Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 32 - The Arkenstone

Early the next morning. Thorin and the dwarves rode the boat, Ready to go to the mountain.

"Thorin shouldn't we wait for Gray?" Kili besides Thorin asked. He couldn't understand why Thorin wants to go like this and leave Gray behind.

"He's late, we don't have much time" Thorin said harshly. But if you look at his eyes you can see some mixed emotions inside.

Every time Thorin gets closer to the mountain, something inside him changes. He became more thick-headed. Even his companion he's ready to leave because of his desire for the mountain.

"You really think so... Thorin" Suddenly Gray sound appeared from the crowd.

The reason Gray was late because he went to Bard's house again and remind him again to leave. But if he listened to him or not. That not his problem anymore.

"Gray !!" Bilbo looked at Gray. And his heart finally calmed down. He was scared that they will be forced to go alone again like the last time with out Gray. He almost lost his life last time.

Gray walked toward them and Tauriel followed him closely. The humans around were surprised by Gray and Tauriel. Not many of them saw elves before. Beside Gray and Tauriel look and moment. Very fascinating.

"Hm, I thought you will not come" Even though Thorin said this. But you can see some relief on his face.

"Who is she?" Suddenly Thorin notices Tauriel behind Gray. And asked with a hostile tone.

"She's my partner, she will come with us" Gray heard the hostile tone of Thorin, so he said with a stone tone and looked at Thorin's eyes directly.

"Can we trust her.." Even though Thorin doesn't trust the elves but at least he has some trust for Gray. So he asked.

"Do you trust me..?" Gray didn't answer and asked Thorin instead. Gray can see that Thorin's personality is changing slowly. At first, Gray thought Thorin's reason for his greed for gold was because of the dragon curse or something. But now he realized that it's not the case.

Hearing Gray's question, Thorin understood and kept silent.

"Mehh.. looks like your love for gold is worst then I thought" Gray thought in his mind, he knows that Thorin doesn't have diseases like the elder dwarf said in the movie. His ability can show him all the genetic information, even if there is a disease in Thorin Blood, he should find it inside.

So he knows now that Thorin's curse, should be from Thorin's personality, and only he himself can break this so-called curse.


Gray and the others, rode the boat and advanced toward the mountain area. Soon the reached the Land again.

"Come on, let's move on" Thorin shouted excitedly. Finally, he's here. Finally, he can get back everything he lost. Honor, home, gold, Everything was taken from him once will back to him again.

After a day walking, They finally reached the mountain secret gate. The dwarves looked at the stone gate in front of them. And was very excited. If what recorded on the map was true, the door should be here. So they started looking all over the stones, trying to find a Keyhole so they can use the key Gandalf gave them.

But after some search, they started to lose hope. They found nothing, no keyhole, no mark, nothing. Even Thorin started to lose hope.

"Will it end like this?" Tauriel beside Gray asked and somehow was depressed. she saw how excited those dwarves were just a couple of minutes before. When they finally reached their goal, they actually cant enter. Somehow she feels sad for them.

"Not, Just watch" Gray know that to enter the mountain they need to wait for the last moonlight. But he didn't say. They finally reached their goal will the dwarves leave because they can't find a way to enter? Gray doesn't believe this. They are just depressed right now. and soon they should figure it out and search for another way.

The dwarves one by one started to leave, apparently lost hope. But Gray knows that they will come back soon.

Bilbo did not lose hope but was thinking about what recorded inside the map.

Soon the moonlight shined from the sky and reflected on the door. At the same time, a keyhole appeared magically on the wall. Bilbo realized that the map means by the last light are the last moonlight.

So he started to scream for the dwarves who already left and started to search for the key that Thorin dropped around him. But before he found the key, Gray waved his hand and the key on the floor floated up to Thorin's hands who has just come back.

Seeing all the dwarves came back with him. Gray smiled.

Thorin held the key on his hand and was very emotional at this time. Slowly he walked to the stone wall and put the key on the keyhole that has just appeared.

"TINKK" As the sound of the door lock appears, Thorin pushed the door with both hands.

The moment the dwarves saw the door opened. Many emotions flowed up, Some of them couldn't control their emotions and started to cry. Finally, the can enter the mountain again.

Gray was sitting on the rock looking at them while thinking; "Soon I'll fight with the dragon, I wonder how strong the dragon is".

The dragon should be the stronger creature Gray will face in this world. So he's somehow nervous right now.

"Gray..." Tauriel sound appeared from beside him. awakening him from his thoughts.

"Sorry Tauriel, I lost in thoughts for a moment" Gray said and smiled toward her. and spoke in Elf language. Last night when he helped her to raise her bloodline and skills, he took another look inside and found some things he didn't notice before. For example on his skills, there's a skill called [Language]. And inside her Disk, there is also the same skill. But there is no Elf language skill. After copying the high elf bloodline for her, he also found that the old [Elf bloodline] that should be inside her C disk disappeared leaving only the new [High-Elf Bloodline]. As if the new file replaced the old files. So Gray copied her [Language] skill to try. And as he expected the new language skill replaced his old one. And he also was able to speak the elf language at the same time. And his language skill size raised about 200MB more.

This discovery gave Gray more ways to use his ability in the future. All he has to do is to focus on some skills and upgrade them by copy similar skills to them...

"Well...." looking at Gray's handsome face smiling to her, Tauriel turned her face not daring to look at him directly. After Gray helped her rising her power, she realized how powerful Gray is. And felt lucky on her heart that she accepted his invitation. Or she will stay as a guard inside the forest, only guarding the forest till she loses her life someday. So in her heart, she's more grateful for Gray.

After that Gray stood up and was ready to enter the mountain.

"WAIT" But suddenly a familiar sound appeared from behind him.

Looking back there was a tall man carrying a bow on his back walking toward Gray while saying; "Since we are team, you shouldn't be planning to Fight the dragon by yourself right?"

When Gray heard this man's words, a smirk appeared on Gray's face and said; "If we fight the dragon by ourselves, that will be your fault for being late. Legolas"

The young man that appeared is Legolas.

"Legolas.. what are you doing here?" Tauriel was surprised when she saw Legolas appears here.

"Legolas will join us from now on" Gray looked at Tauriel and explained.

Hearing Gray words, Tauriel was even more surprised, who is Legolas? The prince of the wood realm. And now he wants to leave his father's side and join them? Will Thranduil allow him to leave?. Even though she surprised that Legolas joins, shes somehow happy at the same time. after all, she grew up with Legolas, so for her, Legolas is her little brother. She knows that Legolas has different emotions towards her. But she also knows that his emotions for her is like the kid's love for his mother, only because he hasn't seen his mother before, and found the care from her, those emotions grow up inside his heart. And this also the reason she's not interested in Legolas as a man before.

"Gray's charm really strong, Even Legolas was hooked by him" Tauriel thought on her heart.

Poor prince if he knows Tauriel thoughts, will probably cry because of sadness. He's here because of her, and now she thinks he's here because of Gray?

When Thorin saw Legolas, he almost explodes, First Tauriel now another elf wants to join him?.

But after thinking about the dragon that might be inside. He stopped and followed what Gray said.


Gray, Legolas, Bilbo, and Tauriel. Walked slowly on the narrow tunnel road.

Gray explained to them what they need to find inside.

The Arkenstone. If by chance they found it and the Dragon waked up. Bilbo will run away fast and Gray with Legolas and Tauriel will fight with the dragon.

When Gray told Bilbo to enter with him, Bilbo was so scared. But soon he agreed and said nothing. On this journey, Bilbo changed so much, and he's courage also raised so much.

Before entering the treasures room Gray gave a black arrow to Legolas. This arrow Gray stole it from Bard's house.

Even though he didn't find anything special about this arrow, he brought it anyway. maybe it will be useful later.

"Legolas take this sword, and Tauriel you take this one" Gray gave Orcrist to Legolas and Glamdring to Tauriel.

And he himself used the sting that Bilbo give it back to him. Gray doesn't need so many weapons on him and inside the treasures room, Gray sensed many metals objects. So he doesn't really need the sword right now.

After checking that everything was ready. Gray and his party entered the room.

The moment he entered the room all that he can see was gold, ocean of gold. Looking at all this gold, Gray felt dizzy.

If some else from modern society saw this scene. He will probably be dancing by happiness right now. While imagining how bright the future will be. But Gray only take a look and then continued what he wanted to do.

Gold is completely useless for Gray so he didn't care about it.

Half-hour later, Gray and the other searched everywhere for the Arkenstone. But didn't find it till now.

Gray used his ability and looked at his memories inside his E disk. He opened the memories related to the time when he watched the movie before and watch it.

After seeing where Bilbo found the Arkenstone in the original movie. Gray quietly told Legolas and Tauriel to hide a little further and get ready. He will move toward the dragon area with Bilbo.

Slowly floating on the same area he saw inside his memories. Looking around, trying to find a shining stone. Soon Gray found it.

The Arkenstone was laying between gold. Shining brightly. This is a very beautiful stone.

Slowly taking the stone. Gray throws it toward Bilbo and blinked to him. Bilbo looked at the stone in his hand. Then looked at Gray worriedly. He knows what Gray is about to do. So he's worried.

Looking at Bilbo's worried face, Gray gave him a mild smile. as if telling him, don't worry.

After seeing Gray smile, Bilbo calmed down and slowly walked toward the exit. Even if he's worried, he can't do anything anyway, he only hopes Gray can win.

Looking at Bilbo leaving the place. Gray calmed down his mood.

Then He took a deep breath. Raised both hands, and with all he has, he shouted while using his ability to control the metals around to make noise; "BIG FAT UGLY LIZARD, WAKE UP!!!!!"


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