Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 23 - The One Ring

Thunderstorm—more than a thunderstorm, a thunder-battle. Every time the thundering clash, The lightning splinters on the peaks, and rocks shiver, and great crashes split the air and go rolling in tumbling into every cave and hollow.

On the narrow road at the top of the mountain. A group of Dwarves and one Hobbit, moving on.

"Watch your steps, be careful not to fall!!" Thorin shouted to everyone behind him. If someone falls from this hight, there is no chance he will survive.

"Look over there" one of the dwarves pointed at the direction of the other mountain.

When they heard him they looked over, but what they saw was a scary thing!.

The mountain moved and becomes a humanoid standing up with rock legs and with his two rock hands, catches a huge rock and throw it in their direction.

"It's the Rock Gaines" One of the dwarves recognized what this moving rock is and screamed.

After that, another rock Gaint came from behind the mountain and started fighting with each other.

Seeing this the dwarves wanted to move faster and leave here. But before they could move the mountain they are in started to shake. Suddenly, the road between the dwarves split in half.

"We are standing in a rock giant!" apparently the road they stand on is also a rock Gaint.

When the three against started fighting, lucky for them, the one they stand in was thrown to the road they want to reach.

But no one noticed that's someone was standing in the air watching them.


"Finally found them" Gray was standing in the air watching Thorin and the other on the road.

Along the way, Gray notices that's not only his look changed, but even his physical abilities also become much stronger. So he checked every detail about all his ability and he found that after the crown awakened it really made him stronger.

First, lets talk about the C and D Disk, even though he lost 10GB from his C Disk but he noticed that his D Disk became much larger.

His D Disk space originally had 100GB overall, 32GB was used for all kinds of normal life skills, and 3GB for [Blocking] that he copied from Mary before he crosses to this wold, which means 35GB were used leaving only 65GB. But now he has 165GB free space inside his D disk.

Second is his Metal control ability. When he reached 10 Crystal point, he was able to control about 100 pounds of metal so he wasn't able to lift himself completely from the ground. But now if Gray tried his best he can even rise 1000 pounds of metal!. And that why he can stand in the air.

Which means his ability becomes ten times stronger than before, Gray regrets that he doesn't have a crystal detector, after all, such a devise is very rare in the real world, but he's sure that his crystal should be more the 80 points.

Gray stood in the air and didn't go to join Thorin and the others. He's waiting for them to fall to the Goblins trap, only in this way Bilbo will lead him to Gollum; the current owner of the ring (Sauron ring).

Soon Thorin and the others found a hole to camp in, and as Gray expected they soon fail to the Goblins trap.

Gray followed them to the hole they fall to, but when he reached he only found Bilbo hiding.

To tell the truth, Bilbo really has a talent as a burglar, the Goblin probably didn't notice him and took the dwarves away. Such a low sense of existence, Gray doesn't know what to say.

While Bilbo sneaking to follow the Goblins, Gray also floated slowly, following him closely.

Soon Bilbo was noticed by a Goblin, seeing the Goblin wants to attack himself. Bilbo panicked and didn't know what to do. After all, Gray took the Sting away, so he doesn't have any way to defend himself.

Seeing this Gray knows that it's time to act.

Bilbo saw the Goblin raised his dagger wanting to attack him, he was scared so much and closed his eyes.

But the pain didn't come, which made him wonder why didn't the goblin attack till now? So he opened his eyes to see what's happening, but what he saw wasn't the ugly face of the Goblin, but a very handsome man.

Yup, Gray was standing there looking at Bilbo with a smiling face, as for the Goblin? Gray kicked him down.

"Mr. Gray?" Bilbo wasn't sure if it was Gray whos standing in front of him, after all the last time he saw Gray his look wasn't like it is now.

"Only 2 days and cant remember me already?" Even though Gray said that but he knows that his look changed a lot, so he wasn't really angry.

When Bilbo heard Gray saying this he suddenly becomes very happy. He regretted to follow the dwarves alone and leaving Gandalf and Gray behind. If Gray was with them at least Thorin and the others won't be captured by the Goblins.

"Well, Bilbo it's not the time to talk, Thorin and the others still waiting for our help" Gray said

Then he took the Sting and hand it to Bilbo.

"Keep this with you till we leave this place. I will go down to search for something I need, Gandalf should be in his way here, You should just follow where they take Thorin and not lett them find you, I will come back soon" After saying this, Gray didn't wait for him to answer and floated down where he kicked the Goblin.

Looking at Gray flooring down, Bilbo panicked again, but soon he did what Gray told him, and started to sneak on the way the goblins left.


Gray floated slowly till he was able to see the Goblin body that he kicked down, the reason why he didn't kill but throw it down because he wanted to use him as bait.

Gollum usually eats the bodies that fall down here, so for him, this Goblin is the best bite.

About twenty minutes, Gollum appeared, while he was talking to himself, and wanted to drag the dead body away.

"SWISH" Suddenly, a sword cut Gollum head from its body.

No talk, no games, Gray simply killed him.

Seeing Gollem head rolling to his legs, Gray didn't even look at it and walked to the headless body side. beside Gollum's headless body there was a Gold Ring laying there.

[The One Ring] one of the most powerful artifacts ever created in the Middle-earth.

"It's so beautiful" Without further words, Gray puts the ring on his finger and directly becomes invisible. Feeling the world changes around him, Gray was so excited and directly raised his body up and went back to the top.


Thorin and the others standing in front of the Goblin King, this Ugly king was talking about how he will he torture Thorin and the other. But at this moment, a short Goblin run fast to his king.

"My king, my king! Something bad happened!" He runs fast to the Goblin king wanting to say something.

"Something bad? What could it be?" But this ugly king didn't think there is anything that could happen to him here, after all this is his home! his kingdom.

"Death, many death, our comp..." but before he completes his word, his head was separated from his body.

Seeing this scan, the Goblin King and even Thorin felt cold in their back.

"SHIK SHOK" one by one the goblins heads started to fall from their bodies. Seeing his people killed like this, the goblin king started to panic.

At this moment Gray was walking around cutting the heads of the Goblin with a smile on his face.

"This ring is really good!" The effect of the ring is really good, no wonder that many assassins dreamed for such ability.

While he's killing the Goblins, Gray walked to Thorin's side and whispered in his ears, telling him to take this chance and run away.

"Gray?" When Thorin heard Gray's voice he was surprised, but he immediately reacted and told the others to get ready to run away.

Seeing Thorin and the others wanted to run away The goblin king wanted to stop them but before he acts, his head also separated from his body.

Seeing their king also become a headless body, the Goblin around started to run away. Even the enemy they can't see, standing will only become another headless body, so they decided to run away.


Thorin and the dwarves run fast outside the Goblin kingdom, along the way they met Gandalf with Bilbo. apparently, Gandalf found Bilbo on the way.

"What did happen just now, who killed those Goblins?" One of the dwarves was a little scared by the scan he just saw before. Being killed by something you can't see is really a weird thing!.

"I think it's Gray, I heard his voice where the Goblins where being killed inside" Thorin said.

"Gray? Then, where is he right now?" When Gandalf heard their words, he was also surprised but more worried. Since Gray is here why didn't he shows up till now?

"I'm here" Suddenly Gray's voice came from behind them.

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