Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 26 - Elvenking's Hall

Tauriel a Silvan Elf of Mirkwood. She's a warrior and the head of the Wood-elf guard.

Red hair color, Green eyes, Light soft skin. In one word she a beauty. Even the prince had a crush on her. But unfortunately for this prince, Tauriel wasn't interested in him.

Since a young age, Tauriel wished to become stronger. Bow skills, fighting skill. She as a low Silvan Elf become one of the strongest Elf in the Mirkwood.

Tauriel was doing her duty as usual. Clearing the forest from the spiders that kept invading the forest.

To tell the truth those spiders really annoyed her, many times before she wanted to go for their source and completely destroy them. But Thranduil her king and master, never agreed to this.

She really couldn't understand Thranduil's thoughts. Shouldn't it be the elf's duty to destroy the evil?

While thinking about how to make Thranduil agree to her purpose of destroying the spiders nest outside of the forest.

She kept hunting the spiders, but today they found a rare scene inside the forest.

One man floating in the air and a group of dwarves actually fighting with the spiders.

Seeing this Tauriel didn't hesitate and helped them to kill the spiders around.

After almost killing all the spiders around. Tauriel and the other elves pointed their bows toward this group of people. After all, they don't know who are they besides this is their territory, so they had to know whos enter and whos leaving.

Tauriel didn't care about the dwarves, there are many elves around so they can't do anything against them, but the man in the air made her worried. To be able to fly, such ability is so rare, she can't remember anyone can fly in this age, not even wizards. Maybe lady Galadriel can do such a thing. But she didn't see it.

"SHAAA" Suddenly a big spider popped up from the earth beside her. Tauriel reaction was so fast, and counter attack the spider. But what she didn't expect there was another one on her left side.

It was very late to defend herself, all she can do was watching the spider fangs reaching her.

Seeing such a thing happen. Tauriel was somehow sad; "Is that how it ends?".

Tauriel wasn't sad because shes about to die. As an Elf, she lived a very long time, so her heart already passed this point. She only regrets that she couldn't find or feel the love she heard about before.

WISHH, When Tauriel was ready for her death, Sanddly a sword descend from the sky, killing the spider and saved her life.

Looking at the sword in front of her. Tauriel didn't have time to react and a sound came from behind.

"Lady, you should be more careful next time"

Hearing this sound Tauriel looked back and what she saw. A man standing in the air, Black silver hair hiding his lift eye. a deep Black eye as if the abyss itself wants to suck her soul. a couple of daggers moving in a circle around him, looking at her with a very warm smile.

Looking at this man Tauriel's eyes couldn't move away.

"Handsome" Such a word appears on Tauriel's mind. Looking at him smiling to her. Her heart even skipped a beat.



Naturally, the man was Gray.

Gray floated slowly and said to the elven girl. But when he saw her face closely he felt familiar.

"Isn't she's Tauriel!" Gray was able to recognize her. When he watched the movie before he really liked Tauriel, brave, strong, fighting for her love. When Gray saw the end of the movie and her sadness for losing her love, he felt like punching the movie writer.

Such a woman is very rare in the real world. Gray came from a modern world, such a thing as the love he only saw on movies and stories. The relationship in the real world only based on benefits between people. let's not say after the apocalypse, Gray saw how dark human nature can be, so his view about humans reduced to a beast on clothes level.

Only when he met Mary's squad, he reigned some hope for humanity.

"Tauriel!!" Legolas runs fast to Tauriel's side, he was really scared just now. If Gray didn't save her just now maybe he cant see Tauriel standing right now.

When Tauriel heard Legola's voice, she realized that she's staring at Gray. Her cheeks reddened, after all, it's rude to stare at someone in the way she did.

"What was that, why my heart beat faster?!" Even though Tauriel longed for love, but she never felt it, so she didn't know what happened to her.

Gray didn't know that he made a maiden heart beat faster...

Gray moved his hand and brought the sword back to his hand. But this move also made the elven around him wary of him.

Seeing them like this, Gray sighed, then he raised his hands up as if surrendering.

"Gray!!" Seeing Gray doing this, the dwarves almost blew up. What the hell, why Gray surrendering for those hateful elves?. With his strength, he should be able to defeat them!.

Gray knows what the dwarves thinking, but it can't be helped, he really needs to see Thranduil, without being caught and brought back to Elvenking's Halls, he can't see him. And even if he goes there by force, he probably won't be able to copy what he wants from him.

"Sorry guys, I used much energy in the last fight. I can't win against them if we fight" Gray lied to them with a smile still on his face.

When Legolas heard Gray's word, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find where.

The elves took the weapons from the dwarves, and Tauriel personally takes Gray's weapon.

Well... She took more than just weapon, almost every iron piece on his body.

Looking at the many irons made things Tauriel striped from Gray. The elves around felt weird!. After all, no normal person will carry all those weapons on his body.

Then the elves took them to their base. Along the way, Gray can feel Tauriel kept staring at him.

Gray somehow confused, just now when she took his weapons away. He felt that she was very cold toward him; "Did I make her anger?" Such thoughts appeared on his mind.

Gray didn't know that Tauriel's cold attitude was simply because she doesn't know how to act around him.


Ten minutes later, They reached the doors of the elves palace. looking at this palace, all that Gray can see was trees, many giant trees as if the whole palace made inside the trees itself.

The elves directly took the dwarves to the cells, but weirdly they didn't do this to Gray and took him to another room.

When Gray entered the room he only found a chair and table inside.

"Stay here, I'll come back soon to take you to see the king" Tauriel said to Gray with a cold voice and left.

"Sighe" Gray watched Tauriel leaving and sighed sadly. He really doesn't understand, what did he do to make her hate him?.


Half an hour later Tauriel came back and took Gray to meet Thranduil.

When Gray entered King Hall, His eyes directly fall to the man whos sitting on the Throne.

Golden Silver hair, a crown of berries and red leaves on his head, sitting at the throne, his silver eyes full of majesty, staring at Gray with some interest.

Gray looked at Thranduil, and deep inside he was excited but he didn't show it and said; "Hello Elven-king Thranduil, Ruler of the wood realm"

Gray's attitude wasn't so respectful, but it wasn't rude at the same time.

Hearing Gray's words, Thranduil's eyebrow has risen a little and felt more interesting. It's his first time to meet a mortal who doesn't fear him since he became the elven king.

"Hello, Mr. Gray" Gray heard that Thranduil knows his name and wasn't surprised, the dwarves called him in front of the elves before so it's normal that the elves know his name too.

"I heard that Mr. Gray is a very strong person, can you show me if that true" Thranduil said and didn't wait for Gray to answer, he moved his hand, and the guard around threw arrows from all direction toward Gray.

But will this be able to hurt Gray?

Gray raised his hand, and all the arrows froze in the air, then he moved his hand again and the arrows around him started to move in circles making a very magical scene.

Seeing this scene, not only Thranduil, all the elves around marveled, after all, that Gray has done is really magical.

After playing with the arrows, Gray returned every arrow for its owner. Then looked at Thranduil with a smile and said; "Is that enough?"

"More than enough" Thranduil stood up from his throne and moved toward Gray's side.

"But there's something that bothers me. Why such a strong person like yourself will be with those lowly dwarfs, why did you let yourself be a captivate?" Thranduil, after all, is an old king with very large life experience, when he saw Gray power, he realized that Gray came here by his own will.

"This guy...!" When Gray heard the first part he could understand but the second part surprised him. even though he knows that he cant cheat him by words, but he didn't expect him to see his purpose so fast.

"As expected for the king of the wood realm" Gray didn't panic but smiled and said.

"My reason being here is very simple, I want to make a deal with you"....

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