a strong man, he felt some fear facing these two women... Especially Baccarat... He always felt his sad encounters these days might be because of her, and because of this he always felt cold back seeing her or Tauriel...



Merian: Oooy, I'm still here, don't ignore me!

Nani: Are you...

Kina: Are we...

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