Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 34 - Smaug Death

"You're not dead" Smaug looks at Gray with some fear on his eyes.

Gray gave him a very weird feeling. Invisible, fly in the air and control things around. Those abilities are very weird for him. And now he was able to stand up again after taking his hit directly. Really he couldn't understand why he can stand up again.

And what really made him fearful is Gray's eyes. Normal elf shouldn't have such eyes. That why he's had some fear. From Gray's eyes, he can see a dragon shadow, as if a dragon was standing there. And a very powerful one.

Gray stood up and looked at Smaug. At this moment Gray's mind was so clear and understood what happened to him.

[The One Ring] Sauron ring. What ability does this ring have? invisibility? Extend the used life? Control other rings?.

All of those abilities are just basic.

The real ability of this ring turned out to be much stronger than he thought. This also made him realize why Sauron desires the ring so much.

[Magnify] As the name show. The real ability of this ring magnify all the dark force inside the wearer body. In other words, as long as you master or have a dark force inside you, the ring will increase and magnify this force.

No wonder Sauron will be crazy to find this ring. If this ring back to his hand. His strength will really so much. Sauron's most ability is based on dark. So naturally, this ring will make him stronger.

Gray has a mutant gene, elf bloodline, and some skills, but none of them has a dark nature. So the ring never activated this power to him before.

But when the dragon blood entered his body. The ring finally activated this ability.

The dragon in this world is greedy, proud, and cruel. To be a dark nature creature is very normal.

The ring used the dragon blood that entered his body and raised his strength overall.

But Gray knows that the Dragon blood inside him is like a virus inside his body and soon his body will reject this blood and he will lose the power he has now.

Realizing this fact Gray didn't speak nonsense with Smaug and waved his hand directly.

"WIIOSHH" suddenly the gold ocean behind Gray raised up like a big wave toward Smaug.

"WHAT" Smaug was overwhelmed by the scene in front of him and tried to run away. But the gold was faster and directly devoured him.

Gray doesn't understand why he can control gold right now.

His ability should be magnetic control which only allows him to control the ferrous metals that are affected by magnetic forces. And gold is not ferrous metal.

The Magneto he met and copied from was the Magneto from the movie world, not the comics world, so he didn't think that he will control gold and another kind of metals in the future. But now he was able to control gold easily.

Mutant genes are very weird. Gray doesn't understand it completely.

Maybe because of the dragon blood or something else. Gray didn't have time to think about all this. Now he wants to kill Smaug as fast as he can.

"Stop, let me out. Let me out !!" He was smitten with gold and started to feel fear. So he shouted as he tried his best to get out of this golden ocean. But no matter how hard he tried. He couldn't get out. Almost like a sandpit trying to eat it alive. Every time he wants to get out, a new wave of gold drenches him again.

Gray watched Smaug struggling inside the gold. He knows that he can't really hurt Smaug in this way. So he was thinking about how to kill this sly dragon.

As he was thinking, he suddenly saw Legolas standing on a raised pillar holding the black arrow he had given him before.

Legolas also was looking at Gray. He nodded his head to Gray as if telling him, that he was ready.

Seeing this Gray summoned the sword back to his hand. Then looked at Smaug's direction.

"I SAID LET ME OUT!" Smaug was almost crazy by all this gold around him. Somehow he even started to hate the gold he always desired.

"BOOM" Smaug suddenly found that all the gold around stopped moving. So he took the chance and broke out from inside.

As he freed from the gold. He directly looked at Gray with anger.

"You have to die, little bug!" Smaug directly flew toward Gray. This time he wants to devour him. So he can make sure that Gray won't stand up again.

Because of his anger. He didn't notice Legolas who was aiming at his exposed old wound on his body.

Looking at Smaug flying toward him Gray didn't panic and threw the sword toward Smaug with all his power.

Smaug naturally dodged the sword. But at this moment, a Black arrow suddenly appeared. fast like lightning, Directly penetrated Smaug's heart.

Feeling the pain inside his heart. Smaug screamed a cry of pain.

Watching Smaug who was screaming from pain Gray sighed with relief. He knows that Smaug should die soon.

"BOOF" Also at this time Gray coughed black blood from his mouth. As he expected. His body really rejected the dragon blood. And the backlash started.

Seeing this Gray wanted to move his body away. after all the dragon was falling toward him.

But he found that he could not control his body again. His body fell to the ground. While watching Smaug's body falling towards him.

Suddenly a pair of hands carried him, and run in the opposite direction fast.


The body of the dragon fell directly to the place where it was gray standing.

Gray didn't have the energy to lift his head and look at the dragon body that was laying behind him.

"Thanks, Tauriel" After saying these words. Gray directly lost his consciousness.




Not knowing how long has been in a coma. Gray finally regained consciousness.

"Thirsty. Water" This is the first thought that appeared on his mind.

After saying those words, he soon felt the water entering his mouth.

"COUGH COUCH" After drinking some water Gray coughed and opened his eyes. He found himself inside a room and Tauriel was standing beside the bed helping him drink water.

"You finally woke up" Looking at Gray, finally opened his eyes Tauriel sigh with relief. You can even see some tears mark under her eyes.

Looking at her red eyes and dark bags under her eyes. Gray realized that she was taking care of him all the time while he's in a coma.

"TCHANK" The door of the room was opened and Legolas entered the room with Bilbo.

Seeing Gray awake, a happy smile appeared on Bilbo's face And run out to tell the dwarves that Gray waked up.

"So you finally awakened" Legolas came to Gray's side and said. Even though he acting normally you can see the relief on his face. In the last fight, they almost got killed if it wasn't for Gray. He also realized how weak he is. If it wasn't for his weakness Gray won't be laying here right now. So he's grateful for Gray.

To tell the truth, he wasn't sure if joining Gray was right or not. He knows that Gray used Tauriel to attract him only. But when Gray saved his life and took the hit from the Dragon. His idea changed. And accepted Gray on his heart as a friend and partner.

"Mr. Gray!!" The dwarves entered from outside and looked at Gray with happy faces.

When they were waiting outside, they heard the noise from inside. So they finally decided to enter the mountain and fight alongside Gray. But when they entered the treasure room. They saw a crazy scene.

Gray standing in front of the dragon, with his hand he thews a sword toward the dragon. And Legolas using the arrow to destroy the dragon heart.

This scene was just awesome. Their respect for Gray, Legolas and Tauriel raised so much.

Who is Gray? A friend who came with them along the journey and their savior who helped them take their home back.

Tauriel and Legolas are the warriors who killed the dragon alongside Gray. Dwarves even began to admire the elves who always hated.

"Well well, I'm fine I just need some rest" After greeting everyone Gray talked to them and soon they left the room to let him rest. Only Legolas and Tauriel stayed in the room.

"What's wrong Legolas?" Gray asked Legolas who seemed to have something he wanted to tell him.

"The human outside the mountain, asking Thorien to gave the part of the gold as he promised" Legolas said this with a weird face.

"The human?" Gray couldn't understand why are they here. Smaug didn't attack them and Gray told Bard that there should be Orc attacking. Why did they come here?

"And Thorin?" Gray asked about Thorin. When the dwarves came to him. He didn't see Thorin among them.

"He didn't agree. My father was right, those greedy dwarves can't be trusted" Legolas said this with a disdain look on his face.

Hearing Legolas answer, Gray sighed, For Thorin, Gray is not sure how can he help him. After thinking of this Gray suddenly asked; "How long did I sleep?"

"For one day, I did my best to cure your wounds and remove the dark poison from your body" Tauriel answered Gray.

When Gray heard her saying poison, he realized that she probably means the dragon blood that was inside him.

To be able to remove the dragon blood from his body. Elves medicine is really magical.

"Thanks for your hard work" Gray smiled and thanked Tauriel again. Even though he knows that the elven medicine is so strong, he doesn't think that's enough to remove the blood for his body completely. Tauriel has really done her best.

After realizing the whole situation, Legolas and Tauriel left the room so Gray can get some rest.

After staying alone, Gray thought of everything that happened. Then he looked at the ring in his hand.

This ring really surprised him. Gray originally believed that the ring would bring him some lateral support such as invisibility. But he never believed that he would have such a wonderful effect.

Magnify the Dark Powers! This ring thing is simply a Godly Artifact for dark power users.

To tell the truth, he didn't like the dark nature power before. But after realizing the ring effect. He changed his mind. He will travel to many worlds in the future. And there are many dark powers in many worlds. As long as it doesn't have a strong side effect like changing body parts Gray will Gladly accept them.

The reason he didn't try to copy the dragon blood because he doesn't want to become a monster. Along the journey, Gray caught many orcs and used them as test subjects. He copied many kinds of animals and insects genes to them. But the result was the same for all of them. all of them became weird monsters, more than they already are.

Became a monster for power? That not what Gray desire.

Gray looked at a gold coin on the table beside him and tried to control it. And found that he cant control gold anymore. Seeing this Gray realized that the change was because of the Dragon blood.

"Mehh... Sooner or later, I'll copy more perfect genes" Gray sighed and said. He didn't regret that he hasn't copied this world dragon. This is only the second world he crosses. In the future, he will copy more perfect genes from the dragon genes.

After chacking his Disks Gray found that nothing changed. Then he closed his eyes and fall asleep.

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